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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Totaly wrong my friend..when Iraqis decided to resist, thousands of US elite troops *(sadly) were eliminated by snipers and IED's everywhere in Irak.. that is the truth that has pushed the US to evacuate and leave only the new huge Embassy as a strong hold in Iraq.. Thus.. logically the US didn't really win the most Iraqi's hearts up till today..

US can do whatever good it can, but US can never win the hearts of any Muslim nation, as religion will always be a driving force in Islamic countries, through which Mullahs will always succeed in sowing hatred against the Kafir US.
Northern Norway was liberated by the Russians. We are thankful for that, for the sacrifice of Soviet soldiers who gave their life. For British forces who gave their life.

Russia voluntarily retreated back to own borders after liberating parts of Norway.
More than 80 000 soviet prisoners of war were sent to Norway by the nazis germans who then forced them into horrible labouring. Many thousands died in those labour camps.

Thats the Norwegian consul (a professional diplomat) going full karen (Káren?) on some hotel receptionist

Her racist tirade included "I hate russians" and "Im scandanavian, im used to clean rooms!"
US can do whatever good it can, but US can never win the hearts of any Muslim nation, as religion will always be a driving force in Islamic countries, through which Mullahs will always succeed in sowing hatred against the Kafir US.

But the Kafir US government is really the master of the mullahs, whether Al Qaeda or Taliban or "Muslim" Brotherhood or others.
So won militarily and strategically. Syria was militarily incompetent against Israel and excelled only in killing its own population

Sure, tens of thousands of "Syrian" "moderate" "rebels" from India to Indonesia to Belgium to Bangladesh to Canada to Chechnya are very much Syria's "own population". And the Syrian armed forces are totally incompetent in trying to fight these tens of thousands of "rebels" many of whom get inserted into Syria from Turkey everyday and get treated for injuries inside Israel border everyday. :agree:
But the Kafir US government is really the master of the mullahs, whether Al Qaeda or Taliban or "Muslim" Brotherhood or others.
ٰI don't know about al-Qaeda and Muslim brotherhood, but I know that US supported Saudi Government and Afghan Mujahideen against Communist Soviet Union.

As far as Taliban are concerned, then on US official told that initially US thought that Taliban will be like Saudis too, and thus no problem if they support Taliban against Iran. Nevertheless, when it became apparent that Taliban were way extreme than Saudi government, then US stopped any co-operation with Taliban.
I don't know much about al-Qaeda and Muslim brotherhood, but for sure if they crossed a certain level of radicalization, then surely US didn't support them anymore.
US didn't need to invest 1 trillion USD in Afghanistan, but simply bombing and leaving it as it was enough for them. But US indeed invested money, but still it was unable to win the hearts and it was mainly due to the religious hatred.
Look at the Ukrainian fortifications, concrete bunkers, tunnels and trenches

Inter locking fire, HIMARS did not slow the advance rather the area has been fortified since 2014

That’s WW1 redux. Those Ukraine fortifications will slow Russia advance and cost Putin soldiers deadly. The Ukraines have prepared for the fight.
I don't know about al-Qaeda and Muslim brotherhood, but I know that US supported Saudi Government and Afghan Mujahideen against Communist Soviet Union.

An Egyptian article from 2018 about Nasser talking about the "M"B in 1958 :
CAIRO – 23 July 2018: Jinx! Gamal Abdel Nasser is not here today to say this term to President Sisi in order to prevent bad luck. It is easy for someone who is used to listening to the current leadership’s statements and Abdel Nasser’s statements as well to know that they sound exactly the same.

13 years after the success of July 23 revolution, which abolished the monarchy, late President Nasser, one of the revolution’s top leaders, described Muslim Brotherhood in one of his speech as people who exploit religion to obtain people’s support and seize power.

“The parties were dissolved, and we clashed with the Muslim Brotherhood party, during the four years, in 1953 and in 1954 … We were embroiled in dispute, they declared war against us, and they shot at me on October, 26, 1954 in Alexandria … Terrorist members in the Muslim Brotherhood party were arrested, and they were judged,” Nasser said during the statement.

“In 1954, we were negotiating with the British [forces occupying Egypt at the time] for the evacuation [deal]. At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood members were holding secret meetings with the members of the British Embassy. They were telling them: we will be able to seize power,” Nasser said.

