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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It didn't say China supply munition to Russia, it only say Russia selling those brass shell as scrap to China....

I've been told that those shell casings are reusable. Somebody was supposed to collect them after drills, or operation, and send them back to the factory for a refill, where they get narrowed down, a new primer, and charge.

Ukrainians were reusing their 122mm casings that way.

3 lines on the casing, means it's refuse unfit for recharge.
Russia has thrown wave after wave of soldiers at Bakhmut with little success
thats what Ukraine did- losing at least 250 wounded soldiers a day recently, dont twist it around on Russia.
- what have you seen that makes you think Bakhmut will fall to Russia ?

what you havent or wont accept? lol- poor Ukraine- it wont be able to hide its lack of manpower soon, afterall it doesnt have that many people in the first place.

Deelectrification of Ukraine has left so many AFU soldiers on the frontline without ammuntion and war needs- in winter now? well good luck to them. I bet POW #s that Russia captures goes up soon.
Seeing reports that Russian forces are retreating from Vasylivka to Tokmak.

I bring relevant information to this thread, but has never gone low to call Ukrainians or anyone else as cockroaches.

Additionally, Azov was a confirmed Neo-Nazi group. Even the US Congress considered to designating them as a foreign terrorist organization. 👇

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/29/europe/ukraine-azov-movement-far-right-intl-cmd/index.html

"Azov’s military and political wings formally separated in 2016, when the far-right National Corps party was founded. The Azov battalion had by then been integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard.

An effective fighting force that’s very much involved in the current conflict, the battalion has a history of neo-Nazi leanings, which have not been entirely extinguished by its integration into the Ukrainian military.

In its heyday as an autonomous militia, the Azov Battalion was associated with White supremacists and neo-Nazi ideology and insignia. It was especially active in and around Mariupol in 2014 and 2015. CNN teams in the area at the time reported Azov’s embrace of neo-Nazi emblems and paraphernalia.

After its integration into the Ukrainian National Guard, amid discussions in the US Congress about designating the Azov Movement a foreign terrorist organization, Ukraine’s then minister of internal affairs, Arsen Avakov, defended the unit. “The shameful information campaign about the alleged spread of Nazi ideology (among Azov members) is a deliberate attempt to discredit the ‘Azov’ unit and the National Guard of Ukraine,” he told the online newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda in 2019."
You call all Ukrainans Nazis, so spare us the crocodile tears.
You should clean up your filthy history, before you start to complain about others.
well , then what to do with the nonsignificant and unimportant fact that a healthy chunk of Ukrainian politician and powerbrokers and behind the scene string pullers are Nazi or Nazi sympathizers
The politicians which might be accused of supporting Nazism in Ukraine get maximum 1-2% of the votes in the elections. It is pretty clear that Nazism is a fringe part of Ukraine.
I think you should concentrate on cleaning up your own country, which is infested by religio-fascists.

You still owe me an answer if you think it is fun killing Iranian teenagers
in the same way you thought it was fun that Ukrainan civilians was killed.

How is US going to get the money back from all this investment and what is the middle and end game? As we have seen in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan it is easy to get in but hard to get out. Last thing NATO want to do is get trapped in its own trap. Russia/China partnership is formidable and the Indians will play along join the Russia-China gang later on , no matter how they are strung along. India's Neo-Nazi nationalism will hit the cross roads and they are no fools and know the turn to take.
The US spends pocket money on disabling Russia.
They are not "in", so there is no need to get "out".

Russia does not have a middle nor an end game and do not know how to get out.
Maybe you did not notice....

China is not paying any attention to Russia at the moment.
They are trying to keep a neutral position and so is India.

Why roll around in pool of puss, if you can avoid it.

Iranian advisers killed aiding Russians in Crimea, says Kyiv​

Top security official says Tehran military personnel in occupied areas will be ‘targeted’
Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine’s national security and defence council

Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine’s national security and defence council: ‘Until our entire territory is free our army cannot stop.’ Photograph: Alessio Mamo/The Guardian

Ukraine’s top security official has confirmed that Iranian military advisers have been killed in Crimea, and warned that any other Iranians on occupied Ukrainian territory in support of Moscow’s invasion would also be targeted.
Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine’s national security and defence council, said Iranians were present in Crimea to help Russia pilot the Shahed-136 armed drones supplied by the Tehran government, but did not say how many Ukraine had killed.

Reports in the Israeli press in October said that 10 were killed because of Ukrainian military strikes in occupied Crimea. Danilov made it clear that any further Iranian military presence would be targeted.
“You shouldn’t be where you shouldn’t be,” Danilov said, in an interview in Kyiv. “They were on our territory. We didn’t invite them here, and if they collaborate with terrorists and participate in the destruction of our nation we must kill them.”

Julian Borger in Kyiv

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I've been told that those shell casings are reusable. Somebody was supposed to collect them after drills, or operation, and send them back to the factory for a refill, where they get narrowed down, a new primer, and charge.

Ukrainians were reusing their 122mm casings that way.

3 lines on the casing, means it's refuse unfit for recharge.
Yes, in most military, shell casing (Up to artillery shell) is reusable. They can be "reloaded" if you have the right presser. It's a lot cheaper than making new ammo that way. Unless the casing is bended or just not serviceable in general condition, they are to be sold as scrap.
A lot of clashes everywhere.. but a battle in bakhmut, the second battle after Mariupol, in this SMO..

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