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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Lool Germany has never been a reliable security partner. I also blame the US and UK for this, since after WWII they overdid it in putting Germans against anything military or defense. So we created a Germany that's against anything military related and even more so in supplying defence products abroad. So it's normal that Germany will be so unreliable as a military supplier despite their top of the lines weapons. If not for that, Germany alone if they put their hearts and mind to it fully can out-produce and out supply Russia anyday all by themselves. We wont even need other NATO countries to help Ukraine.
This is contrary to Japan, where the US didn't go overboard in shaping the country's establishment and people to be against anything military. So reason we see that Japanbusually takes measures to boost its defence spending and military equipments when they see a military threat coming from China or Noeth Korea. Unlike Germany who will remain lethargic despite Russias credible threats in Europe, in fact im sire Germany remain that way even if Russia was invading their eqsteen territory tomorrow 😂

Reason I belive all that talk of a sovereign European Army between E.U members states free of the US or U.K to some extent, is all bullshit. This Ukraine war has shown that E.U (especially the western ones) countries are not as reliable as they should be. AMONG wdstern powers it's the U.S and U.K(to a lesser extent relative to the U.S) doing much of the heavy lifting when shit hits the fan. So how can other E.U countries trust France and Germany to lead a European army? Lol Those who were reticent about a U.S critical role in Europe now understand that they cant count much on Germany and France. So this so called silly "True independent European army" to stand against Russia or even the U.S like french président Macron used to pushed for is death before it even started lol This war has shown who is who when shit goes down..
Totally agree with you on all this - when push comes to shove it is the uk and USA and now it seems also Poland?
Trump wants to russo-fy America and Russo-fy Europe with Putin.

Trump wants to destroy democracy in America and have Putin destroy democracy in Europe.


Russia is a Mafia state that seeks to rule over Europe in exporting the Russian criminal state to conquered territories.

Putin wants the territory of the Soviet Union, Russian empire, and Warsaw pact.

except the soviet union caved to democracy and let the cold war end with the collapse of communism. putins russia does not want to make the same mistake twice.
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There is a chance of partially annex if peace-negotiation are hold within the next weeks.

All other lead to an worldwide all in full war with nukes.
be realistic. the likelyhood Ukraine agrees to surrendering territory to Russia is 0.
Zelinskki will not survive. no ukraine politcians will survive. Ukraine as state will not survive.
we will see if nukes will be used. a nuclear exchange will work both ways. there is something called nuclear threshold. that´s about 400.
Russia will be annihilated.
then everybody will die even in India, China. the most safest places would be ASEAN and Australia.
All this tank talk is notihng more then propaganda and aimed at overshadowing the falling lines of Zaph and Around Bakhmut.. It is basically Western mental gynmnastics but 200 tanks ain't gonna do much that is like shipping in couple of M16s... Meaning they won't give you advantage or disadvantage they will burn and plus they are only 200..

But I guess the mental gymnastics have actully reached it's targetted goal which was 1. to increase the Ukrainian moral and make them focus on positive things 2. To distract from the falling lines in Zaph and around Bakhmut area
Russia will be forced to hit Ukraine from the North so that they can't concentrate all their troops in Donbass.

retreating from Kiev area was a mistake.. Russia will have to send in a wave of offensive from that direction to only cause supply chain difficulties for Ukraine which I believe will be the case so that they can seize more territories in the south and solidify it.. They can also add Dnipro to the list and couple of other southern regions.. That wave attack is a distract by putting Kiev at risk it will get Ukraine's most attention and then you can seize the south easily + avoiding Ukraine to concentrate their forces in Donbass.

After advancing in from the North just couple of months later Russia will hit Finland without anyone suspecting an offensive which I believe will come in my calculus Russia will hit Finland withnin months or max 1 year from now.. Currently for Russia everything is on the line.. Many of you will be surprised once you see Russian troops and Tanks rolling into Finland
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is Russia's current real plan?

Do they intend to fully or partially annex Ukraine?

