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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

a truth only based on ignorance and lies , like WMD in Iraq , that you all knew as fact. but when we ask for evidence , you guys can't provide it and when we show flaws in your logic and discussion you say it does not matter.
yes it does not matter because you guys prefer stay in your LaLa land than facing the truth
Fun fact, most people in Canada, the USA and UK didn't believe the government. In fact, the UK had record protests against the war.

More shit you're just going to ignore to suit your narrative.

Once again, you can pretend that Iran isn't providing weapons to Russia, but it doesn't matter in the end. We all know the truth, you pretending otherwise doesn't change that.

Russia is using Iranian weapons.
Mmh, how many and what weapons has "the West" left to send to Ukrain? Europe is nearly empty. So i dont think that the war will last another year.

Hö? Armata is already in Donbas, waiting on the Abrams which never will come :p:

View attachment 916016

Armatas already waiting in Donbas but Abrams never will come

The US has sent only a small percentage of its capability to Ukraine. Abrams and Bradley’s alone combine for over 10,000 vehicles and none of them have seen combat in Ukraine yet. US has at least 3,000 towed howitzers and another 1,000+ self propelled howitzers. They’ve sent 228 towed and 18 self propelled soon to arrive.

The US has sent about 20% of its 155mm stock and a quarter of its Javelins. In two years, US production of 155mm will reach 1.1 million per year.
Russia continues to target the Ukrainian energy facilities..Ultimately with the goal of completely paralyzing if not destroying the whole railroad network of Ukraine.. and too many other updates all over the front-lines..
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No i doubt that….
How much is USA deficit?
All countries run in deficit
It's foolish to run a surplus budget
Rubbish - Rubbish - Rubbish ….what can Russia do to Nato that it is already failing to do to Ukraine?????
What triggered you?
His points are from a neutral observer and are very much valid. It opens a debate that's all.
Being a fanboy to one party does not work. We have to see ground realities (I am not here to offend you btw).

Why Russia Is So Determined To Capture Bakhmut​

Damaged houses due to Russian shelling are seen through a broken window in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 24, 2023 (Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Damaged houses due to Russian shelling are seen through a broken window in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 24, 2023

Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

FEBRUARY 7, 2023 1:03 PM EST
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine approaches the one-year mark, all eyes are trained on one small, war-ravaged city: Bakhmut. There, in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, is where one of the fiercest and bloodiest battles of the war is currently playing out as Russia tries to achieve its first major battlefield victory since its capture of the eastern cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk over the summer.
Although Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described the situation on the frontline as “very difficult” in his Sunday evening address to Ukrainian citizens, Russian forces have yet to encircle the city.

This months-long battle for Bakhmut has come at the cost of hundreds of Ukrainian and Russian casualties per day, according to some estimates, as well as the city of Bakhmut itself. “Burnt ruins” is how Zelensky described it during one of his nightly addresses in December, the outcome of what has been likened to World War I-style trench warfare.
Russia’s offensive on eastern Ukraine, parts of which Moscow purported to annex in September, reflects Vladimir Putin’s long-held aim of capturing Ukraine’s eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, collectively known as the Donbas—a tall order that Russian troops have been tasked with achieving by March, according to Ukrainian officials.

TIME Person of the Year: Volodymyr Zelensky & The Spirit of Ukraine

0 of 6 minutes, 57 secondsVolume 0%

Yehor Cherniev, a Ukrainian lawmaker and head of the Ukrainian delegation to the NATO parliamentary assembly, tells TIME that although Bakhmut “is not of strategic importance” to Kyiv, they will nonetheless “try to hold it as long as possible.”
“We are gradually grinding down the most combat-ready units of the Russians,” says Cherniev. “Regardless of the future fate of Bakhmut, we managed to win precious time. In our next counter-offensive campaign, we will return much more.”
Here’s what to know about Bakhmut and its potential impact on the war.

What is the history of Bakhmut?​

Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this small city was home to a salt mining industry, a non-ferrous metal plant, a winery, and more than 70,000 people. Though it takes its name from the Bakhmutovka river, it was renamed Artyomovsk during the Soviet era, which stuck until 2016 when its original name was restored as part of Ukraine’s “decommunization” effort.
For residents of Bakhmut, their time on the frontlines didn’t begin in 2022, but in 2014, when fighting ensued between Ukraine and Russian-based separatists in the Donbas. Today, less than 1% of Bakhmut’s pre-war population remains in the city, living without power, water, or heating.
Ukrainian analysts review drone operators' footage near Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 6, 2023. (Nicole Tung—The New York Times/Redux)

Ukrainian analysts review drone operators' footage near Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 6, 2023.

