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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It will take shorter than 10 year.

I am not the one who declare Kherson is FOREVER RUSSIA.

The Russians will leave Ukraine eventuality, at the end of the day. otherwise will be no peace. The Russians MUST go, including the Wagners, the Patriots, the Chechens, the mercenaries, the hooligans, the rapists, drug addicts, the separatists and all others.

There is no other option.
Its well known that this year the alternate gas supplies held up pretty well: more than half winter is gone and 90% of winter use still available.

But also the picture for next year looks good: winter season can end with as much as 65% of supply available making next year's picture look healthy.

Alternate LNG supplies working well and only get better as more terminals get built.

The Russians overestimated Europe's reliance on Russia's gas and the leverage.

Was this worth it: in a dream scenario that Russians re-capture what they had in June, this structural change they caused is permanent and Russia's economy will never be what it was.

They have strategically and permanently destroyed what they had in modern times: energy as a source of income.

Yes China and India may purchase, but it will always always be a sharp discount.

Putin has lost the gas war against Germany​

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Andrey Gurkov
13 hours ago13 hours ago
Russia can no longer use its natural gas to blackmail Berlin. Germany has filled its storage facilities without Gazprom's help, and it's prepared for next winter as well, writes Andrey Gurkov.

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Cartoon of a metal gas-pipeline dragon breathing fire over a rural landscape.

The Russian gas dragon no longer strikes fear into German hearts. (Cartoonist: Sergey Elkin) Image: DW
It would be premature to talk about Russian military defeat in Ukraine. But Vladimir Putin has lost the gas war against Germany — that much can already be said for certain. Germany has the largest natural gas storage capacities in the whole of the EU. And if these are still more than 90% full in mid-January, at the height of the heating season, it means the loss of Russian gas supplies no longer constitutes a threat.
When Russia invaded Ukraine almost eleven months ago, Germany was importing more than half its natural gas from Russia. Blackmailing Germany was therefore the centerpiece of the economic pressure Moscow piled on the European Union, aiming to undermine European support for the Ukrainian people and their army.

Germany is in its fifth month without Gazprom​

The plan has failed. Germans are not freezing in their homes; they have not been forced to shut down their factories. Politicians in Berlin are no longer afraid that Moscow could take revenge on Germany and bring the country to a standstill. No — Germany itself renounced coal and crude oil from Russia as part of the EU sanctions, and since the end of August it has not received any natural gas from Gazprom, either.
Gurkov Andrey

DW's Andrey Gurkov
In other words, Germans have been living without gas from the supposedly indispensable Russian pipeline for five months now — and Europe's largest economy appears to be coping well. Yes, a recession is still anticipated; that would not be surprising, given the collapse of decades-old supply chains and the explosion of energy prices. But indicators increasingly show that the downturn will probably be fairly mild. Even the record inflation is slowing.
Meanwhile, Berlin is expanding its military support for Kyiv, which can be seen as further, indirect evidence of the failure of Putin's "gas special operation." In early January — when Germany was storing gas for the third week in a row, most uncharacteristically for the time of year — the German government changed its position and was finally persuaded to deliver armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. Heavy battle tanks may follow; discussions are already underway.

Regulatory authority gives the all-clear​

In further evidence that Putin has lost the gas war, the German economy and population have been given an unequivocal all-clear by two sources at the same time: the state regulatory authority, and an industry association.
First, the Federal Network Agency officially announced that "a gas shortage this winter is becoming increasingly unlikely." In a newspaper interview, the head of the agency, Klaus Müller, added that he now expects gas prices to stop fluctuating and stabilize around the current level. This is still considerably higher than before, but far lower than the record levels seen in the summer. At these prices, the energy-intensive sectors of German industry "could finally work on gaining ground again," Müller said.
Shortly afterward, INES, the Association of German Gas and Hydrogen Storage Operators, presented scenarios for 2023 at its monthly press conference. Assuming normal weather and temperatures, the fill level at the end of this winter would be 65%, he said. That would be an extremely comfortable starting point for gas storage during the summer months, and for ensuring fill levels of 100% as early as September.
In other words, industry experts are assuring German businesses and households that they need not expect any problems with gas reserves either this winter or next — provided "the current heavy reductions in consumption are maintained."