Putin is a CIA agent who is working closely with the US to destroy Russian military and balkanize Russia.

There is a chance of partially annex if peace-negotiation are hold within the next weeks.

All other lead to an worldwide all in full war with nukes.

The war is limited to Europe and North America.

Let the nuke war start and let all colonial nations get decimated in the process.

South America, Africa and Asia will sit back and enjoy the show.
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You guys are aware that Ukrainian pilots have been training in the US to fly the F-16 for since Jul '22, right? I said a long time ago in the older thread that it would take months for Ukrainian pilots to learn how to fly Western fighters. They would not train the Ukrainians on the F-16 unless NATO is confident that F-16s would be transferred over.

Enough of this drama.

If US wants to continue as the world policeman then you better show the results.

People cannot wait decades for results.

We want to know when will Putin be hanged and Russia be balkanized.
Never, Putin won't take out the USA and USA won't take out Putin. Pompeo would not take out Trump buddy Putin. And Putin esssentially owns the Russia Republican Party, therefore no need to make enemies when Russia Republicans and the Kremlin are pals.

How the GOP Became the Party of Putin​

Republicans have sold their souls to Russia. And Trump isn’t the only reason why.

Jews have been a check to European imperialists for over a century.

Jews took down the Tsar. Jews promoted democracy. Jews promoted liberalism. Jews had the Frankfort School to divide the British influenced "culture" with multiculturalism. The only reason why Muslims are accepted in Europe is because Jews fear whites organizing among themselves, and doing antisemitism, Jews band with minorities to have protective barriers to racist nationalism.

Jews in politics being destroyed by Qanon (Trump/Putin), and being destroyed by the new zionism of Netanyahu and the far Reicher Putinites, is the end of the check on Entente (US, UK, Russia, Fr) imperialism.

Netanyahu embrace of white nationalism is the end of multicultural/wokeness. This is the re-do of the age of Atlantic/European Imperialism (British, Russian, French and American)

There is no check on the Entente, except the EU and NATO Europe. Destroy Europe and China is finished. China joined Team Putin and Team Tucker. So once Europe falls to the Russians, the various factions controlling the globe are in on it together to decide Pakistans fate, Chinas fate

Imagine the cold war years where US and USSR were on each others side eating up the globe together. Why fight, when you can share off stealing and raping and pillaging. Have Russia, France, UK and US carve China and have a feast eating China.

Trump wants to be partners with Russia, UK and a planned Le Pen France. To have the villains be the Germans and Muslims and Chinese. And China signed onto this plan with Putin because Chinese CCP are low IQ clowns.

This is the planned end of globalism. When an idiot says the WEF and globalism need to end, this is the planned replacement by Washington, only the Entente can have empire and start wars and steal. And everybody else is a zero class citizen.

Before America turns minority white, where WASP lose control of Washington, America wants to usher in an age of Entente Imperialism. And the destruction of Europe is part one of this world war. Then China and perhaps Iran.

How a Belarus invasion could turn the Ukraine war​

Lukashenko set to let Putin attack Ukraine from Belarus, which may or may not remain independent from Russia after the war


Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko pose on a yacht during a trip on the Black Sea on May 29, 2021. Photo: Sputnik / Sergei Ilyin

The government of Belarus, which during the past three years has moved politically ever closer to Russia, is under pressure from Moscow to deepen its involvement in the Russian war on Ukraine.

At issue is whether Belarus’s President-for-life Alexander Lukashenko will let Moscow’s armed forces launch from his country an assault on Kiev, Ukraine’s capital.

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to overrun the city. A drive on it would be part of a broader effort to take Ukrainian territory, some of which Russia won and then lost early in the war.

This month, Russia and Belarus began joint air and ground maneuvers, which are scheduled to end in early February. Ukrainian officials expect a major Russian offensive sometime thereafter.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu spoke with his Belarusian counterpart, Viktor Khrenin, by phone and Russian military officials are reportedly holding continuing talks in Belarus to work out conditions for using the country as a launching pad.

