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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Generals need their Mercedes G-Wagons and politicians need their yachts and mansions.

I think your right, The money has gone into mega yachts (as already mentioned) and buying up property outside Russia (especially London).
It’s been a complete disaster for Russia. Ukraine is now firmly aligned with the West for at least the next 50 years. Ukraine will never forget who were beside their side at their darkest hour.
War create nation
E: Demanding Ukraine to surrender although Russia army is retreating, and on verge of collapse.

Ukraine needs to give Russia more of an *** whooping on the battlefield - it seems that they have not learnt anything yet..
Zelinsky is the problem , ever since he came to power it has been a disaster for Ukraine. Neocons took advantage for their global strategic reasons main one being to to weaken Russia's support for Syria but the reason being peddled is to weaken Russia. Ukraine and Russia will eventually have to negotiate peace so why do it after all the death and destruction, doesn't make sense. Strategically this war is empowering China as the US and NATO spend billions on a futile war. China will be the winner whatever the outcome as it will use Russia for economic gains and will receive cheap oil for cheap weapons. India is benefiting too as it is getting cheap oil and commodities from Russia whilst the US and NATO turn a hypocritical blind eye. Stupid Pakistan has been leashed and strangled by the IMF as it further sinks and destined to be pushed into a failed state.

Putin won't renew his presidency but will pass it on to a person of his choice just like how he was chosen.
Lol Hope you are joking
And that‘s exactly what he did repeatedly …

As such it may be indeed a loss since the pro-Russian side is no longer shown at the same level, but since he constantly had to abuse and insult others, that he always applauded even the worst crimes and attacks even against civilians, taht he tried to justify any suffering of Ukrainian civilians with his hate against the West is not acceptable.

One can indeed have a different opinion, but at least we should stay civilised and it should be clear than any injustice against Muslims, Palestinians or whoever by the US, NATO or the West justifies similar injustices or violence against Ukraine.

So that‘s it
I was banned a bunch of times and I'm one of the only Israelis on this forum, honestly it's easy not to be banned, just don't insult people

sure, lets continue.

might've? how is that a "might've" when NATO told Ukraine how to start building trenches in east Ukraine since 2014?

themselves? I mean, its only their country and citizens being destroyed at the quickest and most consistent rate in the war, especially now..

well well well....foolish Ukraine should've realized that disregarding the regional hegemon's concerns and interests leads to bad messes that quickly become regret for a country like Ukraine. be wise!, but Ukraine wasnt- NATO egged Ukraine's bich azz to actually provoke and threaten Russia- so now we have to find out if that was smart or dumb.

prove this, because you talk is cheap, especailly yours.

IS that Why Russia had to BUST Georgia's butt in 2008 when NATO AGAIN was trying to integrate another former soviet bloc country on Russia's border into NATO? who had imperial ambitions then? Russia or NATO? NATO is the imperial bastard that has to have its back broken now- the neo nazi movement of the modern era- its just causing problems all over the world - but Ukraine is its waterloo- NATO will never be the same after this war.

then why does Ukraine keep losing bits of most territories and towns on the frontline these days? Ukrainian soldiers dont even have enough artillery for a war..sitting ducks..smh. those good troops arent irreplaceable you know?
Agree. Similarly Iran should have just given up and negotiate with Saddam Hussein when he invaded Iran, instead of keep fighting for their country and leading to the deaths of over a million Iranians which led to a situation where Iran was even running out of experienced manpower to fight so they had to even start using civilians and even children to the frontlines. Lol I blame the Mullah for not giving up and allowing Iraq to have some sort of control and influence over Iran. They could have avoided the war and catastrophic destruction caused by Iraq by surrendering and giving up to Iraq who was kind of like a regional military hegemon back then. 😁
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