Nicole Tung—The New York Times/Redux

Why is Russia fighting so hard over Bakhmut?​


If Moscow’s aim is to seize Donetsk and Luhansk by the spring, then capturing Bakhmut could be an important stepping stone in its eastern push. Michael Kofman, the director of Russia Studies at the U.S.-based Center for Naval Analyses, says that Bakhmut represents “a gateway” to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, both of which have been subject to recent Russian missile strikes.
Such an outcome is not necessarily imminent, let alone likely. Ukrainian and Russian forces have been fighting in the Bakhmut area since at least May. This long, drawn out battle of attrition gained Bakhmut outsized significance as a theater of war, especially as troops and resources began pouring into the small city. Bakhmut “has become this rallying cry in the Russian information space,” says Karolina Hird, a Russia analyst at the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for the Study of War, noting that the small city represents one of the few places where its forces have been making tangible gains. Among Ukrainians, “Bakhmut holds” has become a national battle cry.
But Russian forces have so far been unable to advance beyond the city’s urban outskirts, nor have they been able to disrupt the crucial ground lines being used to supply Ukrainian forces in the city. “We continue to assess that the imminent fall of Bakhmut through a Russian encirclement is very unlikely,” adds Hird—a prognosis that bodes poorly for Putin’s greater territorial aspirations in the region.
Emergency service workers extinguish a fire after shelling on the Bakhmut frontline in Ivanivske, Ukraine on Jan. 2, 2023. (Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Emergency service workers extinguish a fire after shelling on the Bakhmut frontline in Ivanivske, Ukraine on Jan. 2, 2023.

Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

What happens if Bakhmut falls?​

The fall of Bakhmut would be a modest tactical victory for Russia. But it would also be a pyrrhic one, given all the resources used. Indeed, Western officials reportedly estimate that the number of Russian troops who have been killed or wounded in the war so far is nearing 200,000, up from estimates of just 80,000 in August.
“In recent months, the Russians have been forced to spend a colossal amount of resources and reserves to take Bakhmut,” says Cherniev. “In this regard, our plan was a success.”
Hird and Kofman agree that while the loss of Bakhmut would be symbolically damaging for Ukraine, which is loath to cede any of its territory to Russia, it wouldn’t have a meaningful impact on Kyiv’s war effort. “Bakhmut in and of itself isn’t that significant,” says Kofman, noting that even if Russian forces were to march onward toward Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, they would run into yet another, even more fortified Ukrainian defensive line.
“It took Russian forces eight months to advance from occupied Popasna in Luhansk Oblast to their current position in Bakhmut,” says Hird, a distance of roughly 20 miles. With the journey from Bakhmut to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk taking closer to 30, only one outcome is guaranteed: “Months and months and months of grinding, attritional conflict.”
Bucha relatives gather to mourn the body of Oleksiy Zavadskyi, a Ukrainian serviceman who died in combat on Jan. 15 in Bakhmut, during his funeral in Bucha, Ukraine, Jan. 19, 2023. (Daniel Cole—AP)

Bucha relatives gather to mourn the body of Oleksiy Zavadskyi, a Ukrainian serviceman who died in combat on Jan. 15 in Bakhmut, during his funeral in Bucha, Ukraine, Jan. 19, 2023.

Daniel Cole—AP

What is the Wagner Group’s stake in the fight over Bakhmut?​

The Russian paramilitary group commands as many as 50,000 fighters in Ukraine who are deployed alongside conventional troops, according to Britain’s defense ministry. The vast majority of them are believed to have been sourced from Russian prisons. Though the mercenary group hasn’t played a widespread role in the Russian war effort so far, it claims credit for delivering Kyiv’s first major territorial loss in months with the recent capture of the salt mining town of Soledar, just nine miles north of Bakhmut.
Demonstrating military success may be politically essential for the Wagner Group—especially its leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is one of the most visible leaders of the war. His visibility is thanks in part to his frequent video commentary about the battle for Bakhmut on the messenger app Telegram, which has emphasized the Wagner Group’s role and at times even contradicted the Russian defense ministry’s own statements. In a January interview with TIME, Denis Korotkov, a former journalist for the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and current investigator for the London-based Dossier Center, argued that it’s essential for Prigozhin to continuously show that the Wagner Group can deliver wins, especially because Prigozhin is unpopular with other Russian dignitaries. “Any defeat could lead to the loss of Putin’s goodwill,” said Korotkov.
Read More: What to Know About Notorious Mercenary Organization ‘The Wagner Group’ and Its Founder
Wagner’s role as a proxy fighting force has been on full display in the battle for Bakhmut, where its mercenaries have been tasked with wearing down Ukrainian defenses in the run-up to an offensive by more conventional Russian troops, including Moscow’s elite VDV airborne force.
“The Wagner Group offensive on Bakhmut really culminated after they took Soledar,” says Hird, though she noted that “they haven’t really been able to make significant progress since then.” U.S. officials estimate that at least 4,000 Wagner mercenaries have been killed and a further 10,000 injured in Soledar and Bakhmut.