Belarusian officials reported vaguely that the pair discussed “progress in preparing” future permanent military cooperation. Last year, as the invasion got underway, Lukashenko permitted Russia to launch missiles into Ukraine from Belarusian territory and let some units invade on the ground.

Belarusian involvement in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Map: Wikimedia

He is resisting pressure from Putin to go beyond that and allow a large force of Russian troops to assault Kiev, which lies close to the border with Belarus. Ukrainian officials are convinced Russian troops will eventually invade from Belarus.

Colonel Oleh Zhdanov, a former operations officer in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, told reporters in Kiev that the Russians will make a “pincer attack” on the capital from the east and south. Ukraine is “watching Russian military constantly moving 10,000-12,000 men in Belarus,” he said.

Rustem Umerov, a Ukrainian legislator, added, “Russians are encircling us from 240 degrees, attacking from the Black Sea, from Belarus and the Luhansk and Donetsk regions” which lie to the east.

Russian troops arrived in Belarus last October. Their continuing presence has raised questions – and not only about their possible role in attacking Ukraine. Beyond that, they will probably stay on and present a new threat to the eastern flank of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Depending on where Russia places the troops and on their number and weaponry, they could menace NATO’s three Baltic Sea states – Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. On Polish territory adjoining the Lithuanian border is the Suwalki Corridor also called the Suwalki Gap, a land passage connecting the isolated Russian region of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea and Belarus.

“Such a move could dramatically increase the challenge NATO faces defending the Baltic States from future Russian attack,” asserted a report issued last December by the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank. It would put Russian mechanized units on both ends of the narrow Suwalki Corridor, across which “NATO supplies and reinforcements to the Baltic States” must pass.

Map: Twitter / Defense News

Lukashenko, rather than playing a second-fiddle ally of Putin’s, once featured as a statesman whose mission was to ease East-West tensions. In 2014 and 2015, he hosted peace talks in Minsk, the Belarusian capital, designed to end fighting between the Ukrainian government and separatists supported by Russia.

In 2020-21, Lukashenko battled mass anti-government protests at home, first against his decision to seek a sixth five-year presidential term and then on suspicions that the subsequent election was rigged.

Western governments imposed economic sanctions for “continuing attacks on human rights, fundamental freedoms, and international law,” according to a 2021 joint statement by the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and the European Union.

Lukashenko turned to Russia for succor. Putin responded with a promise to provide military help “if necessary.” Emboldened, Lukashenko jailed thousands of demonstrators and shut down the independent press and human rights organizations.

The political bill for this support is coming due. At Putin’s request, Lukashenko has permitted 11,000 Russian troops, already encamped at two Belarusian military bases, to hold joint military maneuvers with Belarusian units.

He has also gone out of his way to praise Putin, whom he called his “older brother” and thanked Russia for having “held out its hand to us” by providing Belarus with oil and gas at discounted prices.

“Russia can manage without us, but we can’t without Russia,” he said.

What might Putin eventually want from Lukashenko and Belarus? At least a staging area to host troops invading Ukraine, military observers say. One potential starting position for an assault on Kyiv would be eastern Belarus, closest to Kiev. But the area is swampy and contains no adequate military facilities where the Russians could encamp. They would have to build one.

Two other areas could serve as invasion platforms, one in central Belarus, out of range of Ukrainian artillery, and another at the frontier with Poland. Besides providing a site for invading Belarus, either would also create a new unwelcome reality for NATO: a Russian front facing Poland and the Baltic states near the Suwalki Corridor.

“NATO would have to think hard and fast about how to secure its ground line of communication through the corridor in such a scenario,” wrote ISW.

Lukashenko faces an existential geopolitical dilemma. Will his country continue to exist as an independent state after the Ukraine war ends?

“The absorption of Belarus into Russia seems inevitable if Russia is able to get its way in Ukraine,” predicted Samantha de Bandern, a French journalist and fellow at Chatham House, a British political analysis group.

