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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

When Russia is kicked out please come back visit this thread...

Russia has time. They are on the second day of a three-day campaign and there has been no mass mobilization. Only couple of Russians are dead and that's because they stampeded when running en masse along the main street in Kyiv. Unfortunate for a humanitarian like Putin. To wit, in Chechnya, during the war, he did not kill a second half of the population.
Well, me was not allowed to vote if i want to be a part of EU or not.


In other european countries the people were allowed to vote, vote against (in some countries vote even three times in a row against EU), but the govs said that this votes have no meaning and join the EU anyway.

So the EU and all what is behind it is illegal.
What is legal and illegal is not based on your opinion.
It is based on the constitution of your country.
Not every country allows referendums to have the final say on an issue.
You are in your full right to form a party which drives the issue of leaving the EU.
That you failed to do so is your personal problem.
Western journalist at its best.

Russia's humiliating U-turn as Wagner mercenaries take credit for capture of Soledar​

Kremlin had claimed its 'brave paratroopers' had seized town but was forced to backtrack

LOL... Shall this be a humiliation for Ukraine forces for losing Soledar? Nobody cares about you use mercenaries of whatever method. Whoever flag ,flags at that town. That is the point decide who is the victor.

Wagner chief's own tweet blamed Russian army for trying to steal their victory. What's wrong if people think this is news worthy? Or, do you want Western journalists act like the Chinese journalist (party mouthpieces)?
Well, i give you the info you dont have

1. The US did a coup in 2014 in Ukraine
2. After the coup the new illegal gov decides to erease all what is russian in the country, beginning with the language and culture.
3. A lot of Ukraines, espacially millions in the east Ukraine/Donbas, did not accept that and hold referendum to leave Ukraine.
4. The US-coup-gov decides to kill all pro russian in Ukraine and bomb and kill and harm tens of thousands of civilists in east Ukraine and also in the south/southwest Ukraine.
5. Then Russia try to install a peace treaty with the help of Germany and France to end the killings in east Ukraine, called Minsk I and Minsk II. Ukraine signed both, but still kill civilists in east Ukraine.
6. Then, after 8 years of killing civilists in east Ukraine by forces of the Ukraine, Russia decides to end this genozid and use military force for this.
7. Meanwhile France and Germany, in form of Hollande and Merkel some weeks ago, officially said that Minsk I and Minsk II are only tools to get time for the US to build up Ukraine military against Russia.

So all you wrote on this point is officially declared as a lie.
Let me inform You.
  1. Russia attempted a coup in 2014 In Ukraine by bribing the president.
  2. The parliament and the president agreed to hold new early elections
  3. Ukrainans demonstrated on Majdan
  4. Russian FSB killed both civilians and policemen,
  5. The parliament started the impeachment process against the president
  6. The president fled the country with the help of FSB, stealing billions of dollars
  7. The Ukrainan parliament elected an acting president, and announced the new elections. The president remained president until the end of his term.
  8. Russia invaded Crimea and held fake elections followed by an illegal annexation
  9. Russia started an insurrection in Donbass using the Russian Army soldiers and heavy equipment, led by Russians.
  10. The insurrection ethnically cleansed Donbass from pro-Ukraine citizens.
  11. The law that favoured the Ukrainan language in favour of the Russian language was struck down in the Supreme Court.
  12. The Russian Army genocided civilians remaining at home behind Ukrainan lines.
  13. Russia refused to allow Ukraines borders to be reinstated and kept their Army inside Ukraine violating the Minsk II agreement.
  14. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 in an illegal war of agression.
Then Russia try to install a peace treaty with the help of Germany and France to end the killings in east Ukraine, called Minsk I and Minsk II. Ukraine signed both, but still kill civilists in east Ukraine.

Moscow formally said they did not recognize Minsk II.

The US did a coup in 2014 in Ukraine

People rose against corruption.

2. After the coup the new illegal gov decides to erease all what is russian in the country, beginning with the language and culture

Russia periodically ethnic cleansed minorities in the Caucasus. This is a fake argument to start an invasion.

3. A lot of Ukraines, espacially millions in the east Ukraine/Donbas, did not accept that and hold referendum to leave Ukraine.

Fake referendums. Besides, would Russia allow referendum in Dagestan and Chechnya?

6. Then, after 8 years of killing civilists in east Ukraine by forces of the Ukraine, Russia decides to end this genozid and use military force for this

Russia first needs to account for the genocide in the Caucasus. This is the same Russia which denies the massacre in Bosnia. Besides, if there's a genocide, it is the UN to decide, not Russia.