The late President said that the Muslim Brotherhood party has never held the patriotic feelings which Egyptians have held, adding: “The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time when we were fighting in the Canal was asked: what is your stance on the war in the canal. He said: We are a wide (international) call. Perhaps the war in the canal comes for your benefit here in Egypt, while we think it is beneficial to fight in another country.”

“This is the call of the Muslim Brotherhood. All of [their] speech is full of deception and [exploitation of] religion,” Nasser stated.

Similar to what happened following 2011 revolution when people decided to reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood, perhaps because the youth who led the January revolution were not familiar with the MB policies, Abdel Nasser said he reconciled with the MB members, explaining that the reconciliation however, failed to turn them into good citizens.

“In 1953, we actually and honestly wanted to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood supposing that [this will make its members] take the right path. I met with the General guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. He issued [some] demands,” Nasser said.

The late President said that the MB guide asked him to force Egyptian women to wear Islamic veil and to shut cinemas and theaters.

Nasser said: “He told me that you as a ruler is responsible [for veiling women]. I told him, you have a daughter in the Faculty of Medicine who is unveiled. Why didn’t you force her to wear a veil? If you are not able to make your daughter wear a veil, [how] would you want me to [force] 10 million women to wear veils in the country?”

“Then, [he told me] that women must not [go to] work. I think that when a woman works, we are protecting her [this way]. Why do [some women] go astray? They do so because of the need and poverty. We all know such stories of women whose sons or mothers are sick and they did not find money, so they were forced to sell their bodies. Therefore, work is a protection for women, while preventing women from work [works] against her. We actually liberate women by [allowing] them to work and cooperate with the man,” Nasser added.

“Last year, in 1964, before the constitution, I released them all from the prison, and we issued a law to return every one of them to his work with the same salary and promotion prospects. In 1965, we seized the new conspiracy of the Muslim Brotherhood; secret system, and assassination and destruction plans,” the late President said.

Nasser said that Muslim Brotherhood group says that all the [Egyptian] people are disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslims. According to Nasser, The MB members say they refuse people representation, and the Parliament. He added that the MB group considers the kings and presidents of the Arab and other countries as disbelievers, and that the MB members are the only Muslim people.

“They were arrested, and we also arrested all old MB organizations … It is not about the assassination of Gamal Abdel Nasser. If Abdel Nasser was assassinated, a thousand people similar to Gamal Abdel Nasser would emerge, but we can never accept that [our] people be assassinated,” Nasser stated.

“We started to view [their cases]; all people who participated in these secret organizations will be referred to judgment. All dangerous people who we released in 1964 and had basically represented heads or dangerous members in the secret organizations will be [imprisoned]. After that, the rest of [the MB group members] will be released. We will give them another chance. If somebody of them [commits similar illegal actions] we will arrest him and we will never get him out of prison.”

“It is enough. We cannot take a gamble on the rewards we achieved during the 13 past years,” Nasser stated, adding that the MB group uses Islam to deceive people and grab them to join the party.

Concerning the MB, “they are neither Muslims, nor brothers. They are malevolent … Their leaders outside [the country] cooperated with Baghdad Pact, colonial countries, all our enemies, and Arab reactionary, and proved with clear evidence that the MB party or movement is only a movement that works for the benefit of colonialism and reactionary, by which it is funded.
Before Nasser came into power in 1956, Mahmoud Abdel-Latif, an MB member tried to assassinate him two years earlier, while he was delivering a speech in Alexandria, to celebrate the British military withdrawal, according to media reports.

Following his return to Cairo, Nasser ordered the arrest of thousands of people mostly of the Muslim Brotherhood members, and dismissed dozens of officers loyal to Naguib.

MB author and thinker Sayed Kotb was executed in 1966 after being convicted of planning to assassinate Nasser who ruled Egypt for about 14 years until his death in 1970.

As far as Taliban are concerned, then on US official told that initially US thought that Taliban will be like Saudis too, and thus no problem if they support Taliban against Iran. Nevertheless, when it became apparent that Taliban were way extreme than Saudi government, then US stopped any co-operation with Taliban.

1. Right after the Taliban took power last year, Sami Sadat, the main leader of the former Afghan National Army said that the American military ( NATO in general ) betrayed ANA and enabled the Taliban to take over. And NATO wouldn't have ever gone from Afghanistan if a left-wing group like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan had a minute chance to take over governance.