Belarus has fallen into an “alliance trap” in which it may be unable to control its own future no matter if Russia wins or loses the war, said Anais Marin, another Chatham House fellow.

Ryhor Astapenia, who heads an analysis team on Belarus at Chatham House, laid out a series of scenarios, most of which spell doom for Belarusian independence:

  • Russia wins in Ukraine, and Belarus is swallowed up by a victorious “big brother”;
  • Ukraine triumphs, Russia retreats from efforts to restore some semblance of the former-Soviet Union and Belarus can try to make amends with the outside world; or
  • A defeated Russia angrily annexes Belarus as a kind of consolation prize.
“When we hear that Ukraine is in [Putin’s] sphere of influence – that he wants it to be — Belarus is as well; he cannot let it go,” says Tatsiana Kulakevich, a political scientist at the University of South Florida. “And it’s a very unfortunate situation because the Belarusian people cannot do anything.”

Military analysts are also fretting that Putin might launch nuclear bombs from Belarus into Ukraine.

A Russian dual-capable missile, the Iskander-M. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

“Once Russia becomes primarily a conventional threat that has to operate mainly on the conventional plane it must confront its almost insurmountable economic and demographic disadvantages,” wrote Frederick Kagan, a top ISW analyst. Among the options available to “mitigate” that outcome, Kagan said, would be to use nuclear weapons.

Under this scenario, Putin would hope to avoid retaliation aimed at the Russian homeland by launching a nuclear bomb from Belarus and letting Minsk suffer the consequences.

That may seem far-fetched but consider Western thinking during the Cold War. The allies considered what action to take if Moscow used a Warsaw Pact country as a launching pad to fire a nuclear-armed missile into Western Europe. The consensus was reached to strike back within the Warsaw Pact.

Lukashenko has publicly vetoed only one possible Russian military activity on Belarusian territory: the transfer to and use of nuclear weapons in the country. In a May interview with the Associated Press, he said such actions were “unacceptable.”

There is also the question of Moldova and Transnistria and where all this fits into the overall picture.
Also, Rheinmetall can deliver 139 leopards to Ukraine. Another 3 battalions.
That will take just several months to prepare for the war.

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Well, don't forget that whatever the number of tank the Ukrainian is getting, they will need to pull the existing people off the line and put them in Germany, US or UK for training to use them, they can't afford to pull a lot of combat power all in one go otherwise that will threaten their own defensive posture.

As I explained before, 150 tanks is quite a lot. You have 31 Abrams, 14 Leo 2 from Germany, 14 Challenger from the UK, 28 M-55S (which is sort of a quasi modern tank) and Biden was expecting Spain, Poland and Finland to donate 14 each, Portugal and Norway combine for another 14, making it at least 70 Leo 2. Biden expected 88 Leo 2 tanks, so number may vary. Even Australia is mauling on donating the M1A1 Abrams they are using to Ukraine. All 58 M1A1 Australian Army were using will become obsolete when the new order of 75 M1A2 Deliver in 2024.

Which mean the Ukrainian would have to pull 130-150 tank crew off the frontline, along with the crew destined for Bradley, AMX-10, CV-90 and Marauder all will be plugged from the line and train at the rear, I think that is the maximum number they can pull without harming their own number at the frontline. You are talking about almost Armour Division of men there, that's about 12,000 men of Tanker, Mechanic, Cavalry Crew, accompanied Infantry and so on. You can't use new crew because that would have taken them too long. So I suspect the Ukrainian will pull experienced unit like 5th Tank Brigade or 93rd Mech Brigade and rearm them with Western equipment

I think this tank deal will NOT be the only deal, there are going to be another one, but it would have to be rotated and waited after this current tank crew being reimplemented into the line before they can pull another 130 or so crew out to train for their new toy.
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Zelenskyy LOL moment

In an interview with Sky News Kay Burley, Burley asked "Now Abrams tanks are coming from the US and Leopard Tank are coming from Europe, you must be relieved?"