Gazprom has lost its largest sales market​

However, INES experts also modeled the worst-case scenario: if the weather turns particularly cold, and the availability of liquefied natural gas drops massively as a result of sudden, very high demand from Asia, and Russia simultaneously halts all gas supplies to Europe, which requiries Germany to share its reserves in solidarity with other EU countries. Yet even in such a scenario, Germany does not need to fear gas shortages in either the current heating period or the next.
Essentially, these two all-clears are convincing confirmation that Putin really has lost his gas war. Germany is starting 2023 without Russian gas, and with no need to worry about the loss. This is precisely the Kremlin's defeat: Russian natural gas is no longer an effective weapon against Germany. This loss has even more far-reaching consequences: The state-owned company Gazprom has lost its most important foreign sales market. Just one year ago, a quarter of all its exports were sold to Germany.
This article has been translated from German.

The russians even adapted to the ukrainian air defence by seemingly abandoning its terrorbombing of civilian infrastructure. Very creative.
The person was right, they are adapting very well. Each adaptation means a new military commander is brought in to replace the previous one that was fired.

Are you playing dumb or you are?
There is no reason to give F-22 or F-35s when more HIMARS is doing the job just fine. Most people don't drive a porsche because the car they own does the job just fine.
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You better believe me when I say Russkies are right inside Ukraine to stay... Nothing is gonna change that nothing....
You are believed. Lets shut this thread and just believe that Russians have won, game is over, and Russia was legitimate to occupy Ukraine.

What I don't understand is why doesn't adopt US's colonial model which is to have the people enough incentives that they WANT to be part of that country. Puerto Rico is a good example.

No the Russian way is that we are going to shoot you into wanting to be part of our orbit and if you don't we will attack you. This 1800 model of ruling over does not work any more

Oh, I have done the math, And here are the results, Russia is inside Ukraine and is there to stay, No NATO is ever gonna drive Russia out of Ukraine. Amreeka should send F35s to drive Russia out after all it's sending other little shiny toys why not F35 too? will send Russia packing.. No....
Did you know Math in the 1980s or when the Soviets left Afghanistan? Or those were abacus days and Math didn't exist
Yes it’s about a brigade or 1,000 Ukraine defenders. The Wagner is like a zombie army, at Soledar they attack Ukraine defense in waves of humans, no matter the costs. They go by foot, no tanks, no armor vehicles.
The Wagners won’t survive even if they can capture the place. The city is totally destroyed. There is no foods, no waters, no electricity, no nothing.
Ukraine long range artillery will kill them its a matter of days.

Their fanaticism reminds of ISIS terrorists in Syria. As if they really believe in Russian Orthodox Jihadism and martyrdom. I wonder if Putin feeds his cannon fodders with narcotics.
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I like ToS1A thermobaric plopping up in the hundreds in Bakhmut, open up the whole ukro defence line in depth.

"What reserves doing?" will be the ukro standard text on social media.

The Ukrainians pretty much battle of sommed the entire Russian Wagner group.

Me think the "ukro" Will have no problem killing Russians without resorting to heavy artillery.
It will take shorter than 10 year.

I am not the one who declare Kherson is FOREVER RUSSIA.

God I hope it's longer. I'm not done seeing Russians getting killed.

I want Ukraine to be another Afghan for the Russian I want at least 1mil minimum Russian killed in this war.

And also seeing Puting getting strung up in the street like Mussolini is also good.
What legit security concern?? I can tell you this, the "Legit" concern existed AFTER this war. When NATO once again expanded.

