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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

if that was only 13km over the border, then a drone could do it easily , now I don't knew if Ukraine is in possession of a drone capable of such thing , but that is possibility and less dangerous than sending a commando team to do the laser painting for you .
You can't interface with drone easily, also sending drone will give away your target before you strike. Ukraine don't operate stealth drone.
You can't interface with drone easily, also sending drone will give away your target before you strike. Ukraine don't operate stealth drone.
you are probably right but a modern drone can paint a target from at least 20km away
you are probably right but a modern drone can paint a target from at least 20km away
You can't get that accurate with passive painting. As I said in my previous post, that CEP is less than 5 meters, it hit that building and that building alone, that is active guidance, which mean most likely it's beam riding, or something more advance. and beam riding don't do 20km, or 13 in this matter.
Must say the Ukrainians surprised everyone, they put up a brave fight , any other country would have surrendered long time ago.
thats false- they could only put up a brave fight BECAUSE of NATO help- iwthout NATo's help, oh man, Ukraine would've been destroyed a while ago.

Again ... NATO is not even involved yet,
1. 1200 active Polish soldiers were killed in UKraine near the frontline- how is this not direct involvement?
2. Britain has admitted to having xx # of soldiers IN Ukraine "in a sensitive environment" - thats an admission of involvement- NATO IS INVOLVED- its too late to revise the truth- NATO would only say its not involved because it wants to be able to run away from the mess it created when it fails. it wont be able to.
3. NATO is involved even by providing sensitive and direct intelligence and weapons (getaway driver for robbers is also a criminal even if he didnt rob right? )to Ukrainian forces- all these lies white countries tell themselves now dont work- NATO will get dismembered in Ukraine- it wont even have any money willpower or energy to fight Iran or China after this- fact!
so in fact NATO support alone ti Ukraine managed to reduce the so much over-hyped Russian Army's strength without being involved directly.
remain in denial- denial doesnt change the truth.
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thats false- they could only put up a brave fight BECAUSE of NATO help- iwthout NATo's help, oh man, Ukraine would've been destroyed a while ago.

NATO's help wouldn't change the fact Russia lost its status as a major military power after the whole world saw how incompetent, corrupt and rotten its armed forces are where the culture of lying and stealing on every levels + nepotism are kings.
fully agree....and you know whats worse? NATO depleted its own ammunition reserves to help Ukraine...while leaving it vulnerable to China if CHina moves on Taiwan- NATO is in a lose-lose- cant beat Russia in Ukraine, and that has made it ill equipped to fight China today.

People used to follow America alot more when it acted smart, not these days.
Some truth to this in terms of political will and all (for another west vs. east war). But not in terms of ammunition reserves: A China move against Taiwan is not a infantry/ground war obviously. And once make it across to Taiwan, it will in no way be as protracted as this action.

It will be primarily and air / sea battle of which ZERO ammunition has been used. HIMARS and Stingers are not going to come into play , which has been whats been used.

All aviation assets, naval ammuniton and A2G PGMs are very very much in tact!!!
thats false- they could only put up a brave fight BECAUSE of NATO help- iwthout NATo's help, oh man, Ukraine would've been destroyed a while ago.

1. 1200 active Polish soldiers were killed in UKraine near the frontline- how is this not direct involvement?

LMAO @bobo6661

NATO's help wouldn't change the fact Russia lost its status as a major military power after the whole world saw how incompetent, corrupt and rotten its armed forces are where the culture of lying and stealing on every levels + nepotism are kings.

Russians are peaceful people. Russia has never been a military power, and never will be one.
thats false- they could only put up a brave fight BECAUSE of NATO help- iwthout NATo's help, oh man, Ukraine would've been destroyed a while ago.

