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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Dude, you guys are getting an enormous beating. Get off the high horse.

From who? Not from Putin that's for sure.

Also who cares as long as the war still continues & Ukrainian kills more Russians.

Western journalist at its best.

Russia's humiliating U-turn as Wagner mercenaries take credit for capture of Soledar​

Kremlin had claimed its 'brave paratroopers' had seized town but was forced to backtrack

LOL... Shall this be a humiliation for Ukraine forces for losing Soledar? Nobody cares about you use mercenaries of whatever method. Whoever flag ,flags at that town. That is the point decide who is the victor.

LOL this is a humiliation on the national level. I guess this is too high IQ of a concept for the Chinese to grasp.

That means the Russian State have to rely on the private sector to eke out a victory.

How do you think Putin or the Russian armed forces feel after being humiliated by prigozin here?

Prigozin pretty much admit to himself that the RuAF are incompetent.
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Ukrainians don't take rejection easily:

Poor taste; even the Pakistanis never stooped that low.

What the heck is with India being a Russian dick rider? Is this a bit or what? The Russians are raping children in Ukraine. This is basic moral issue. Either you side with good or evil.

The so called "agreement" Has never been ratified. It's pretty much just a verbal promise and it's with the Soviet Union. Not the Russian Federation.

Also who are you to judge a country's foreign policy? If they want to join NATO just let them.

And the Russians are worse than the american. So what's your point here?

The term siding with "good or evil" is very subjective in our era as it's determined by the interests of nation-states states rather than moral decisions. No one decides unless there is a substantial benefit. Yours and mine interests will vary to a degree. You might have more interest in Russia losing the conflict than me; who doesn't give two shits how many white boys die on the continent. You are interested in stopping Russia in Ukraine; I want this to spread in Europe. Your interests and mines will guide our part. Who's right and wrong makes no difference, as we each believe in our own higher purpose.

The Russian Federation is the successor state of the Soviet Union; had it not been so, they wouldn't have gotten to keep their Security Council seat.

No one is judging; you have to bear the consequences. It's part of the game, and they should've read the rules. But, of course, anyone with two neurons working saw this coming.
The Russians being Russian as usual.

Poor taste; even the Pakistanis never stooped that low.

The term siding with "good or evil" is very subjective in our era as it's determined by the interests of nation-states states rather than moral decisions. No one decides unless there is a substantial benefit. Yours and mine interests will vary to a degree. You might have more interest in Russia losing the conflict than me; who doesn't give two shits how many white boys die on the continent. You are interested in stopping Russia in Ukraine; I want this to spread in Europe. Your interests and mines will guide our part. Who's right and wrong makes no difference, as we each believe in our own higher purpose.

The Russian Federation is the successor state of the Soviet Union; had it not been so, they wouldn't have gotten to keep their Security Council seat.

No one is judging; you have to bear the consequences. It's part of the game, and they should've read the rules. But, of course, anyone with two neurons working saw this coming.

Good & evil are subjective...

Yeah sure. It is. Mate. Just not the Russian invading Ukraine.

Let me see you say the same thing when India or other country decides to invade.
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Oh, I have done the math, And here are the results, Russia is inside Ukraine and is there to stay, No NATO is ever gonna drive Russia out of Ukraine. Amreeka should send F35s to drive Russia out after all it's sending other little shiny toys why not F35 too? will send Russia packing.. No....
Why would anyone put any trust in someone who is incapable of basic spelling?
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Sir, I beg to differ..

The way NATO has expanded in last two decades is against the agreement if I remember.

The way NATO has expanded during the last two decades is 100% according to the Founding Act signed between NATO and Russia in 1977.

Just a example - Nepal is neutral but what if they will decide to join NATO and NATO can position missiles against China....
What should NATO do about the missiles placed in Kaliningrad?
According to Your thinking, NATO have a cause for retaliation by invading Kaliningrad.

Do you think that china will be watching silently?

Russia never felt threat from Ukraine borders but zelensky is desperately wanting to join NATO against Russia.