NATO have 3 borders with Russia - Alaska (USA) Estonia (EU) and Latvia (EU) before the war. Now potential maybe 4 (+ Finland)

NATO have 30 states before the war, now potentially 32 or even 33.

NATO are not going to position nuclear weapons in Latvia and Estonia, now they may, which bring the entire Ukraine issue pointless because Latvia and Estonia are closer to Moscow than Russia.

Ukraine was not going to join NATO, they were going to join the EU. Before the war, less than 30% (like around 28%) of Ukrainian wanted to join NATO, now over 70% want to join NATO.

On the other hand, even if Ukraine want to join NATO, do Russia have a say in it? Ukraine is not a Russian Puppet, nor under any control like they were back in the Soviet Union, this is diplomatically a non-issue here, because you are simply asking for Ukraine to become an Russian puppet instead of being an American one, I mean, what's the different if I use the same argument on you and say why not US invade Ukraine when they are under Russian influence when you use the same reason that we use to demonise Euromaidan? The only difference is, as far as I can see, Euromaidan is an internal issue, while Russia is invading a foreign nation. That's about the only difference it was.

Sir, I beg to differ..

The way NATO has expanded in last two decades is against the agreement if I remember.

Just a example - Nepal is neutral but what if they will decide to join NATO and NATO can position missiles against China....

Do you think that china will be watching silently?

Russia never felt threat from Ukraine borders but zelensky is desperately wanting to join NATO against Russia.

USA and NATO, are not saint, they have killed many people for oil, and other strategic advantages and benefits..... Not long before such TALIBAN terrorist's were used to enjoy coffee in white House.

My point is very clear... zelensky is not a hero but a culprit. Doesn't not matter who will win and looser in this war will be only Ukrainian people end by suffering. Again USA will be a beneficial, as usual fighting a war against Russia by using satellite state called ' Ukraine ".

zelensky should have chosen diplomatic solution with Russia.

Last time USA used Pakistan as satellite state to fight a war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan..... Once they achieved desirable success, they left the afghanistan and Pakistan is a mess....
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What legit security concern?? I can tell you this, the "Legit" concern existed AFTER this war. When NATO once again expanded.

NATO have 3 borders with Russia - Alaska (USA) Estonia (EU) and Latvia (EU) before the war. Now potential maybe 4 (+ Finland)

NATO have 30 states before the war, now potentially 32 or even 33.

NATO are not going to position nuclear weapons in Latvia and Estonia, now they may, which bring the entire Ukraine issue pointless because Latvia and Estonia are closer to Moscow than Russia.

Ukraine was not going to join NATO, they were going to join the EU. Before the war, less than 30% (like around 28%) of Ukrainian wanted to join NATO, now over 70% want to join NATO.

On the other hand, even if Ukraine want to join NATO, do Russia have a say in it? Ukraine is not a Russian Puppet, nor under any control like they were back in the Soviet Union, this is diplomatically a non-issue here, because you are simply asking for Ukraine to become an Russian puppet instead of being an American one, I mean, what's the different if I use the same argument on you and say why not US invade Ukraine when they are under Russian influence when you use the same reason that we use to demonise Euromaidan? The only difference is, as far as I can see, Euromaidan is an internal issue, while Russia is invading a foreign nation. That's about the only difference it was.

Sir, I beg to differ..

The way NATO has expanded in last two decades is against the agreement if I remember.

Just a example - Nepal is neutral but what if they will decide to join NATO and NATO can position missiles against China....

Do you think that china will be watching silently?

Russia never felt threat from Ukraine borders but zelensky is desperately wanting to join NATO against Russia.

USA and NATO, are not saint, they have killed many people for oil, and other strategic advantages and benefits..... Not long before such TALIBAN terrorist's were used to enjoy coffee in white House.

My point is very clear... zelensky is not a hero but a culprit. Doesn't not matter who will win and loose in this war because only Ukrainian people will be end by suffering. Again USA will be a beneficial, also as usual fighting a war against Russia by using satellite state called ' Ukraine ".

