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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well, classical trenchy. If you dont know or even estimate how many died or wounded already, then you dont know what capacity the enemy has left. And that can make things really bad for your own troops.
Dude, you NEITHER work for the Ukrainian or the Russian. So again, what good can your "estimate" gets? Unless you are claiming you have some sort of inside information only privvy to both Party, which I doubt you do,

In BDA we are taught to see how many reserve are being brought up, how many resource are being retained to make the best estimated number.

On the other hand, first of all, the entire Ukrainian armed force is probably around 700,000-800,000 strong, that number is based on the weapon supplied by the West and the reported stock at the beginning, couple with the list of active units, how much their logistic based, and how quickly they can be move and remove from battle by tracking their movement over in OSINT. Any more than 800,000 you are looking at these people will be fighting the Russian with their hand and fist. So they won't be able to sustain 350,000 loss and 800,000 + wounded. because you will need to defend EVERY part of the country, just because the battle is in the east does not mean you don't need troop to hold guard on every other front. Then you couple that with Russian inability to make gain, that mean whatever number killed for the Ukrainian they are still having similar number to the Russian, and we know from fact that they just put 300k mobilised men on the front, reality may be more but let's say it's just 300,000, so you are at least looking at that many defender so that Russia is not making big progress anywhere, couple with the troop Ukraine need to defend the entire country, if they have 350000 killed and 800000+ wounded, you are looking at a force at least 3 million strong. Which we know from the onset of war, there are only around 240,000. You are talking about expending 15 times the number in 11 months, that's not possible, even for more resourceful Russia.

But then, what I type is still BS, because no one but the Ukrainian knows their true strength, and I doubt they will tell anything about that to NATO, let alone you or me. So yes, you can go believe whatever number killed, that is nothing but a feel good number. that's why i have said many time, I don't do number, as it is pointless and that goes for both side.

And this is yours

Well, great success, great scores of killings, that’s why Putin changes military commander of the Russia invasion army faster than a Turkish carousel. Next mobilization is around the corner.

Gets real. The latest success is Soledar, a salt city, after months of attacks. the Wagner hooligans and rapists paid with their dead bodies, lost about 40,000 men. While the Russia regular army focus on to bombard schools, kindergartens, power stations. Great division of labor.
Well, Casuality Estimation is probably the hardest to get right, as I said, any "number" you can come up is a feel-good number only so there aren't much to talk about to start with.

But at the end of the day, people do stupid things. I mean if they want to believe 350,000 Ukrainian died and only 5k Russian gone? That hardly my business. They can go believe that, it just mean they will have a rude awakening with a surprise Pikachu face when reality hit.

Military analysis, like me, predict battle direction, outcome and support. those are parameter you can predict.
Dude, you NEITHER work for the Ukrainian or the Russian. So again, what good can your "estimate" gets? Unless you are claiming you have some sort of inside information only privvy to both Party, which I doubt you do,

In BDA we are taught to see how many reserve are being brought up, how many resource are being retained to make the best estimated number.

On the other hand, first of all, the entire Ukrainian armed force is probably around 700,000-800,000 strong, that number is based on the weapon supplied by the West and the reported stock at the beginning, couple with the list of active units, how much their logistic based, and how quickly they can be move and remove from battle by tracking their movement over in OSINT. Any more than 800,000 you are looking at these people will be fighting the Russian with their hand and fist. So they won't be able to sustain 350,000 loss and 800,000 + wounded. because you will need to defend EVERY part of the country, just because the battle is in the east does not mean you don't need troop to hold guard on every other front. Then you couple that with Russian inability to make gain, that mean whatever number killed for the Ukrainian they are still having similar number to the Russian, and we know from fact that they just put 300k mobilised men on the front, reality may be more but let's say it's just 300,000, so you are at least looking at that many defender so that Russia is not making big progress anywhere, couple with the troop Ukraine need to defend the entire country, if they have 350000 killed and 800000+ wounded, you are looking at a force at least 3 million strong. Which we know from the onset of war, there are only around 240,000. You are talking about expending 15 times the number in 11 months, that's not possible, even for more resourceful Russia.

But then, what I type is still BS, because no one but the Ukrainian knows their true strength, and I doubt they will tell anything about that to NATO, let alone you or me. So yes, you can go believe whatever number killed, that is nothing but a feel good number. that's why i have said many time, I don't do number, as it is pointless and that goes for both side.

And this is yours


No wonder that nothing works at NATO. These Numbers you gave are from the end of the 90s. In January 2021 Ukraine had 400000 Soldiers plus ~60000 paramilitary like Asov ect. and over 1 million reservists. And these all were in come to combat till August 2021. Plus the over a million what were forced recruit till today (in total 12 rounds of forced recruit).

Maybe western military use to much lipgloss like their generals to make things looking nice...
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Estimated around 80k Ukrainians killed, 3-4 times compared to russians

Russia can have several rounds of mobilisation. Ukraine already round up men on the street

No wonder that nothing works at NATO. These Numbers you gave are from the end of the 90s. In January 2021 Ukraine had 400000 Soldiers plus ~60000 paramilitary like Asov ect. and over 1 million reservists. And these all were in combat till August 2021. Plus the over a million what were forced recruit till today (in total 12 rounds of forced recruit).

Maybe western military use to much lipgloss like their generals to make things looking nice...

sure 1 million reservist. where are those unit come from?

Ukraine before 2022 have an order of battle of 40 Brigade distributed in this geographical location

Deployment Maps.jpg

4500 per Brigade, which mean 180,000 men, with around 10 TDF Brigade which made around 220,000 men strength

Azov is a National Guard BATTALION, it has a standard TO&E of 450, not 60,000. And there are no paramilitary, those are either absorbed into National Guard or TDF Brigade in 2021 military reform.

And yes, of course the 12 rounds of mobilisation, I don't know how or what do you think of mobilisation, I personally trained 1 rotation back in April, that take 6 - 7 weeks, this war is 11 months old, there are no way there are 12 rotations. that would mean 18 months, or 1.5 years.

sure 1 million reservist. where are those unit come from?

Ukraine before 2022 have an order of battle of 40 Brigade distributed in this geographical location

View attachment 913723

4500 per Brigade, which mean 180,000 men, with around 10 TDF Brigade which made around 220,000 men strength

Azov is a National Guard BATTALION, it has a standard TO&E of 450, not 60,000. And there are no paramilitary, those are either absorbed into National Guard or TDF Brigade in 2021 military reform.

And yes, of course the 12 rounds of mobilisation, I don't know how or what do you think of mobilisation, I personally trained 1 rotation back in April, that take 6 - 7 weeks, this war is 11 months old, there are no way there are 12 rotations. that would mean 18 months, or 1.5 years.


"In July 2022, there were 700,000 people registered in Ukraine's armed forces. That number increases to a million if the national guard, police and border guard are included, according to the country's defense ministry."

And now look at the numbers i gave. And then look at your glossy numbers.

Edit: lolling over lolling over your 200k something in Feb 2022

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Hmmm.... So US killing millions of innocent civilians around the globe (especially Muslim countries) is not relevant here? 😔😑
Muslim propagandists always speak of the US killing millions of civilians but are never able to back them up with facts.
When they try, they invariable count anyone killed in a war where the US is involved, as being killed by the US. I doubt that you will do better.
On top of that, to be a crime, civilians must be targetted.
A better idea however would be to stop derailing the thread.
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