2. For years before the Taliban took power they had an embassy in Qatar where also the American military has a big base. If NATO wanted it could have simply assassinated the Taliban representatives in Qatar because NATO was claiming to kill the Taliban in Afghanistan. So why were the Qatar-based Taliban not assassinated ?

3. In all the NATO / Taliban "fighting" years since 2011 the American air force planes were transporting Talibs to the battlefields of Syria where NATO and its mullah allies were fighting against the Socialist, progressive system headed by Bashar al Assad.

4. CIA was involved in getting Taliban to force Afghan farmers to grow opium which would be bought by CIA.
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Desert Storm was won militarily.

They pretty much wiped off Iraq's strength and ruling apparatus in the 2003 invasion. While the Neo-cons had idiotic visions of redrawing the map around the world, the reality is that the only threat to Israel from any Arab nation got neutralized by permanently making Iraq unstable and weak. So won militarily and strategically. Syria was militarily incompetent against Israel and excelled only in killing its own population and so Iraq was who needed to be removed out of the equation.

That then brings to Afghanistan. I am not a fan of them having done what they did in Afghanistan. But to have 5K soldiers in one airbase and power project around the country is not a joke. And then the US realized that Afghanistan was not worth keeping even 5k soldiers for and its aid to Afghan military was second only to Israel.

This is what you simple minded Mericuns can't seem to grasp.

Military force is an extension of political policy. Sure, the Mericun military is outstanding at "defeating" peasants, goat herders, and a country like Iraq that was brought to its knees through crippling sanctions for over 10 years that left over 500,000 children dead, which was endorsed by your politicians, not to mention the 100,000s civilians killed directly by the "mighty" Mericun military.

But Iraq has been effectively handed over to full control of Iran, which can now pose a direct threat to Israel, with way more capability that Iraq could ever dream about. And Afghanistan is back in full control of the Taliban again, and seems to be harbouring and supporting terrorist groups again...it's like the past 20 years never happened and Afghanistan is back to how it was in 2001. If you want to call that a "strategic" victory, go right ahead :-)
1. Right after the Taliban took power last year, Sami Sadat, the main leader of the former Afghan National Army said that the American military ( NATO in general ) betrayed ANA and enabled the Taliban to take over. And NATO wouldn't have ever gone from Afghanistan if a left-wing group like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan had a minute chance to take over governance.

2. For years before the Taliban took power they had an embassy in Qatar where also the American military has a big base. If NATO wanted it could have simply assassinated the Taliban representatives in Qatar because NATO was claiming to kill the Taliban in Afghanistan. So why were the Qatar-based Taliban not assassinated ?

3. In all the NATO / Taliban "fighting" years since 2011 the American air force planes were transporting Talibs to the battlefields of Syria where NATO and its mullah allies were fighting against the Socialist, progressive system headed by Bashar al Assad.

4. CIA was involved in getting Taliban to force Afghan farmers to grow opium which would be bought by CIA.

I don't agree with all of this.

It was only the very initial period of Taliban in 1996 when US tried to make a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan (by passing Iran). But when Taliban showed very radical behavior against women and others, then those talks with Taliban leaders stopped.

Thats the Norwegian consul (a professional diplomat) going full karen (Káren?) on some hotel receptionist

Her racist tirade included "I hate russians" and "Im scandanavian, im used to clean rooms!"

Stupid racist people exists in all walks of life. Sadly.

Norwegians arent especially anti-Russian nor are they pro-Russian. Most Norwegians have a balanced view in my personal experience.
I don't agree with all of this.

It was only the very initial period of Taliban in 1996 when US tried to make a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan (by passing Iran). But when Taliban showed very radical behavior against women and others, then those talks with Taliban leaders stopped.

So you think the "Libyan" "rebels" and "Syrian" "rebels" whom the USA government and others of NATO cultivated, armed and support in every way are emancipators of the female gender ?
So you think the "Libyan" "rebels" and "Syrian" "rebels" whom the USA government and others of NATO cultivated, armed and support in every way are emancipators of the female gender ?
By your logic that the majority of Syrian Muslims should be GRATEFUL to US for supporting them against the Communist dictator Al-Asad. But again we see that Syrian Muslims (i.e. Muslim Brotherhood & al-Qaeda and Turkish backed Muslim rebels) all are Ungrateful towards US. And it happens only due to religious differences whatever favour US do to them.
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