Zelenskyy replied "Not Yet" and the surprise Pikachu face for seemingly not knowing German Ok'ed Leopard 2 Transfer...

LOL, Zelenskyy found out Germany has ok'ed Leo 2 Transfer from a live Sky Interview...
Also, Rheinmetall can deliver 139 leopards to Ukraine. Another 3 battalions.
That will take just several months to prepare for the war.

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how many usa can provide but won't ?

Zelenskyy LOL moment

In an interview with Sky News Kay Burley, Burley asked "Now Abrams tanks are coming from the US and Leopard Tank are coming from Europe, you must be relieved?"

Zelenskyy replied "Not Yet" and the surprise Pikachu face for seemingly not knowing German Ok'ed Leopard 2 Transfer...

LOL, Zelenskyy found out Germany has ok'ed Leo 2 Transfer from a live Sky Interview...
once a comedian always a comedian .
also after later zelensky demanded long range missiles and aircrafts
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how many usa can provide but won't ?

Again, it's not about how many US is willing to provide, but how many men can Ukrainian pull from the Frontline, they are facing a Russian offensive soon, US can spare up to 1500 Abrams but would Ukraine be able to pull the number of crew from the frontline to train on them is another issue.

They already need to pull almost a division from the frontline for the number they are going to get now, That's a big chunk of manpower.

once a comedian always a comedian .
also after later zelensky demanded long range missiles and aircrafts
He is going to get F-16, most likely A-10 as well.

Ukrainian are known to already been on F-16, A-10 simulator for a while now, they are rumored to already have been training in Nellis AFB which host both F-16 and A-10 Training Squadron since Summer 2022. US won't do that if those transfer are not certain.

As for long range missile, they most likely already have them already, I don't really buy into the Russian saying those attack o Engel 2 Air Base and Crimea were done with 1970 era Soviet drone.

Russian Air Defence may be laughable, but I don't believe it's that incompetent, to a point it reach retard level to have allow 1970 era drone to attack strategic asset like that.
He is going to get F-16, most likely A-10 as well.

Ukrainian are known to already been on F-16, A-10 simulator for a while now, they are rumored to already have been training in Nellis AFB which host both F-16 and A-10 Training Squadron since Summer 2022. US won't do that if those transfer are not certain.

As for long range missile, they most likely already have them already, I don't really buy into the Russian saying those attack o Engel 2 Air Base and Crimea were done with 1970 era Soviet drone.
well honestly i would preferred it was Mig-29 or Su-27 .
you can train on simulator for a year , but will it be comparable to experience you actually gained over years using the real system . ukrainian actually have that experience with su-27 and mig-29
wonder if there is not enough country around the world who are willing to exchange them with F-16?

I'd have done that without blinking the eye if such offer was made and I knew i can have access to reliable sources for maintenance
well honestly i would preferred it was Mig-29 or Su-27 .
you can train on simulator for a year , but will it be comparable to experience you actually gained over years using the real system .
wonder if there is not enough country around the world who are willing to exchange them with F-16?
I have source in Nellis saying they are already on an Actual F-16 and A-10, they are training alongside the US flight crew. The news they were on Simulator are made around April/May last year. The Training in Nellis is reported by many source as well, even @gambit was talking about it earlier today.

As for how many, don't forget US has passed a 40 billions Ukrainian support bill and the drawn down act. US can provide new F-16V to Ukraine if they want for 130 million a piece, so they can probably send 2 squadron, and if the new 43 billion bill is passed by Congress (Dem control the senate so they will pass the senate) then they can provide another 2 squadron or 24 planes. But more than likely US will pull stock from Monthan-Davis boneyard and MLU them and send them to Ukraine. That will done with a fraction of a cost than sending new. They can probably send 4 squadron with around 10 billions dollars.

The US can refeb something like this

These F-16 was just pulled from service 3 months ago and US can work on them with minimal money and time and send them to Ukraine. US have a lot of spare F-16 to go around, probably more than M1 Abrams in storage.
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