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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

How is Putin going to “ban” oil exports to countries with price caps? .. selling below the cap. Lets see how the russians react to the cap on oil products. EU proposing a $100 cap on diesel. EU and G7 practically controls shipments of oil products.

looks like staged Russian fake news propaganda .. seems to have production values of a high school play……
Yes, its totally staged. No faces and no shooting .. why would the russians do any editing, while gladly posting themself mutulating prisoners and executing their own with a hammer.
Its about time the ukrainians start an orderly withdrawing from Bakhmut, if they havent already. I somehow doubt that many ukrainians actually defend the city itself anymore.
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If there is information that there is a military target of enough importance present, it is not a war crime to bomb civilians.

So why bleat like a goat when the Russians target Ukrainian military in civilian areas?! I mean talk about hypocrisy, you're showing the very same western hypocrisy that on the one hand illegally invades and kills civilians in Iraq, but the accuse the Russians when they do the very same thing!!!
German foreign minister: we are at war with Russia!!!!!

Somebody show that globalist traitor these Russian graffitti still remaining on the bundestag building from the last time Germany decided to go to war against Russia:

German parliaments russian graffitti from when soviet troops were there

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The only difference is:

Germany 1941 had by far the most powerful army on earth/ever assembled. With a legendary military culture.

“Germany” today is a globalist province, led by wef, murican think tanks, soros, aging country with a pathetic lgbtq tranny worshipping culture replacing theor old culture.

While Russia is armed with enough nukes to destroy civilization several times over. And remove germany from the face of the earth within a single day from a single buttton push from putin

I feel bad for germany. Good people like ich dont deserve this shit
He is free to move to russia.

Not sure if he will be drafted to fight in Ukraine.....lol :rofl: :rofl:
I mean starting as pilot trainee would require longer in training than let’s say from trained pilot. I am not military man at all, just talking from technical, engineering standpoint.
Here is the deal...

My first assignment was the F-111, which is a two-seater. Can the F-111 be flown by a single pilot? Absolutely, but he would not be effective at weapons delivery, which is on the Weapons Systems Officer (WSO) side. Can the F-15E Strike Eagle be flown by a single pilot? Absolutely, but same as the F-111. A new pilot assigned to either jet would be flying as a WSO for several months and with an experienced pilot/commander. Then once he is rated to be the left-seater or front-seater, he would be flying for several more months as a wingman. So by the time of about 18 months, he would be readied to fly lead. This is a peacetime flying tempo of 3 times a week.

What about the simulator? Sims are great but they are not the replacement for actual flying, and here is why...

When you are actually flying, you are eating up time and space. Assume you are approaching an airport and ATC advised that there is an approaching weather front, and you have 15 mikes to make a decision. In a sim, you can 'freeze' that time and your instructor will begin to teach you how to deal with that situation. What this mean is that the sims are best for the mental aspect of flying, as in how to figure out situations. Real flying is for both mental and physical. If the situation gives you 15 mikes, you have exactly that time to come to a decision. Sim time can be as long as you need to learn.

The Ukrainian pilots will not be new airmen fresh out of flight school. They will be in familiarization training, meaning they already know how to fly and flew with experience, now they will be learning the oddities of a new airplane. I know of no American pilot who could not adapt from centerstick to sidestick. Most likely, the Ukrainian pilots will be flying three times a week and sim twice a week. The sim time will allow them to learn the F-16's uniqueness for as long as each man needed until he is adept enough to work the F-16's cockpit on his own. For example, if the F-16's turn rate and radius are superior to whatever he used to fly before, the sim will allow him to 'freeze' the maneuver, either at entry or exit of the maneuver, so he can mentally adjust to the new performance envelope, and that will better prepare him for the physical part of adjusting to the same maneuver except faster and tighter than what he is used to. We have the best training regime in the world. The Ukrainian pilots will be trained with Red Flag conditions because the training squadron WILL have Red Flag grads available. We probably made the Nellis range available 24/7. Each Ukrainian pilot is motivated and will be combat ready in 6-8 months.

The Ukrainians do not need to dominate the air with the F-16s. They probably will not get enough to do so. All they need to be is like the RAF back in WW II -- pinpricks the Luftwaffe. And learn what we did in Desert Storm.

When I got orders to deploy to DS, everyone, aircrew and fixers, were told of this priority list:

- Aircrew survivability
- Aircraft recovery
- Target destruction

No pilot will do his mediocre if he believes Command values his life over the target. No one wants to return to the same target so everyone will do his best to destroy his assigned target, but at the same time, he will use all his skills and take calculated risks knowing that he is allowed to make his own margins of errors because his country cares enough about him. Our adversaries are known to never care about human lives. If the Ukrainians adopt the American priorities, they will be able to prolong the war despite being numerically inferior, and given the shiddy performance of the VKS, the Ukrainians may even turn the air war. For air-ground, the Ukrainians do not need to destroy every target. All they need to do is convince Russian ground troops that the VKS cannot be relied upon, and once uncertainty set in, ground movements will slow or even stop.

Poutine is in ill health and on his fifth war commander. The longer the war, the more vulnerable he is at home and the bolder his enemies will become. The F-16 will be an important contributor to Poutine's vulnerability.
I am pretty sure he will do.
He invades Georgia, Moldavia, Ukraine. What stopping him not to invade Poland, Baltic’s, Sweden, Finland? Its the NATO and military fist.
Putin pursues a nationalistic concept called “historic Russia”. He see Russians everywhere. Nation borders mean nothing to him. Putin is the brain child of Alexandre Dugin. A Russian brainwashed racist.
And if you attack somebody for supporting idea against you you are aggressor. Your problem is that you don't get the concept that you don't attack somebody who is not neutral.
You can reiterate your absurd ideas but they won't become a reality.

Pakistan should activate organise command and give weapons to all anti iranian groups because of continued iranian support of sedition terrorism sectarianism and separatism in Pakistan iran wants to merge Pakistan's balochistan with iran. In this case Pakistan has the full right to annex sistan balochistan and make it part of Pakistan
By what I see it's you guys who support baluch terrorist group affiliated with isis as their base is in pakistan
You obviously know very little about laws of neutrality.

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So selling arms or donating arms to a belligerent party is a violation of neutrality. Key word is ”supply arms”.
Minor violations should cause a warning, but repeated serious violation is cause for the use of force. The no longer neutral state can be attacked.

Since Iran has delivered arms to Russia, which is a grave violation of neutrality. Ukraine have the right to attack Iran to stop this.
Since NATO states are delivering arms to Ukraine in theory, Russia could attack NATO, but since Russia is fighting an illegal war of aggression, any expansion of the war would be as illegal.

If Russia still attacks NATO due to its arms deliveries, NATO have every right to attack Iran in a war of self-defense.
I ask you a question and you only bring that law of neutrality. Where in Un charter is stated. That you can attack somebody who is not neutral.

And you repeatedly failed to show any Iranian weapon delivered to Russia with production date after the start of war

You are just obsessed with and hurt by iran
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