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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The German Army has approximately 300-400 tanks in its inventory. I find it hilarious the pressure that's being put on them while those moaning like Americans have thousands currently active and in storage rotting away. But sure, let's take it from the Germans from their limited numbers.

Don't think the west is calling Germany to send in their tanks, they are asking for German to okay Leopard 2 being transferred to Ukraine, that does not necessarily German Leo 2.

The Ukrainian needed 200-300 tanks (500 if you ask me) And they will make up that number if German allow export licenses for Poland, Sweden, Netherland Czech and Slovakia transfer those tank. Germany most likely don't even need to send a complementary squadron like the British.
Don't think the west is calling Germany to send in their tanks, they are asking for German to okay Leopard 2 being transferred to Ukraine, that does not necessarily German Leo 2.

The Ukrainian needed 200-300 tanks (500 if you ask me) And they will make up that number if German allow export licenses for Poland, Sweden, Netherland Czech and Slovakia transfer those tank. Germany most likely don't even need to send a complementary squadron like the British.

Germany's exports depend primarily on Leopard 2. No way Germany allows any country to send Leopard 2 to Ukraine. Reputation is all that matter. Turkish army Leopard 2A4 had performed poorly in Syria against ISIS.
Don't think the west is calling Germany to send in their tanks, they are asking for German to okay Leopard 2 being transferred to Ukraine, that does not necessarily German Leo 2.

The Ukrainian needed 200-300 tanks (500 if you ask me) And they will make up that number if German allow export licenses for Poland, Sweden, Netherland Czech and Slovakia transfer those tank. Germany most likely don't even need to send a complementary squadron like the British.

Why the NATO states can’t reactivate older types of Tanks such as Leopard 1 and M-60 (of course the upgraded versions).
Good to know arttacking reporters are allowed if they are not in your camp . later may come handy
The way she dressed does NOT looks like a reporter to me. She looks like a Russian Soldier.


Reporter dressed like this


Mind you, even in the above photo, that journalist Stuart Ramsay still got shot in the hand when the Russian Ambush the car they are travelling in.

Why the NATO states can’t reactivate older types of Tanks such as Leopard 1 and M-60 (of course the upgraded versions).
Time is one factor, even assume you have ready to use stock stored somewhere, it take times to "reboot" those tank into serviceable condition. We had hundreds if not thousands of M-60 Patton stored in National Guard depot, but those are to be used as target drone, not for combat service, for the US to refab those tank it will take months and a lot of effort to make them combat ready, you will have to rework the gun, see if the targeting system works, and make sure that engine, transmission and the track are okay, even with simpler tanks like T-72, it will take roughly 3 months just to do that.

Also, you may not have spare parts to service those old tanks anymore, so once they broke down, they are gone. I mean US had not make any spare part for M-60 for almost 2 decades, if they were to transfer M-60, it would most likely be plugging from existing stock with Turkey, Egypt or Israeli, but I doubt all 3 would have given up their M-60 Tanks or thier parts.

I imagine the same problem with Leo 1.
The way she dressed does NOT looks like a reporter to me. She looks like a Russian Soldier.

View attachment 912572

Reporter dressed like this

View attachment 912573

Mind you, even in the above photo, that journalist Stuart Ramsay still got shot in the hand when the Russian Ambush the car they are travelling in.

did i talked about she being hit by shrapnel ? you are a soldier , can you blame an army if shrapnel of a shell hit anybody . for Gods sake the one who fired it probably didn't knew she was there .

now the question , go to tweeter and look at the people response to it . they certainly knew who she was ands what was her occupation , how they reacted to the news?
here on this forum how glad the people who post the news were , and honestly tell me do you believe if the girl worked for Ukraine propaganda machine , the reaction would have been the same , when Fox reporter injured in Ukraine how was the reaction ?
did i talked about she being hit by shrapnel ? you are a soldier , can you blame an army if shrapnel of a shell hit anybody . for Gods sake the one who fired it probably didn't knew she was there .

now the question , go to tweeter and look at the people response to it . they certainly knew who she was ands what was her occupation , how they reacted to the news?
here on this forum how glad the people who post the news were , and honestly tell me do you believe if the girl worked for Ukraine propaganda machine , the reaction would have been the same , when Fox reporter injured in Ukraine how was the reaction ?
If whoever fire it probably don't know she was there then how do you supposed to separate Reporter to soldiers? Actually, scratch that, how do you even know there is a reporter in the area? I don't think Russia will send advance notice on their whereabout of their journalist to the Ukrainian.

If it was me, even if I saw her, I will still drop 120 on her, again, she does not dress like a Press Officer or Journalist.

And then even if you do, you would still attack. Did you watch the Sky News video I attached? Read the comment on that Steward Ramsay video and tell me what kind of reaction it was? And tell me would it be the same if Steward Ramsay works for RT instead of Sky News?

Dude, you are pissed about troll being troll, it's not like there are no internet troll in Russia.

Also, I am pretty sure that was a gunshot, not a shell.

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