USA and NATO, are not saint, they have killed many people for oil, and other strategic advantages and benefits..... Not long before such TALIBAN terrorist's were used to enjoy coffee in white House.

They were not part of the Taliban when they visited the White House.

My point is very clear... zelensky is not a hero but a culprit. Doesn't not matter who will win and loose in this war because only Ukrainian people will be end by suffering. Again USA will be a beneficial, also as usual fighting a war against Russia by using satellite state called ' Ukraine ".

Which is course pure propaganda. I bet You would notice if the United States and NATO was fighting a war.

Last time they USA used Pakistan as satellite state to fight a war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan..... Once they achieved desirable success, they left the afghanistan and Pakistan in a mess....

So You think that the West should run sovereign countries.
Why not India then?
India should ask for permission to have elections, and the US will decide the winner based on if the winner of the popular vote is qualified based on secret criteria….
Joining a war of agression and ethnic cleansing against their “ukranian brothers”…yet the only complaints from many Russians is that they do not have good gear/weapons to feel safe during all that killing/looting/raping.

Let them die.

Exactly whatever sympathy I had for the Russians are gone.

They started this war over nothing but pure conquest. And complained when the other guys shot back.

Also good news from the island that's known for good cuisine.

Such a soft critcism of ally India. That is to be expected from the Western quarter. I am glad India has revealed it's "balanced" approach to the Western powers. LOL what can the West really do? No regime change in India for such transgression?

As if that will make any difference.

India deserves full points here. The way India has managed to balance relationship between the West and Russia is nothing short of phenomenal.

Just compare India and Pakistan. In Pakistan, the army initiated regime change on the request of papa America. A well documented fact. India on the other hand reaps full benefit. A strong economy. Strong leadership. Unity among the armed forces and the political leadership. The Western powers are merely spectators as India decides it's independent foreign policy. Pakistan is in tatters. It's so-called Western allies have a hate relationship with Pakistan. Pakistan receives pledged loans after devastating floods from it's Western allies LOL India is a major power and it will succeed irrespective of Western meddling. Simply because India has an independent foreign policy. Well done India.
Here I couldn't agree more.
This is America's attack on Russia and Ukraine is being used in it as a proxy. Zelensky will become billionaire and Ukraine will suffer for generations. I hope Ukrainian understand this. America is no one's friend. Its only using Ukraine.
This is beyond stupid.

Here are the facts. Zelensky is a friend of Washington Democrats. And tried to give autonomy to the Russian separatists. The Russia Republicans want Russia to win and Ukraine to bow out.

Then the Ukrainians protested Democrat pawn Zelensky:

Zelensky Flounders in Bid to End Ukraine’s War
Pushing a controversial peace agreement, the new president faces blowback in Kyiv that he may not be able to overcome.

Demonstrators hold smoke grenades as they gather in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Demonstrators hold smoke grenades as they gather in central Kyiv, Ukraine, to protest broader autonomy for separatist territories on Oct. 6. Images

Cast as an unwilling character in Washington’s impeachment drama, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is facing his own political crisis over a compromise deal to end Ukraine’s war with Russia.

Washington's boy Zelensky unsuccessfully attempted to end the war 4 years ago. And the Ukrainians said they wanted to fight for their land.

The driving support for the war is from Eastern Europe and nations that border Russia and are afraid of being annexed. From their people.

Kissinger runs the policy of the US, wants Ukraine to sue for peace.

The Republican Deepstate backs peace with Russia. The Democrats wanted peace with Russia, yet the people of Ukraine CHOSE to fight to defend every inch of Ukrainian territory. So the Democrats followed their project of Ukraine to defend Ukraine from Russian invasion.

Zelensky, a pawn of Democrats, wanted the war to end 4 years ago, to sue for peace with Russia. Russia Republicans want Putin to win. Washington sends 20 HIMARS and some artillery. Washington refused no-fly zone, refused to send Ukraine with enough arms to defeat Russia in 2022. Washington is stringing along this war. The EU and Ukraine are the victim. And anything other than Europe is the victim of the war is CCP communist propaganda.