Last time they USA used Pakistan as satellite state to fight a war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan..... Once they achieved desirable success, they left the afghanistan and Pakistan in a mess....
Sir, I beg to differ..

The way NATO has expanded in last two decades is against the agreement if I remember.

Just a example - Nepal is neutral but what if they will decide to join NATO and NATO can position missiles against China....

Do you think that china will be watching silently?

Russia never felt threat from Ukraine borders but zelensky is desperately wanting to join NATO against Russia.

USA and NATO, are not saint, they have killed many people for oil, and other strategic advantages and benefits..... Not long before such TALIBAN terrorist's were used to enjoy coffee in white House.

My point is very clear... zelensky is not a hero but a culprit. Doesn't not matter who will win and loose in this war because only Ukrainian people will be end by suffering. Again USA will be a beneficial, also as usual fighting a war against Russia by using satellite state called ' Ukraine ".

Last time they USA used Pakistan as satellite state to fight a war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan..... Once they achieved desirable success, they left the afghanistan and Pakistan in a mess....

What the heck is with India being a Russian dick rider? Is this a bit or what? The Russians are raping children in Ukraine. This is basic moral issue. Either you side with good or evil.

The so called "agreement" Has never been ratified. It's pretty much just a verbal promise and it's with the Soviet Union. Not the Russian Federation.

Also who are you to judge a country's foreign policy? If they want to join NATO just let them.

And the Russians are worse than the american. So what's your point here?
God I hope it's longer. I'm not done seeing Russians getting killed.

I want Ukraine to be another Afghan for the Russian I want at least 1mil minimum Russian killed in this war.

And also seeing Puting getting strung up in the street like Mussolini is also good.

Dude, you guys are getting an enormous beating. Get off the high horse.
Sir, I beg to differ..

The way NATO has expanded in last two decades is against the agreement if I remember.

There were no agreement between Soviet Union (Or to some extend, Russia) for NATO not to expand according to the person who negotiate with NATO. Mikhail Gorbachev, in fact, in his interview, this was not talked about at all.

M.G.: The topic of “NATO expansion” was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility. Not a singe Eastern European country raised the issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991. Western leaders didn’t bring it up, either. Another issue we brought up was discussed: making sure that NATO’s military structures would not advance and that additional armed forces from the alliance would not be deployed on the territory of the then-GDR after German reunification. Baker’s statement, mentioned in your question, was made in that context. Kohl and [German Vice Chancellor Hans-Dietrich] Genscher talked about it.

Just a example - Nepal is neutral but what if they will decide to join NATO and NATO can position missiles against China..
Do you think that china will be watching silently?

First of all, how would Nepal join NATO? NATO stand for NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION. Nepal weren't in th North, nor at the Atlantic.

On the other hand, if US want to deploy Missile in Nepal, or Japan for that instant, do you think they will need Nepal of Japan to join NATO in order for them to do that??

On the other hand, what can China really do? Invade Nepal?? Or does it even give them right to invade Nepal? Who, as a neutral sovereign nation, making foreign relation decision on themselves, sure, if Nepal "Join" NATO would be bad for China, does that really give China the casus belli to invade tho? How about Philippine want to join NATO? How about Vietnam want to join NATO ? How about India want to join NATO?? Or on the other hand, if Canada want to join SCO or CSTO, does that make US right to invade and more importantly, ANNEX, part of Canada?

Russia never felt threat from Ukraine borders but zelensky is desperately wanting to join NATO against Russia.

Again, Zelenskyy wanted to join EU, in fact, there were not even a majority NATO following before this boil up back in Dec 2021 when Russia is poised to attack Ukraine.

