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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

But there is a high demand for USA bonds and the dollar still.

Russia?? Not so much. Its credit rating is down the drain.
Yes..dollar is long due to USA ingenuity and smart power(brain drain from all over the world)

But we are talking about minor deficit

Russia can run on 20b$ and will do fine. Currently it is getting in excess of 100b$ in just oil income..just oil income get that sink in .

Countries like India have smaller budget then Russia with 20X more people to feed.

Russia has unlimited energy and food reserves
You need these two things basically to survive
Yes..dollar is long due to USA ingenuity and smart power(brain drain from all over the world)

But we are talking about minor deficit

Russia can run on 20b$ and will do fine. Currently it is getting in excess of 100b$ in just oil income..just oil income get that sink in .

Countries like India have smaller budget then Russia with 20X more people to feed.

Russia has unlimited energy and food reserves
You need these two things basically to survive
Its a $25 bln budget deficit in january alone. The ban and cap on refined oil products hasnt come into effect yet. Unlimted reserves or not, it doesnt matter if Russia is unable to export the amount needed to cover government expenses - unless Putin plans to pay his soldiers with crude oil and grain.
The russian budget law for 2023 assume an average crude oil price of $75. Russian crude is traded below $50 and it is not going above $60. The european natural gas export market is gone.
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a russian trench was overrun by Ukrainian forces

If this video is real then Russia have a problem bigger than the Ukrainian military..

They can't even dig trenches......The Trench was too shallow, it is at knee to waist deep, it usually needed to be chest to full body deep. Digging a waist deep trench give you neither cover nor concealment.

Also the trench is not reinforced, nor was it properly drained. If these type of trench is dug along the entire Russian line, then come spring it would be funny when the rain started to flood those trenches....

Man, this is like soldiering 101......

Its a $25 bln budget deficit in january alone. The ban and cap on refined oil products hasnt come into effect yet. Unlimted reserves or not, it doesnt matter if Russia is unable to export the amount needed to cover government expenses - unless Putin plans to pay his soldiers with crude oil and grain.
The russian budget law for 2023 assume an average crude oil price of $75. Russian crude is traded below $50 and it is not going above $60. The european natural gas export market is gone.

You need to stop talking economy to him, I did once only get a repsonse from him saying "Russia has been selling $10-18 a barrel in 1990s and turn a profit, they can last forever with oil currently at 84USD a barrel......."

Hostile military take over of territory is an act of war. Crimea had Russian soldiers in Crimea before annexation.

There have been Russians in Donbas for years, Russian soldiers have been illegally in Donbas during the Donbas war, directing operations and in military command. That is not a proxy war. Added to the crime of Russians occupying annexed land in Crimea. These Russian actions constitute war. There was no peace treaty after the Crimean annexation where Ukraine gave Russia annexed territory and peace.

Experts agree. Russia has been at real war with Ukraine since 2014.

Not a proxy war, the donbas separatist senior officers directing the war were Russian military.

By September 2015, the separatist units, at the battalion level and up, were acting under direct command of officers of the Russian Armed Forces.[576]

The separatists were essentially mercenaries for the Russian armed forces under the direct command of the Russian military directing the Donbas War.

The separatists and Russia were coordinating a war against Ukraine with direct russian military involvement donbas. That is not a proxy war.

Iran was arming Russia with drones during a war between Russia and Ukraine. Ukrainians get to determine how to respond.

A proxy war is where a nation "not directly involved in the hostilities" is using another nation to fight their enemy. Russian military was directly involved in the hostilities.

This donbas war was not a proxy war. It was a war between Ukraine and Russia.

Iran was arming Russia with arms during a war. Ukraine gets to decide Iran's punishment. They are the injured party.

Iranians would say, we didn't know, we believed Russia. Ignorance is not a defense, when the truth is available. Iran sided with Russia in believing in Russia. In vomiting Russian propaganda and talking points. As Iranians trolls do today.

So yes, after Iranian trolls waste my time, my original premise of Iran supplied arms to Russia while Russia was at war with Iran stands, as do my other comments.

Oh, wow look below at Iranian trolls vomiting more statements.
Russia loves to build military hardware

Russians always likes to fight Russians are a tough breed almost non-human

today kids in Siberia are being taught to defend the motherland against Hitlers children's

the brains are being reprogrammed like old days that the West once again threatens Russians security

Russia needs no help, not from China, North Korea or Iran

Russia is Russia they can fight and outbuild everyone, they dont even need to import anything
Lol you sound more like @Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen on this one to be honest. 🥴
Lol if they want to really be sovereign then they should leave E.U /NATO and join Russia's Eurasian union. Let's see how that goes for them..🤣 but we all know they wont, they are not that stupid. Lol So dont bother with this their constant talk/propaganda. Its all for political purposes. When it comes down to taking real actions to distance themselves from E.U/NATO they don't. None of them ever made any tangible move to leave this union. So just empty talk, just like Turkey has been doing with NATO but wont leave. Lol 😆
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At the moment Russia dont need a credit. Why would they even take one. They have only ~ 220 billion national debt.

