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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You did not read my earlier comments fully and you tried to assume things on your own.
Where did I said Russia was right? Or Russia was not criminal?
Saying Russia is bad does not make USA good automatically.
Both are just different sides of a single coin when it comes to their crimes against humanity.
It's just Russia is a tad lower because it did not have the might of USA.
USA on the other hand is in lived dozens and dozens of invasions in last 100 years and is involved in wars, political instabilities, genocides (it is still the largest backer of invader Isra-hell who is expanding its illegal occupation and genociding local Palestinians on daily basis), political associations, coups, regime changes and imposing their version of dictating democracy and a lots of others.
I never celebrated Rusaain invasion nor the killing of civilians, not even the killing of common soldiers from both sides. They were just bread earners and became cannon fodders.
I clearly said "AS WAR WAS INEVITABLE (USA needed that to control Russia) I am happy that it wasn't on Muslim lands as usually is the case always.
Ukraine, unfortunately is the new sacrificial goat and test bed for all old/new weapons of Russia, UAS and allies.
It still doesn't change the facts that Ukraine is fighting a defensive war and deserves all the support it can.

Also Russian entire history is mostly genocide & Imperialism. Fun Fact: Central Asian & the Caucasus are supposed to have a lot more muslims. Guess what happens to cause a huge population decline of the muslims populations?
And if you attack somebody for supporting idea against you you are aggressor. Your problem is that you don't get the concept that you don't attack somebody who is not neutral.
You can reiterate your absurd ideas but they won't become a reality.

By what I see it's you guys who support baluch terrorist group affiliated with isis as their base is in pakistan
a neutral country can never be attacked? You live in parallel universe. History is full of invasions of neutral countries. War happening with different reasons, but never with such thing as political neutrality.
By the way, R-37M is a great example of Russian deception, and hiding killer facts in broad daylight.

It was found out that R-37M is not an AWACS killer, but more of an all-rounder missile, with use against fighter jets being one of its primary tasks.

It pulls high-Gs, cannot be notched, and comes with a look-down capable active seeker (which you absolutely don't need for killing awacs aircrafts).

On the other hand R-37M is such a huge overkill for anything Ukraine flies.

This is to say that Russian was not preparing for a war with just Ukraine. That's 100% obvious by now. They planned on for a march to the West.
Seriously, whose side are they on? They are trying their best to sink Pakistan in any way they can.

Pakistan expects no US interference in Russia ties

Syed Irfan Raza Published January 31, 2023 Updated about 4 hours ago

<p>Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (R) and his Pakistan’s counterpart Bilawal Bhutto Zardari shake hands as they hold a joint press conference following their talks in Moscow on January 30, 2023. — AFP</p>

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (R) and his Pakistan’s counterpart Bilawal Bhutto Zardari shake hands as they hold a joint press conference following their talks in Moscow on January 30, 2023. — AFP
ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Monday expressed the hope that the United States would not interfere in growing bilateral relations between Pakistan and Russia.
FM Bhutto-Zardari was in Russia on a two-day official visit during which both sides, according to APP, agreed to pursue initiatives to deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields, including education, economy, energy and connectivity.
“As far as interference by other countries are concerned, I expect that they will not interfere in bilateral relations between Pakistan and Russia,” the foreign minister said during a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow. He was replying to a question whether Pakistan has managed to receive guarantees from the US that it will not block the [energy] deal or impose sanctions.

“We absolutely will do whatever is necessary to provide our people they require. The people of Sindh, Balochistan, South Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been devastated by a natural catastrophe and recent flooding have thrown up severe economic challenges and we will do whatever we can to reduce difficulties of poor people of Pakistan,” he added.
Bilawal, Lavrov agree to pursue education, economic and energy cooperation
However, the foreign minister evaded a question in what currency Pakistan would pay for Russian oil.
He said Pakistan could act as a bridge between super powers. “Pakistan sees itself as a bridge builder between super powers as we equally value our relation with the US and Russia.”
According to a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry in Islamabad, the situation in Afghanistan and cooperation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) were also discussed during the meeting before the joint presser.
Ukraine conflict
In reply to a question about the Ukraine conflict, Mr Bhutto-Zardari called for resolution of the issue through diplomatic means, saying that developing countries like Pakistan were facing consequences in terms of its economic impact, according to APP.

“We have a firm belief that all conflicts can be resolved peacefully and there are no obstacles which diplomacy cannot surmount. Ukraine conflict is no exception. Developing countries like Pakistan are facing negative consequences of the conflict in terms of economic impact,” Mr Bhutto-Zardari said.
He expressed the hope that the strong tradition of diplomacy of Russia would help achieve the peaceful resolution of the conflict.
The foreign minister said that Pakistan considered Russia an important player in the West, South and Central Asia, and it would keep up high-level contacts with it.