2012 - 13%
May 2014 - 33%
Dec 2014 - 44%
Nov 2015 - 46%
Jun 2017 - 47%

Then finally goes over 50 in 2020

Jan 2020 - 51%

And hold there, until Russian Invade

Dec 2021 - 54%

And increasingly as the war grind on.

Feb 2022 - 62%

and finally, in Oct 2022

Oct 2022 - 82%

My point is very clear... zelensky is not a hero but a culprit. Doesn't not matter who will win and loose in this war because only Ukrainian people will be end by suffering. Again USA will be a beneficial, also as usual fighting a war against Russia by using satellite state called ' Ukraine ".

This "war" only happens because Russian invaded. This war will be over, if Russian leave, again, how does it when you are accusing the west of the same thing the Russian does here, I mean, according to your logic, I would say Maidan is completely legit then, because Ukraine stays in Russian domain hurt Western Interest. Hence justify the West interference, this is the same argument you have.
Last time they USA used Pakistan as satellite state to fight a war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan..... Once they achieved desirable success, they left the afghanistan and Pakistan in a mess....

So? Does that mean you can ignore sovereign nation's own Foreign Relation policy? I mean, if they (Afghanistan and Pakistan) want to be chess piece, that's their business, no? Does that give India, China, Iran to dictate Afghanistan and Pakistan foreign policy? If so, again, the same argument but different direction apply, if that mean India, China and Iran can dictate Pakistan and Afghanistan policy, why not US and NATO then??
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What the heck is with India being a Russian dick rider? Is this a bit or what? The Russians are raping children in Ukraine. This is basic moral issue. Either you side with good or evil.

The so called "agreement" Has never been ratified. It's pretty much just a verbal promise and it's with the Soviet Union. Not the Russian Federation.

Also who are you to judge a country's foreign policy? If they want to join NATO just let them.

And the Russians are worse than the american. So what's your point here?

Such a soft critcism for ally India. That is to be expected from the Western quarter. I am glad India has revealed it's "balanced" approach to the Western powers. LOL what can the West really do? No regime change in India for such transgression?

As if that will make any difference.

Sir, I beg to differ..

The way NATO has expanded in last two decades is against the agreement if I remember.

Just a example - Nepal is neutral but what if they will decide to join NATO and NATO can position missiles against China....

Do you think that china will be watching silently?

Russia never felt threat from Ukraine borders but zelensky is desperately wanting to join NATO against Russia.

USA and NATO, are not saint, they have killed many people for oil, and other strategic advantages and benefits..... Not long before such TALIBAN terrorist's were used to enjoy coffee in white House.

My point is very clear... zelensky is not a hero but a culprit. Doesn't not matter who will win and loose in this war because only Ukrainian people will be end by suffering. Again USA will be a beneficial, also as usual fighting a war against Russia by using satellite state called ' Ukraine ".

Last time they USA used Pakistan as satellite state to fight a war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan..... Once they achieved desirable success, they left the afghanistan and Pakistan in a mess....

India deserves full points here. The way India has managed to balance relationship between the West and Russia is nothing short of phenomenal.

Just compare India and Pakistan. In Pakistan, the army initiated regime change on the request of papa America. A well documented fact. India on the other hand reaps full benefit. A strong economy. Strong leadership. Unity among the armed forces and the political leadership. The Western powers are merely spectators as India decides it's independent foreign policy. Pakistan is in tatters. It's so-called Western allies have a hate relationship with Pakistan. Pakistan receives pledged loans after devastating floods from it's Western allies LOL India is a major power and it will succeed irrespective of Western meddling. Simply because India has an independent foreign policy. Well done India.
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Western journalist at its best.

Russia's humiliating U-turn as Wagner mercenaries take credit for capture of Soledar​

Kremlin had claimed its 'brave paratroopers' had seized town but was forced to backtrack

LOL... Shall this be a humiliation for Ukraine forces for losing Soledar? Nobody cares about you use mercenaries of whatever method. Whoever flag ,flags at that town. That is the point decide who is the victor.
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