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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Yes cause of al those carrier strike groups Nato has been donated to Ukraine? 🤣.

If anything, china is dissuaded due to the harsh reaction against russia. Which shows in how china stayed well clear of aiding the russians in anything else but hollow words and buying gas at huge discount.

Nato is using single digit defense budget and mostly old stock/hand me downs to help ukraine grind down russia.
8600 heavy material lost and counting. Losses of more then 50% of their active material. The russian bear is being cut down to teddybear size.

30 member nations in NATO, yet the West cries about the Iranian drone's and DPRK's artillery ammunition shipments to Russia. You hardly see the Russians cry about the Western arm shipments to Ukraine.

Still, Russia is obliterating the West's cannon fodder in Ukraine. Watch how the Ukrainians are getting obliterated in the Bakhmut meat grinder 👇

The West is so desperate that they want to play nice to President Maduro of Venezuela due to his country's vast oil reserves. They're so desperate to beg the governments that they tried to overthrow. They thought sanctioning Russia was going to be easy for them. They're now forced to sissy up to leaders they don't like. :lol:

Russia doesnt have economy or material to continue this war for decades as they are now shipping more T-62's towards front and are burning trought T-90S tanks what are made for export. Some country out there isn't getting tanks they ordered.

West is only now beginning to ramp up production of ammunation, etc. Russian otherhand has same size economy as Italy (before EU stopped buying their oil) while US economy alone is over 20 trillion.

Russia has huge natural resources that make their arms industry less costly than the West. Every raw material they need for their tanks, artillery, fighter jets, drones, and ammunition are all extracted within Russia. Who cares what numbers of GDP the West has in their books.

The cost of living is also cheap in Russia. Countries like China, India, and others are also buying Russian raw material including oil and gas in huge quantities. This trade generates much needed cash to continue waging the war on West's cannon fodder.

This is a war of survival for Russia, remember. Therefore, Russia will do everything in their disposal to win this war. And that means the Western lenses can't be viewed in Russia's determination to see this war to the end. And looking at the endless demonstrations and skyrocketing cost of living, it is the West that is showing fatigue. Heck, they're already begging countries like Venezuela because of their oil - we're talking about a nation whose leader that the West tried to overthrow.

Another thing that everyone is ignoring: Russia beat the SWIFT system that the West uses to subjugate other countries. The West thought by decoupling Russian banks from the SWIFT system, they would wreck havoc on Russia's trade and finances. Poor thing, Russia already planned for this by implementing their own SPFS financial system and by joining the Chinese-led CHIPS system. The West can throw as much tantrums as they like, but it is obvious they're losing in many fronts, and most certainly multi-polar world is a reality now as a result of this war.
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yup...why you still in denial about it?
Lets break down your clown post.
Russians recently took Yakovlivka,
Small village.
Russians have half of Bakhmut already
Like they did the last 5 months….
Russian now just took Bakhmutska
Another village of little importance.
Russian troops pushed into Zaparrozhe and took a town with no challenge...Ukrainians are obviously soft there.
NOW Russian troops are in the middle of Soledar...Ukrainians have basically lost Soledar..
Like they have been in middle bahmut for 5 months.

You want critical territory. See the thousands of square km being taken in khrakiv and cherson (screenshot this!! 🤡)

Not 2 fucking mud huts over 5 km in 3 months. Even Bakhmut is of no real critical importance. Ukraine will keep resisting. We saw exact same rhetoric around severodonesk. Each shack taken being treated like a great voctlry. How fall of severodonetsk would collapse AFU cause it was grinded to destruction. All hot air
can you name one town Ukrainians took from Russian troops recently after Kherson?? NOPE!
Russia just pumped in 300.000 mobilised to grind through. Lets wait till spring.

Ukraine has been making small advances around Kreminna, including a few settlements taken.

Ukraine gotta get broken because it agreed to be used as a proxy, seriously, Russia took charge cuz Ukraine threatened its existence. Ukraine was foolish to test the regional hegemon..same thing awaits Iraq if it tests Iran, same thing awaits South Korea or Japan if they test China.
Russians troops are entering ANY town they choose, Ukrainians can only hold off for so long...
Ok im waiting for them to retake cherson then. You know. Claimed as “russian land” hahahaa
their military back-end logistics is defective and probably non existent really- denazification is in process- dont side with the Neonazis in UKraine time time ok?
asking for advanced stuff when you only have basic understanding? smh.
You lost all authority and respect on your understanding mr “screenshot this”
clown. How does it feel to be wrong 300 days straight on this special operation?

Finally the clown admits it.
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Give it up Hassan, your not fooling anyone.

Russia hasn’t made any progress in six months. All the momentum is with Ukraine and with todays new weapons package, it’s clear the US is preparing Ukraine for a major offensive come spring to retake the rest of their territory. Russia has lost.

Russia will never be able to outproduce the US and NATO. It’s time to come to terms with reality.
Fields like this one are all over Ukraine. Looks like those massive artillery assaults from Russian side have been taking their toll on the Ukrainians. But sadly the West that sends arms shipments and special forces to Ukraine don't care about the Ukrainian deaths.

Cracks are opening up; Ukrainians are now saying they've been used by NATO and their puppet president is carrying out NATO's wishes.

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