He said their friendly and detailed discussion encompassed all aspects of bilateral relations and regional matters. He said both countries were celebrating the 75th anniversary of their bilateral diplomatic relations and that Pakistan desired to strengthen its cooperation with Russia in the fields of trade, security, defence, counter-terrorism, education, and people-to-people contacts.
He also recalled the summit-level meeting between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Samarkand as well as the 8th Inter-Government Commission meeting held in Islamabad focusing on trade, economy, and energy cooperation.
Afghanistan situation
The foreign minister said that Pakistan and Russia had good cooperation on Afghanistan, and wanted to achieve common goals of peace and stability in the war-torn country.
In reply to a question about Russia-Pakistan military cooperation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia was satisfied over its military cooperation with Pakistan. He said the two countries were holding regular military contacts, including joint exercises and military training.
He said the elimination of terrorism from the region was directly linked with Afghanistan, and they had agreed to use the capacities of SCO, particularly its Contact Group on Afghanistan, for the purpose.
Mr Lavrov said that during their meeting they discussed building humanitarian, cultural, and educational links.
Published in Dawn, January 31st, 2023
Even if the number is correct that means little. War will continue. The killings will continue.
In real sense war is math. Ukraine goal must be killing as much Russians as possible, the West goal must be inflicting political, economic, financial, diplomatic costs on Russia as much as possible.
The question is when will this war become unsustainable for Putin?
I don’t think Russia can afford 500,000 dead Russians and one million wounded. Ukraine can.
Can't tell if they are happy or grimacing:-


Even if the number is correct that means little. War will continue. The killings will continue.
In real sense war is math. Ukraine goal must be killing as much Russians as possible, the West goal must be inflicting political, economic, financial, diplomatic costs on Russia as much as possible.
The question is when will this war become unsustainable for Putin?
I don’t think Russia can afford 500,000 dead Russians and one million wounded. Ukraine can.
Question is when will Putin go ballistic and nuclear?
Can't tell if they are happy or grimacing:-


Question is when will Putin go ballistic and nuclear?
Putin using nuclear weapons is a very possible. he is much a rat in the corner with no way out. I think he has already made the calculations what impacts would be. What would be Ukraine’s reaction and retaliation? What the US, the West, the East, China, India, Pakistan? The other nuclear powers?
You did not read my earlier comments fully and you tried to assume things on your own.
Where did I said Russia was right? Or Russia was not criminal?
Saying Russia is bad does not make USA good automatically.
Both are just different sides of a single coin when it comes to their crimes against humanity.
It's just Russia is a tad lower because it did not have the might of USA.
USA on the other hand is in lived dozens and dozens of invasions in last 100 years and is involved in wars, political instabilities, genocides (it is still the largest backer of invader Isra-hell who is expanding its illegal occupation and genociding local Palestinians on daily basis), political associations, coups, regime changes and imposing their version of dictating democracy and a lots of others.
I never celebrated Rusaain invasion nor the killing of civilians, not even the killing of common soldiers from both sides. They were just bread earners and became cannon fodders.
I clearly said "AS WAR WAS INEVITABLE (USA needed that to control Russia) I am happy that it wasn't on Muslim lands as usually is the case always.
Ukraine, unfortunately is the new sacrificial goat and test bed for all old/new weapons of Russia, UAS and allies.
“genocide” while the population of palestinians grows faster then Israel.
Even arabs inside israel grow faster.

Civilian deaths from 1 year ukraine is higher then 30 years “palestine genocide”.

But yeah…continue accusing us “biased” westerners while at the same time explaining that a palestinian muslim counts a thousand time more then an ukranian life…..
Ukraine needs overwhelming fire power. Either with low/medium accuracy thousands of cold war era howitzers. Or high accuracy tens of thousands of guided rockets/missiles. Or high accuracy tens of thousands of drone bombers. Or combined with lesser numbers.

Early in the war, Ukraine needed shoulder fired anti-tank weapons. That quickly changed to firepower for breakthrough. Those shoulder fired weapons are keeping a mechanized/tank invasion of Ukraine at bay. Though with the new human wave attacks, when Russia gets to a critical amount of troops, Russia could possibly defeat the Ukrainian lines with a combined infantry and vehicle attack.

Winning Bakhmut does not matter. Your tactics must be to punish the Russians for their attacks with heavy losses to Russian infantry and heavy weapons/equipment. And not much loss to Ukrainian soldiers and equipment. This is where artillery, drones and rockets help. You are killing the enemy with no loss to your own. A war of attrition on the Russian side as Russians send more doomed Russians to the front.

And hold Ukrainian positions as long as possible without loss of equipment or encirclement. To be able to fight again.

EU must rearm. They are 11 months behind schedule.
So would any other powerful belligerent enemy-"You do realise that if your country would ever fall under their control sphere and looks at them wrongly they would go all Grozny/Uyghurs on you?"
dont just blurt out generalizing statements that go completely against historical facts.

there are differences in ideology and actions. Factual measurements.
Just take the example on attacks on healthcare facilities that i gave. Of minority freedoms.

But please…go to china and start a salafi mosque and school while proclaiming your religion>>country or even oppose your host country (like so many here do like Dalit or Hassan). Lets see the result of that experiment.
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