How is Russian media reporting on the battle for Bakhmut?​

Many news articles about the battle for Bakhmut published within Russia praise the Russian offensive and overstate its success and importance. Moscow owns or tightly restricts media published within the country. Many of these articles say, for example, that Russia launched the “special military operation” in Ukraine to “liberate” Donbas and defend it from the Ukrainian military. These articles also refer to Bakhmut by its Soviet name, Artyomovsk.
One article quotes the Wagner Group’s Prigozhin as saying that defeating Ukrainian troops in Bakhmut would “cut the Ukrainian offensive in any direction,” a claim that runs counter to what experts tell TIME.

Russian media has also spread what many experts say is disinformation related to Bakhmut. The state-owned RIA Novosti has repeated a baseless accusation from Denis Pushilin, the head of the separatist group Donetsk People’s Republic, that Ukraine used chemical weapons against Russian troops near Bakhmut.
LOL! Yeah sure like they are in Ukraine.

How is the lolling? And where are Abrams?

Russia?? Not so much. Its credit rating is down the drain.

At the moment Russia dont need a credit. Why would they even take one. They have only ~ 220 billion national debt.

Whereas US has 32 trillion (!) national debt...and thats why a lot of countries move away from dollar, even the big arab oil countries...

I lost track of what is going on in Ukraine in the past few weeks. Last thing I saw earlier today was that Ukrainian forces were being surrounded in Bakhmut and that Russians were preparing a large-scale offensive in Donbas and other regions.

Even with the massive NATO donations and weapons deliveries, familiarity with the land, supposedly greater civilian support for the Ukrainian army, you are hard-pressed to defeat/win a war against an adversary that is improving and learning (Russia) from its mistakes as well as heavily armed. Not to mention maybe the most important thing in the current arena of battle (massive direct troop engagements), numerical superiority and no respect/tactics to limit casualties from your side (Russia). A favorite tactic of post-1917 Russia that has proven successful in many arenas from WW1 and WW2 to nowadays in parts of Donbas.

Now if those countries (NATO) that are flooding Ukraine with weapons to help Ukraine, would send troops then the Russians would be royally screwed but that would most likely start the "real" war between NATO and Russia and it would not be a pretty sight for all of us. So here we are.

Who will blink first?
To make the story short: almost the entire Russia invasion army is annihilated. From the initial 200,000 men army there is nothing left. More than half of tanks and heavy equipment were destroyed.

What now coming from Russia offensives, they are resembled of weaklings, cowards, mobies, recruits, convicts, criminals, losers. People you better don’t want to meet them in daylight.

In terms of weapons, Russia T14 tanks will never see in mass production. They can’t build the tank engines. They can’t build the electronics. They can’t make the software.
To make the story short: almost the entire Russia invasion army is annihilated. From the initial 200,000 men army there is nothing left. More than half of tanks and heavy equipment were destroyed.

What now coming from Russia offensives, they are resembled of weaklings, cowards, mobies, recruits, convicts, criminals, losers. People you better don’t want to meet them in daylight.

In terms of weapons, Russia T14 tanks will never see in mass production. They can’t build the tank engines. They can’t build the electronics. They can’t make the software.

Totally agree !!!!

Some peope here have not being paying attention to the performance of the Russian Armed forces against the Ukrainan Armed forces who have been supplied with 2nd tier NATO systems ( except for Patriot(not in theater yet) and HIMARS ) with limited training opportunity for their personnel on those systems.

How can Russia be a threat to NATO? It is not. What does Russia have - other than "nuclear weapons" that is of threat and concern to NATO ? Nothing.. How can anyone extrapolate any other conclusion than this from what we have seen.