Whereas US has 32 trillion (!) national debt...and thats why a lot of countries move away from dollar, even the big arab oil countries...

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“Soviet union does not need an economy to crush capitalists”

We saw how that went and we will see how this goes.

Deficit rising, credit rating down the drain, sanctions impeding many trade/tech, expenditure on military through the roof.
Not a sunny outlook.
In meantime Natos latest round of increased spending on military will completely dwarf Russias.

Not that the russians will have much of an army left at the current rate…
Iranians refused to stand with the genocided Crimean Tatars. Iranians refused to stand with the genocided Ukrainians.

Had multiple chances in the UN to vote with the genocided people. And either no vote to vote or abstained. That is worse than coward. That is not condemning genocide. To allow further genocide.

Chechens were genocided by Russians in the Russian Empire
Chechens were genocided by Russians in the USSR
Chechens were genocided by Russians in the Russian Federation twice

Iran is morally and ethically guilty for siding with Russians over Chechens fighting for freedom.

Iranians supported the start of the Second Chechen War by Putin, when Iranians were aware of the civilian death toll in the First Chechen War.

The First Chechen War was a double genocide, it was a genocide on its own, a continuation of the genocide of Chechens by Russians.

Iranians have a pattern to support Russian genocide, covertly or overtly.

You can sit out an opinion regarding war. You cannot sit out an opinion regarding a genocided people being ruled over by their genociders. To do so condones genocide.

Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians have been genocided by Russians; and Iranians are two faced liars (ie: Iranians lying that the Donbas war was only a proxy war, Iranians lying that the Iranians never supported Russia vs Chechens in the Second Chechen War, phrased in a way to bait the other party into lying, Iranians skillfully lie to defend genocide, that is diabolical).

When the Palestinians have been kicked out of Israel and only Arab Israelis remain, Palestinian Authority would oppose Israel getting kicked out of Israel because the Palestinian Authority supports Russians ruling over Crimean Tatars when Crimean Tatars have a chance of freedom from their genocidal Russian oppressors, to kick out the genocidal Russians from ruling over them.

Palestinians condone genocide:

Palestinians must be in the streets demanding the PA condemn genocide. To condemn Russian genociders ruling over those the Russians genocided.

Nations such as Azerbaijan, votes in the UN with regard to Russia are completely different.

The only nations with the right to abstain or no vote are those terrified and in fear of Russia.

Azerbaijan for instance. Russia is wanting to invade and treat Azerbaijan same as Georgia. Genocidal barbarian Russians could genocide them, if Azeris side against Russia. Russia is a clear and present danger to former SSRs and European states.

Iran is cheering for a Russian geopolitical victory for a Russian-led multipolar globe.

From Iranian state media (The Mehr News Agency is a semi-official news agency of the Iranian government):

Iran, Russia looking for new world order

That makes Iran on the side of Russia geopolitically. If you cannot put two and two together and arrive at 4. Then...

(1) Iran arms Russia in war with Ukraine
(2) Iran refused to condemn Russia in multiple UN votes (on defending genocided people)
(3) Iranians cheer to NATO Europe defeat at hands of Russia
(4) Iranians looking for a new global disorder with a Russian-led mulipolar system

Therefore covertly or overtly, Iranians are on the side of Russia.
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Soviet union does not need an economy to crush capitalists”

This sounds like Olaf Scholz and his gouverment team. Whereas the US - with 32 trillion dollar deficit - is still leading.

More disturbing execution videos from ukie animals.

This time the Russians have identified the war criminal. His picture, and all personal information has been released, along with a reward for his head

This dude is a dead man walking. He would be lucky to turn himself into ukie authorities, admit to his war crimes, and ask for prison.

I think fsb has a


Sergey Makarenko Anatolievich.
The war criminal even has his passport number in Russian fsb hands
Lol if they want to really be sovereign then they should leave E.U /NATO and join Russia's Eurasian union. Let's see how that goes for them..🤣 but we all know they wont, they are not that stupid. Lol So dont bother with this their constant talk/propaganda. Its all for political purposes. When it comes down to taking rel actions to distance themselves from E.U/NATO they don't. None of them ever made any tangible move to leave this union. So just empty talk, just like Turkey has been doing with NATO but wont leave. Lol 😆

Turkey is not the problem here and never has been, Europeans have been killing each other long before Turkey was part of NATO

WWI 40 million dead WWII 75 million dead and when not shooting each other Europeans go to Africa and Middle East to kill

its just part of European nature kill, invade and steal
Turkey is not the problem here and never has been, Europeans have been killing each other long before Turkey was part of NATO

WWI 40 million dead WWII 75 million dead and when not shooting each other Europeans go to Africa and Middle East to kill

its just part of European nature kill, invade and steal
And Russia is also a part, now they are sending Wagner mercenaries and their russian millitary commanders to subdue and hit Muslims of Africa

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