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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If Bakhmut and Siversk fall then Kramatorsk will follow suit which will mean the whole North Donetsk region falling to the Russians
That's the same as saying if Kherson and Mykolaiv fall then Odessa will follow suit.

The problem is, you need at least 2 route to attack big city like Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, it's not a small size city like Bakhmut or Siversk, you can't attack head on, so either the Russian have to round south all the way up to Oleksandrivka or re-invade North thru Lyman again, there are virtually no chance Kramatorsk would fall, and judging by the fact that it took the Russian 5 months now trying to crack Bakhmut front, you are talking about at least 50 months before they can do that even if they can re-occupy Lyman or attack into Oleksandrivka...

Ukraine Situation Report: The Bloody Battle For Bakhmut​

The long fight over Bakhmut has resulted in many casualties, little ground gained, and transformed the area into a WWI-like hellscape.

Dude. Madison Beer is Jewish, arguably the prettiest girl in the world.
yeah she's cute in a mousy way. Kind of looks like a mouse. many Colombians and South Americans look like that Take away make up and photoshop and she's average. I've seen gypsies that look like her. Also her legs are oddly shaped. she has thick upper legs and no calves. And look at her nose. Its the perfect nose I will admit. It's the opposite of a typical jewish nose. Where did she steal her DNA to get a nose like that? Maybe plastic surgery?
Another Jewish Israeli girl called Yael Shelbia won the prettiest face award in 2020 and I could swear to god I personally know girls that look better than her.
She has curly hair that she carefully straightens to look more "European". And she had a single eyebrow thats she clearly shaves. She probably won the prettiest face award in Israel and that tells you all you need to know.
Never even heard of Mila Kunis.

I'm Ukranian myself, there are plenty of Jewish Ukranian/Polish/Romanian/Russian girls here.
I can spot them a mile away, they are no good. Mila Kunis is the best you will find. And she's already a superstar. I'm sorry but this is the truth. We will never fight over women.
Lol. Good luck I guess. I think the Holy Land is more beautiful and worth more than Bosnia, to the 4 billion people around the world that believe in Judaism/Islam/Christianity/Bahaals, considering the fact it has thousands of years of history of empires fighting for it. We are a well more developed nation.
I wont be visiting the holy land in my life but its had to imagine it could be prettier than Bosnia. I can understand Yemeni Jews loving Israel, but I would have to say any European jew must find Israel a total hellhole. Many jews I've met would rather die than live in Israel. They love Israel, but would never ever live there.

Russians never truly liked Israel and Israel never truly liked Russia. That being said, my class traveled to Moscow as a part of our Physics lessons, visited a bunch of space museums and centers. Almost all of us were Russian speaking so our assigned translator was basically useless. People didn't know we knew Russians and they were speaking bad stuff about us being Jewish, so we humiliated them by saying we knew Russian and watched them go pale. Funny times. It was years before the war started.

My Russian GF is casually racist but would date anyone if they had enough money. And I figure this is a typical Russian attitude. She has expressed zero anti semitism, but a lot of anti polish and ukranian sentiment. The only reason Russian would have anti semitism is maybe what they hear in Church, because apart form the Russian revolution, jews have played a very limited role in Russian history.
You got to love people like this poster when the same woman (Ursula Von Der Leyen) said Russian death is at 100,000 + and the same dude saying "This is propaganda" yet when she said Ukrainian death is at 100,000 then it become gospel.

It's the same source you know?? If you believe in one, then you must believe in the other because she is getting the information from the same intelligence estimate. You cannot discount one and believe one just because it connivence you.....

Her claims of Russian casualties are not reliable because she doesn't have access to them and she is also part of the countries waging war on Russia. So anything that Ursula Von Der Leyen states about Russian casualties is a pure propaganda, and we should take a grain of salt with any of her claims with respect to Russian casualties.

With respect to Ukrainian casualties, the EU that she is the president is the main backer of Ukraine, US being the other one. Therefore, she has full access to Ukrainian casualties. So when she admitted 100,000 Ukrainian military officers' casualties, that should tell you she is referring to the data that she has access to.

It is also very possible that she is downplaying the Ukrainian casualties because she doesn't want to say anything that Russians can use as a propaganda. So she is most likely hiding the real casualties - meaning the real death and wounded of Ukrainians must be way above 500,000. And this is the reason why the Ukrainians are in their 6th or 7th mobilization phase.

Let us not forget the Ukrainians have increased the age of military service to 60 years of age. And one should ask himself (or herself) why would they need men who are 60 years of age. The only explanation is the attrition rate must be very high.

So Mr @jhungary, you and others can believe in your fairy tales, but as we've seen, the truth has strange way of revealing itself.

The EU is in damage control now. :lol::lol:

But just like I told your friend @jhungary, truth has strange way of revealing itself. The death of 100,000 Ukrainian military officers has been admitted by the EU president, And this proves why Ukrainians are in their 6th or 7th mobilization phase.
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The wagner hooligans run against Ukraine wall of artillery at Bakhmut since months without success. Now they want to double down, no matter the cost. Their lives matter little.


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