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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Again ... NATO is not even involved yet, so in fact NATO support alone ti Ukraine managed to reduce the so much over-hyped Russian Army's strength without being involved directly.


NATO is Supplying Weapons for free

NATO is sharing Intelligence

NATO has commanders and planners on the ground

NATO has "Volunteering" soldiers on the ground

but NATO is not involved?

What NATO is doing is to avoid any embarssment of being defeated single handely by Russia.

Any loss will be fully attributed to Ukraine and any success will be fully credited to NATO.

One has to be totally blind, dumb and devoid of any common sense not to understand such basic stuff.

NATO should stop acting as wussies and make it official and balkanize Russia.
I'll do it for you ;

It's been almost 1 year and Russia still hasn't been able to defeat Ukraine,didn't achieve air dominance,the moskva is under the sea,airbases are being attacked far inside Russia,lost half of the territory captured since february, worse despite sending in its best troops and recently 300.000 mobilized in Ukraine, still hasn't fully captured the donbass,only secured few hunred meters since the summer.

The US as of now spent something like 5% of its yearly defence budget to destroy something like half of the Russian army and the "big toys" haven't even been delivered to Ukraine.

USSR/Russia was realistic and their strategy was never to go on the offensive against the NATO.

This was the reason why USSR/Russia never built any major Surface fleet.

USSR/Russia strategy was always to play defensive against NATO using Submarines, Missles and Air Defence systems and going Nuclear if all fails.
However the big joker is China.
China can't supply weapons that will allow russia to expand territorially. NATO would dramatically increase weapons supplies and take action against china elsewhere.

The Myth of America's Ukraine Fatigue​

Even if America stops weapons supplies. Europe will continue. France Germany and England alone have an industrial capacity that could never be matched by russia.
If anything, china is dissuaded due to the harsh reaction against russia. Which shows in how china stayed well clear of aiding the russians in anything else but hollow words and buying gas at huge discount.
China now knows haw badly it would be defeated in Taiwan. They have delayed their invasion plans by 10 years at least.

Wow huge package of weapons!

50 Bradley’s with 500 TOWS and 250K rounds of 25mm

18 M109 self propelled howitzers

36 M119 towed howitzers

Almost 300 MRAPS, M113s, and Humvees total

RIM-7 Sea Sparrows for air defense

4,000 laser guided Zuni rockets

2,000 anti armor weapons

So is Russia. More than 100 new build T-90M, more than 100 new build Msta-SM2. It's going to be an army to be reckoned with.
Yes however Putin has to choose between 100 T90s and 10,000 homes for the poor. He can’t have both. As war criminal he will choose the war and let the poor to freeze to death.
So is Russia. More than 100 new build T-90M, more than 100 new build Msta-SM2. It's going to be an army to be reckoned with.
and also 5 new brigades ? on FInlad and Sweden's borders once they accept NATO membership? Shoigu mentioned new armed formations on Northern Russia near those countries recently. lmao- those weak azzes they call their PMs have to make the bold moves to actually join NATO...they are hesitant because NATO is at its weakest guarantee level to member states now.

Yes however Putin has to choose between 100 T90s and 10,000 homes for the poor.
How many homes for the poor does US govt need to produce or provide?
OMG Critical territories being lost still!
yup...why you still in denial about it?
Can you actually list what critical territory Ukraine lost…
Russians recently took Yakovlivka,
Russians have half of Bakhmut already
Russian now just took Bakhmutska
Russian troops pushed into Zaparrozhe and took a town with no challenge...Ukrainians are obviously soft there.
NOW Russian troops are in the middle of Soledar...Ukrainians have basically lost Soledar..can you name one town Ukrainians took from Russian troops recently after Kherson?? NOPE! Ukraine gotta get broken because it agreed to be used as a proxy, seriously, Russia took charge cuz Ukraine threatened its existence. Ukraine was foolish to test the regional hegemon..same thing awaits Iraq if it tests Iran, same thing awaits South Korea or Japan if they test China.
Russians troops are entering ANY town they choose, Ukrainians can only hold off for so long...their military back-end logistics is defective and probably non existent really- denazification is in process- dont side with the Neonazis in UKraine time time ok?
in lets give you a nice timeline, the last 3 months?
asking for advanced stuff when you only have basic understanding? smh.
Also google “sierra army depot” if you believe Nato is running low on weapons hahahaa.

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