Russia is a spent military force. They have shot their best load, and the follow-up will have a lot less in it ...
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Why Russia Is So Determined To Capture Bakhmut​

Damaged houses due to Russian shelling are seen through a broken window in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 24, 2023 (Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Damaged houses due to Russian shelling are seen through a broken window in Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 24, 2023

Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

FEBRUARY 7, 2023 1:03 PM EST
As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine approaches the one-year mark, all eyes are trained on one small, war-ravaged city: Bakhmut. There, in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, is where one of the fiercest and bloodiest battles of the war is currently playing out as Russia tries to achieve its first major battlefield victory since its capture of the eastern cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk over the summer.
Although Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky described the situation on the frontline as “very difficult” in his Sunday evening address to Ukrainian citizens, Russian forces have yet to encircle the city.

This months-long battle for Bakhmut has come at the cost of hundreds of Ukrainian and Russian casualties per day, according to some estimates, as well as the city of Bakhmut itself. “Burnt ruins” is how Zelensky described it during one of his nightly addresses in December, the outcome of what has been likened to World War I-style trench warfare.
Russia’s offensive on eastern Ukraine, parts of which Moscow purported to annex in September, reflects Vladimir Putin’s long-held aim of capturing Ukraine’s eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, collectively known as the Donbas—a tall order that Russian troops have been tasked with achieving by March, according to Ukrainian officials.

TIME Person of the Year: Volodymyr Zelensky & The Spirit of Ukraine

0 of 6 minutes, 57 secondsVolume 0%

Yehor Cherniev, a Ukrainian lawmaker and head of the Ukrainian delegation to the NATO parliamentary assembly, tells TIME that although Bakhmut “is not of strategic importance” to Kyiv, they will nonetheless “try to hold it as long as possible.”
“We are gradually grinding down the most combat-ready units of the Russians,” says Cherniev. “Regardless of the future fate of Bakhmut, we managed to win precious time. In our next counter-offensive campaign, we will return much more.”
Here’s what to know about Bakhmut and its potential impact on the war.

What is the history of Bakhmut?​

Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this small city was home to a salt mining industry, a non-ferrous metal plant, a winery, and more than 70,000 people. Though it takes its name from the Bakhmutovka river, it was renamed Artyomovsk during the Soviet era, which stuck until 2016 when its original name was restored as part of Ukraine’s “decommunization” effort.
For residents of Bakhmut, their time on the frontlines didn’t begin in 2022, but in 2014, when fighting ensued between Ukraine and Russian-based separatists in the Donbas. Today, less than 1% of Bakhmut’s pre-war population remains in the city, living without power, water, or heating.
Ukrainian analysts review drone operators' footage near Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 6, 2023. (Nicole Tung—The New York Times/Redux)' footage near Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 6, 2023. (Nicole Tung—The New York Times/Redux)

Ukrainian analysts review drone operators' footage near Bakhmut, Ukraine, on Jan. 6, 2023.

Nicole Tung—The New York Times/Redux

Why is Russia fighting so hard over Bakhmut?​


If Moscow’s aim is to seize Donetsk and Luhansk by the spring, then capturing Bakhmut could be an important stepping stone in its eastern push. Michael Kofman, the director of Russia Studies at the U.S.-based Center for Naval Analyses, says that Bakhmut represents “a gateway” to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, both of which have been subject to recent Russian missile strikes.
Such an outcome is not necessarily imminent, let alone likely. Ukrainian and Russian forces have been fighting in the Bakhmut area since at least May. This long, drawn out battle of attrition gained Bakhmut outsized significance as a theater of war, especially as troops and resources began pouring into the small city. Bakhmut “has become this rallying cry in the Russian information space,” says Karolina Hird, a Russia analyst at the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for the Study of War, noting that the small city represents one of the few places where its forces have been making tangible gains. Among Ukrainians, “Bakhmut holds” has become a national battle cry.
But Russian forces have so far been unable to advance beyond the city’s urban outskirts, nor have they been able to disrupt the crucial ground lines being used to supply Ukrainian forces in the city. “We continue to assess that the imminent fall of Bakhmut through a Russian encirclement is very unlikely,” adds Hird—a prognosis that bodes poorly for Putin’s greater territorial aspirations in the region.
Emergency service workers extinguish a fire after shelling on the Bakhmut frontline in Ivanivske, Ukraine on Jan. 2, 2023. (Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Emergency service workers extinguish a fire after shelling on the Bakhmut frontline in Ivanivske, Ukraine on Jan. 2, 2023.