Trump, Tucker, Russia Republicans supports Russia.

This is a once in a hundred years war when UK/US overtly side with the good guys. The Crimean War of the 1800s was another war when the UK supported the good guys. It is rare.

Putin is worse than Trump. And the Putinites fell for somebody more evil than Trump. The same type of idiocracy of Trumpers believing Trump is fighting the deepstate. Are found worse among the Putinites that believe Putin is fighting the deepstate.

Tucker and Trump and Russia Republicans are on Russias side. Biden and Democrats are sending barely enough arms to Ukraine to defend Ukraine. Democrats knew that the House would likely fall to Putinites in 2023. And refused to send Bradleys, Abrams, F-16s, hundreds of HIMARS. Democrats only send enough to continue this war week after week. Not enough to crush Russia.

So to make the Russians into "victims" is severe gaslighting.
Exactly whatever sympathy I had for the Russians are gone.

They started this war over nothing but pure conquest. And complained when the other guys shot back.
Well, i give you the info you dont have

1. The US did a coup in 2014 in Ukraine
2. After the coup the new illegal gov decides to erease all what is russian in the country, beginning with the language and culture.
3. A lot of Ukraines, espacially millions in the east Ukraine/Donbas, did not accept that and hold referendum to leave Ukraine.
4. The US-coup-gov decides to kill all pro russian in Ukraine and bomb and kill and harm tens of thousands of civilists in east Ukraine and also in the south/southwest Ukraine.
5. Then Russia try to install a peace treaty with the help of Germany and France to end the killings in east Ukraine, called Minsk I and Minsk II. Ukraine signed both, but still kill civilists in east Ukraine.
6. Then, after 8 years of killing civilists in east Ukraine by forces of the Ukraine, Russia decides to end this genozid and use military force for this.
7. Meanwhile France and Germany, in form of Hollande and Merkel some weeks ago, officially said that Minsk I and Minsk II are only tools to get time for the US to build up Ukraine military against Russia.

So all you wrote on this point is officially declared as a lie.
”EU citizens” is a short form for ”individuals which are citizens of a country which is a member of the European Union”.
At least for those that understand how languages work.
Well, me was not allowed to vote if i want to be a part of EU or not.


In other european countries the people were allowed to vote, vote against (in some countries vote even three times in a row against EU), but the govs said that this votes have no meaning and join the EU anyway.

So the EU and all what is behind it is illegal.
U believe in this shit ? No wonder u people don't know what's going on outside US

What most people fail to see how Russia had adapted and improvised it's weapon to match with ukraines donated western weapons , earlier Russians were firing unguided artillery now they are using gps guided artillery with pin point accuracy as we see in the videos wreaking havoc on afu, before himmar were a threat now it tooks Russia taken down almost all of himmars using Iranian drones

Russia did not adapt, but readapted the human wave tactic of the Korean War.
This is America's attack on Russia and Ukraine is being used in it as a proxy. Zelensky will become billionaire and Ukraine will suffer for generations. I hope Ukrainian understand this. America is no one's friend. Its only using Ukraine.

Putin is a billionaire and let's hope Russians will understand this. Their sons and fathers are being fed into the front in human waves... Whereas Russian elites and oligarchs behind the war are keeping their Western lifestyle and ensuring their kids' safety in safe and secure West.

Ukrainians just do not like the idea of being occupied. They do not want an inch of land from Russia.

Russia and Russians will continue to be international pariahs for decades to come.

It is too late now...

Russia was giving the warning since very long and Zelensky never tried to address it.
There could be a diplomatic solution if Zelensky not decided to seat on USA table. Ukraine was never in position to face a direct war with Russia.
Zelensky might getting the false insurance and it caused this bloody war... It could have avoided by Zelensky since Russia was having legit security concerns.

Russia wanted another backyard, Ukrainians did not want it. Putin miscalculated and the war has turned into a stalemate. It could have been avoided by Putin since Ukraine was having legit security concerns.
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