7. Meanwhile France and Germany, in form of Hollande and Merkel some weeks ago, officially said that Minsk I and Minsk II are only tools to get time for the US to build up Ukraine military against Russia.

Because, everyone knew Russia was building for an invasion. Russia tried to buy time by first signing agreements and then rejecting compliance.
The Russians will rebuild and try to keep pushing again to get more territories. They want to wipe out Ukraine.
Russia already offered ceasefire if ukriane accepts annexation
So you are just making up stuff

Ukriane position is that Russia should also leave Crimea

So ukriane will fight untill Crimea is taken with USA/UK tax payer money
Russia attempted a coup in 2014 In Ukraine by bribing the president.

Ukraine FIRST tried to get help from the EU cause of insolvency of the Ukrainien state. They asked the EU and the US for 15 billion credit for to hold up the function of the Ukrain state.

But US said NO and the EU said "tütelütetü we only will give you 6 billion but you have to be member of the EU first".

And AFTER Ukraine tried all to get help from the "West", but didnt get any, THEN they asked Russia for a credit!

And Russia said "ok, we give you the money but you as Ukraine have to be neutral, no EU and no NATO".

The Ukraine said "yes" and get the money from Russia and prevented insolvency, prevented to be a failed state.

THEN the US did a coup in Ukraine what lead to the situation what it is today.
USA did coup in Ukraine. USA did coups in Asia too, that means Europeans can annex the countries that USA does coups against, according to stupid communist CCP "reasoning".

Zelensky, whether you like him or not, along with pro-Europe political parties, won Ukraine by a landslide. Including in some of the annexed areas.

So the nonsense about the USA does coups allows Russia to annex Ukraine is nonsense. The USA did terrorist attacks in Italy, to defeat communists and leftists in Operation Gladio and other cia operations. That does not mean Italy wants to be annexed by another genocidal supa powa Russia. Ukraine should be free as Germany should be free. Free from USA and Russia. I spoke of Europe between the hammer (Russia) and the anvil (USA), and the mods gave me an infraction for attacking both Russia and the USA. This thread is according to PDF only for pro-USA or pro-Russia. If you hate both USA and Russia and are pro-Europe, your posts get deleted by Mods.

If Russia does coups against Germany, that does not mean USA is greenlighted to annex parts of Germany to defend from Russia. This is stupid mentally retarded "reasoning" that because the USA does coups, then Russia gets their old Russian Empire land again. Both are bullies, both don't care about the fate of Europe. Both don't care about Ukrainians.

Ukrainians voted over 70% pro-Europe political parties in first and second round in the 2019 elections. They moved beyond the USA cia coup. Ukrainians want to join the EU and be part of the family of Europe. That is if democracy and free speech matter to Chinese communists.
Three-quarters of Ukrainians support reforms for joining European Union

Three-quarters of Ukrainians support reforms for joining European Union​

Do Trump and Russia Republicans want Ukraine to join the EU, no. Trump and Russia Republicans want to weaken the EU and have Ukraine side with Russia, despite popular approval in Ukraine for joining EU.

The USA does not care about Ukraine. The USA did not care about Ukrainians when the cia did their coup. The USA cares less about Ukrainians today. And you would have to be an idiot to not acknowledge that Russia cares less about Ukrainians than Trump and Biden after witnessing this war.

Trump, Tucker and Putin are on the same side.
It is too late now...

Russia was giving the warning since very long and Zelensky never tried to address it.
There could be a diplomatic solution if Zelensky not decided to seat on USA table. Ukraine was never in position to face a direct war with Russia.
Zelensky might getting the false insurance and it caused this bloody war... It could have avoided by Zelensky since Russia was having legit security concerns.

Except Ukraine wasn’t allowed in Nato and Ukrainie got rid of all its nukes. Sorry to spoil your narrative - but Ukraine was no threat to Russia at all. Russia promised to leave Ukraine alone in the deal which removed the nukes. And then promptly broke the agreement twice. First with Crimea , then with the rest of Ukraine.
God I hope it's longer. I'm not done seeing Russians getting killed.

I want Ukraine to be another Afghan for the Russian I want at least 1mil minimum Russian killed in this war.

And also seeing Puting getting strung up in the street like Mussolini is also good.
Russia economy is collapsing. Russia car market returns to the stage 50 years ago. Other sectors of Russia economy look terrible. Even oil and gas. Without investment without technology Russia oil and gas industry is finished. Putin is Russia’s biggest enemy it’s just propaganda that makes him great. Putin makes Russia to a beggar, to the most sanctioned, most isolated country in history in a shortest possible time span.
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