Diego Herrera Carcedo—Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

What happens if Bakhmut falls?​

The fall of Bakhmut would be a modest tactical victory for Russia. But it would also be a pyrrhic one, given all the resources used. Indeed, Western officials reportedly estimate that the number of Russian troops who have been killed or wounded in the war so far is nearing 200,000, up from estimates of just 80,000 in August.
“In recent months, the Russians have been forced to spend a colossal amount of resources and reserves to take Bakhmut,” says Cherniev. “In this regard, our plan was a success.”
Hird and Kofman agree that while the loss of Bakhmut would be symbolically damaging for Ukraine, which is loath to cede any of its territory to Russia, it wouldn’t have a meaningful impact on Kyiv’s war effort. “Bakhmut in and of itself isn’t that significant,” says Kofman, noting that even if Russian forces were to march onward toward Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, they would run into yet another, even more fortified Ukrainian defensive line.
“It took Russian forces eight months to advance from occupied Popasna in Luhansk Oblast to their current position in Bakhmut,” says Hird, a distance of roughly 20 miles. With the journey from Bakhmut to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk taking closer to 30, only one outcome is guaranteed: “Months and months and months of grinding, attritional conflict.”
Bucha relatives gather to mourn the body of Oleksiy Zavadskyi, a Ukrainian serviceman who died in combat on Jan. 15 in Bakhmut, during his funeral in Bucha, Ukraine, Jan. 19, 2023. (Daniel Cole—AP)

Bucha relatives gather to mourn the body of Oleksiy Zavadskyi, a Ukrainian serviceman who died in combat on Jan. 15 in Bakhmut, during his funeral in Bucha, Ukraine, Jan. 19, 2023.

Daniel Cole—AP

What is the Wagner Group’s stake in the fight over Bakhmut?​

The Russian paramilitary group commands as many as 50,000 fighters in Ukraine who are deployed alongside conventional troops, according to Britain’s defense ministry. The vast majority of them are believed to have been sourced from Russian prisons. Though the mercenary group hasn’t played a widespread role in the Russian war effort so far, it claims credit for delivering Kyiv’s first major territorial loss in months with the recent capture of the salt mining town of Soledar, just nine miles north of Bakhmut.
Demonstrating military success may be politically essential for the Wagner Group—especially its leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is one of the most visible leaders of the war. His visibility is thanks in part to his frequent video commentary about the battle for Bakhmut on the messenger app Telegram, which has emphasized the Wagner Group’s role and at times even contradicted the Russian defense ministry’s own statements. In a January interview with TIME, Denis Korotkov, a former journalist for the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and current investigator for the London-based Dossier Center, argued that it’s essential for Prigozhin to continuously show that the Wagner Group can deliver wins, especially because Prigozhin is unpopular with other Russian dignitaries. “Any defeat could lead to the loss of Putin’s goodwill,” said Korotkov.
Read More: What to Know About Notorious Mercenary Organization ‘The Wagner Group’ and Its Founder
Wagner’s role as a proxy fighting force has been on full display in the battle for Bakhmut, where its mercenaries have been tasked with wearing down Ukrainian defenses in the run-up to an offensive by more conventional Russian troops, including Moscow’s elite VDV airborne force.
“The Wagner Group offensive on Bakhmut really culminated after they took Soledar,” says Hird, though she noted that “they haven’t really been able to make significant progress since then.” U.S. officials estimate that at least 4,000 Wagner mercenaries have been killed and a further 10,000 injured in Soledar and Bakhmut.

How is Russian media reporting on the battle for Bakhmut?​

Many news articles about the battle for Bakhmut published within Russia praise the Russian offensive and overstate its success and importance. Moscow owns or tightly restricts media published within the country. Many of these articles say, for example, that Russia launched the “special military operation” in Ukraine to “liberate” Donbas and defend it from the Ukrainian military. These articles also refer to Bakhmut by its Soviet name, Artyomovsk.
One article quotes the Wagner Group’s Prigozhin as saying that defeating Ukrainian troops in Bakhmut would “cut the Ukrainian offensive in any direction,” a claim that runs counter to what experts tell TIME.

Russian media has also spread what many experts say is disinformation related to Bakhmut. The state-owned RIA Novosti has repeated a baseless accusation from Denis Pushilin, the head of the separatist group Donetsk People’s Republic, that Ukraine used chemical weapons against Russian troops near Bakhmut.
There are some motives behind the assault on Bakhmut, Soledar by the Wagner,
Strategic, both cities are unimportant. Prigoshin has financial motives, also he wants from Putin the recognition of the Wagner into the rank of Russia regular army. In doing so the ex Wagner will enjoy the status of veterans.

Being a veteran brings lots of benefits in Russia. Pensions, housing, healthcare.

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