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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

With Russia refusing to supply Pakistan with the same discounted oil that it gives India, I hope Pakistan wakes up and smells the Chai.

Russia was never, is not, nor will ever be Pakistan's friend.

It's time Pakistan takes advantage of this conflict to test its weapons systems, and start supplying ammo that it knows that Ukraine needs and Pakistan can provide an abundance of.
By next year when sanctions full in force, my friend, Russia will sell everything cheap to Pakistan, to every country who has money. I mean the EU is the biggest buyer of Russia oil, gas, coal, gold, diamonds, fertilizer, everything. Putin will become a beggar if other don’t buy his stuffs.

Where he will get the money to pay for the war? Russia defense budget this year will be $100 billion.
Range of new Ukranian Suicide drone on Russia interests :


Lots of juicy russian targets in range.
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A singular, sure, but a few of them flying in? Who knows? It could also be that munition on those aircraft was damaged and caused a cook off.

You're probably right though.
I saw one blast in most of the video I had seen, I can't comment on the stuff that I didn't see, I can only comment on the stuff that I saw. And judging by the blast that appear on those videos, if they were true, you are talking about most likely a large warhead or a bomb. Which I don't think anything less than 500 lb bomb can make that bang.

I could be wrong tho, because I don't know what's that explosion (It could have been something hitting a fuel truck for example), in fact, I don't even know if those explosion is the one happened in Engel, but judging by the thing that I see purporting to the explosion event, that is most likely not a drone that caused that.

I had a similar idea even if I don't think, Ukraine has any weapons of such range!

Or a mishap on Russian side?
It could be.

As I said, I didn't actually see the explosion happening, so I don't know what caused that. It could just be a fuel truck getting bam.... But then, how often would you think a mishap can happen? This is probably 5th or 6th time I know of that happened inside Russian land that is too far to be targeted by conventional weapon, I mean you have the Crimea Airbase bombing, you have Belgorod, you have the Kerch Bridge, and then that car bomb that killed Dugin's daughter is almost certainly SF/Partisan activities, I just don't know who ordered that, I mean statistically, it cannot be that many mishap.......
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The flash is huge. 50m in height or higher.
A nice big bomb.
Hardly anyone survived within 100m radius.
Beware: Putin will order retaliation.

View attachment 903087
Yeah, that one big boom.......

On the other hand, I also need to add that in most video I saw, assume they captured this incident, you can hear there is no air raid siren, if a missile or drone that fly from Ukraine hitting those target, Russia should have know with their radar system, I mean, those aren't stealth drone or missile as Ukraine don't have them. And even Ukraine can detect incoming missile from Russia and Belarus, I would suppose Russia can do the same.

So either they weren't monitoring their airspace, which is a major misstep in a war, or they didn't saw it coming. That's why I am more inclined to believe this is some sort of SF Direction Action stuff.
It damaged/destroyed 4 big plane, light drone don't have that much payload to do that.

I don't think even Shahed can do that. That explosion looked like a 500 pounder.
my guess what ever it was it probably hit some fuel tanks and that explosion was responsible for damage to aircrafts . . and honestly can someone tell me what is the necessary to put those flankers and strategic bombers so close to border for Russia ? these aircrafts supposed to have thousands of km of range

The flash is huge. 50m in height or higher.
A nice big bomb.
it is big yes but consider its night and its on CCTV, that is bound to be shown brighter than it really is
my guess what ever it was it probably hit some fuel tanks and that explosion was responsible for damage to aircrafts . . and honestly can someone tell me what is the necessary to put those flankers and strategic bombers so close to border for Russia ? these aircrafts supposed to have thousands of km of range

it is big yes but consider its night and its on CCTV, that is bound to be shown brighter than it really is
Aircraft don't usually park near fuel tank, they were built on the other side of the airfield for a reason, that's why you use fuel truck to refuel the plane, and it's too small to target by drone, which mean if this is a fuel truck that was hit. That's why I said this could either be missile or SF team. Most likely the latter.
By next year when sanctions full in force, my friend, Russia will sell everything cheap to Pakistan, to every country who has money. I mean the EU is the biggest buyer of Russia oil, gas, coal, gold, diamonds, fertilizer, everything. Putin will become a beggar if other don’t buy his stuffs.

Where he will get the money to pay for the war? Russia defense budget this year will be $100 billion.
I wonder what Russia would do with money if they can't buy anything to the West due to sanctions.

Russia common people wont die of starvation, because Russia produce enough food and drink (Vodka) for them.

But Russian elite will become crazy without iPhones and Louis Vuitton bags, that is the greatest threat for Putin: wives of Russian oligarchs angried without Louis Vuitton bags.
I wonder what Russia would do with money if they can't buy anything to the West due to sanctions.

Russia common people wont die of starvation, because Russia produce enough food and drink (Vodka) for them.

But Russian elite will become crazy without iPhones and Louis Vuitton bags, that is the greatest threat for Putin: wives of Russian oligarchs angried without Louis Vuitton bags.
They will have access to it via grey import.

Whatever brand being sold in Turkey or China will then be resell to Russia by private importer. It's sort of like the Chinese Daigou sweeping US, Australia and New Zealand shelves of Milk Powder. It just that instead it will cost the Russian $1500 to buy a Iphone 14 in an apple store, now they cost around $1800 thru those import.
Ukrainians attacked Russian airports inside Russia with drones of 1000 km range!
By the other side if Ukraine can carry on such long range attacks why they didnt attack nearer airbases?

I think say those drones come from Ukrainian land is too much guess.

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