1. 1200 active Polish soldiers were killed in UKraine near the frontline- how is this not direct involvement?
2. Britain has admitted to having xx # of soldiers IN Ukraine "in a sensitive environment" - thats an admission of involvement- NATO IS INVOLVED- its too late to revise the truth- NATO would only say its not involved because it wants to be able to run away from the mess it created when it fails. it wont be able to.
3. NATO is involved even by providing sensitive and direct intelligence and weapons (getaway driver for robbers is also a criminal even if he didnt rob right? )to Ukrainian forces- all these lies white countries tell themselves now dont work- NATO will get dismembered in Ukraine- it wont even have any money willpower or energy to fight Iran or China after this- fact!

remain in denial- denial doesnt change the truth.
what kind of drugs u smoke to get lost in your universe? Wanna try them too
Manpower can be replaced and is just a part of the much bigger picture,
especially when you are fighting against your very existence for your country's sovereignty and survival and right to nationhood
understood, so is Russia- NATO encroachment was a threat too to Russia's life.
. Just like Saddam invasion of Iran led to the the death and casualties of millions of Iranian death and wounded.
false equivalence- dont bring this up as a distraction.
Did it mean Iran stopped fighting Just because of that ?
why you so obsessed with the Iraq-Iran war? go on another thread and rant about it. i've noticed you bring this up almost every other post about war stuff.
Lol Your nation survived and moved on later.
whose nation? stop distracting please.
Life continued after Iraq pulled out .
Same with Vietnam,
distraction point.
millions of Vietnamese died fighting the US, didn't Vietnam survive(due to their tenacity but granted it
false equivalence again- stop comparing wars when each one has its own uniqueness.
was also because of the massive support from soviet union and China)?
Seems due to your pro Russian inclinations you forget that Ukraine is merely defending itself in its own territory,
ha ha ....sneaky Britain- always lying on public, and doing sneaky sht in private- Russia is also defeinding itsself- If NATO wasnt encroachign on Russia's border, Russia wouldn't have invaded, period!
so of course they have mire moral, reason for fighting,
ha ha ..RUssia does too- enjoy the bodies in bakhmut trenches..Ukraine is gonna break this year, its needed for NATO to come to its senses though- you got sucked out by Backwards Taliban, now Russia will stretch you finally...CHina and Iran are still on standby too for action, so please get really ready and stock up again.
and determination to fight for the long run for their country.
so is Russia....UKraine's loss of territory, manpower and equipment has accelerated- Ukraine is gonna buckle this year....
Except Russia is ready to fight abd stay in Ukraine forever.
sure,happy you know this.
They are bound to pull out or ask for stop to the war at one point, as its not in their country.
ha ha ....you're confusing Britain and NATO pulling out of IRaq and Afghanistan because your azz got beat up to minced meat- Russia runs its war its way- its just recovering territories, peoples and lands that Ukraine has no need for and abuses.
So your point about Ukraine giving up on its territorial intergrity and nationhood Just because of casualties is quite wrong and wont happen.
just cuz you say so, doesnt mean its so- show me stats- Ukrainian troops keep dying in considerable numbers daiilly....its unsustainable, but western propaganda has probably plugged your brain up, so why would you know better?
I understand its because your are biased towards Russia (no crime in that though).
its a bias in your eyes, just like PDF thought i had a bias for Iran- but at the end of the day- i am quite objective, the truth is just harsh for small UK to accept.
This can be seen in the fact that you seel to believe Western nations supplying arms abd equipment to Ukraine will not help Ukraines war effort
they didnt help ISrael recetly
they didnt help Saudis win
Even Cambodia's president said it after asking his army to destroy US weapons- if you receive US weapons, you lose the war- Ukraine is next...
NATO is also exhausted now....pray that Iran nor China make a move now.
and will have little to no impact against Russia"s war in the country.
who said this?
This alone says alot about your bias to be honest.
lmao...face the war...us Pro Russia people are getting excited, Ukraine is about to get beaten the fuk up, and it wont collect those lands it doesnt need, because if it did, why abuse the people there with shelling and war crimes behavior? oh yea..i know what you brits did in Africa and Nigeria...colonialism is in your genetics..go pay reparations first.

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