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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

44 civilians killed in the Russian high rise terror attack.

That's a tradition. If one reads the details below, one sees Russian nature of fighting wars has not changed a bit.


No wonder Putin needs another round of mobilization. He used up lots of minorities, Muslims, prisoners and mentally disturbed. Who's to to be used in the next round?

So, the so called denazifying army uses Nazi tactics. No surprise there. Because if Putin really wanted to destroy Nazis, he would have started with countless Nazi - fascist organizations within Russia.
They wouldn’t. They freely took a joy ride to Iraq to kill. Let’s not forget the stark difference in treatment Ukrainians received versus other refugees entering other Eurozone countries. You think if things go down, they'll care about olive-skinned Palestineans.

Anyways, it seems the Ukrainians are also recruiting child soldiers. The comment is funny though; cause she's throwing praise. Had this been a Russian video, she’d be on her menstrual cycle swearing at Putin.

As Jon Kerry once said, If you don't study you end up in Iraq like @gambit and @jhungary

So kids should focus on studies.
Putin will end “special military ops” shit talk and declare war against Ukraine in the coming says, according ISW.

With official war declaration Putin will authorize the second wave of mobilization, and a total war. Should mean the entire economy works for the war.

Despite some success at Soledar, Bakhmut fronts Ukraine army is on offensive on the north and southern front, Russia on defensive. Putin facing increase of pressures of hardcore nationalists to escalate the war.

It will make not much difference except getting more meat for the grinder - as Russia's best is gone - both in men and materials. Russia will struggle to up her military production due to sanctions and poorly trained soldiers wont last long. Russia has run out of top-tier equipment.
I hope the Ukrainians feel for the plight of the Palestinians , this song very much applies to the Ukrainians:-

Chechnyans definitely feel for the plight of Ukrainians. After all, Putin employs exactly the same strategy in Ukraine. Only difference is, unlike Chechnyans, Ukrainians are not alone.

They freely took a joy ride to Iraq to kill.

Like Saudis in Yemen?

Turkey in Libya?

Iraq in Iran?

Russians in Afghanistan?

Russians in Chechnya?

Russians in Idlib?

Qataris in Syria?

Russians in Bosnia?
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Russian steamroller is finally starting to fire on all cylinders…


North Korean and Iranian armament and equipment?

Male prisoners?

Female prisoners?

Is there any cylinder left other than sending human waves and bombing civilians?

Maybe one more left: Iranian morality police and basij -- Once they are done with killing young girls on the home turf.

Russia - Iran. Pot finding its kettle.
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North Korean and Iranian armament and equipment?

Male prisoners?

Female prisoners?

Is there any cylinder left other than sending human waves and bombing civilians?

Maybe one more left: Iranian morality police and basij -- Once they are done with killing young girls on the home turf.

Russia - Iran. Pot finding its kettle.
Prigozhin, the chief of Wagner hooligan army is Russia’s biggest hero and Putin’s darling. He conquering the salt city for Putin when Russia army failed.
Yes, Prigozhin reportedly even seeking female prisoners in Russia prisons to send them for terror and sabotage missions in Ukraine.
Prigozhin is making a big business in Russia. His hooligans army are a listed private company PMC Wagner.
Terror, killing, rape seem a good business model in Russia today.


Prigozhin, the chief of Wagner hooligan army is Russia’s biggest hero and Putin’s darling. He conquering the salt city for Putin when Russia army failed.
Yes, Prigozhin reportedly even seeking female prisoners in Russia prisons to send them for terror and sabotage missions in Ukraine.
Prigozhin is making a big business in Russia. His hooligans army are a listed private company PMC Wagner.
Terror, killing, rape seem a good business model in Russia today.

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The mercenary group seem to be seeking recruits in other countries, as well:

Now we have Serbian nationalists fighting for Putin's righteous war in Ukraine.
If Russia invades Pakistan would you sit idle?or a robber comes into your house? would you not run into a kitchen and take the biggest knife?
Ukraine defend itself against foreign aggression they don’t have any choice. Russia hooligans and rapists do have a choice. They waste worthless their lives in trenches.

I ask for both sides of a story and your bias opinion comes to the fore. If you have nothing but emotional rant to post best not to post
Have a nice day
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