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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Comments like this one shouldn't be posted in this forum. Calling the Russian people and soldiers "cockroaches" is the worst form of dehumanization. We need to keep the forum healthy for news updates and discussions.

@LeGenD @WebMaster @waz

That's rich coming from someone like you who keeps ranting about jews and "gay westerners" on this thread on many occasions.
I hear UK has bought over $90M worth of Russkie oil recently.... hehehe like they say, No honor among thieves.
Exactly- we are now seeing who really needs who in 2022- and apparently UK needs alot of international "help "still, so yea, EU is buying Russian oil STILL, US is probably secretly buying Russian diesel or oil or gasoline too.
That's rich coming from someone like you who keeps ranting about jews and "gay westerners" on this thread on many occasions.

I've never said anything negative against Jews. Stop making sh-t up. Now, you need to refrain from posting racist language against Russians.

Fyi, I've never called any group "cockroaches". You need to own it and delete the comment that doesn't fit in the forum.

Ukraine: Zelenska tells MPs that UK must 'unite the world'​

    • Published
      1 day ago
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Olena Zelenska alongside Speaker Lindsay Hoyle
Image caption,
Olena Zelenska was introduced to the House of Commons by Speaker Lindsay Hoyle
By Jasmine Andersson
BBC News

Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska has urged MPs to "unite the world community" and help end Ukraine's conflict with Russia.
Speaking in the House of Commons, Mrs Zelenska compared Russia's bombardment of Ukrainian cities to Nazi Germany's bombing of the UK during World War Two.
"You did not surrender, and we will not surrender," she said.
The speech comes as Ukraine enters its ninth month of conflict with Vladimir Putin's forces.
Mrs Zelenska is visiting the UK to highlight the plight of the Ukrainian people, millions of whom face a harsh winter with regular power cuts both planned and unplanned.

Fierce fighting continues on both the southern and eastern fronts of the country.

As part of her address, Mrs Zelenska showed pictures that she said depicted the impact of Russian air strikes, which have caused blackouts in major cities, including in capital Kyiv, as well as Lviv, Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv.
The first lady said: "Your island survived the air raids that were identical to those Russia uses to put us on our knees.

"We are hearing sirens every day identical to those British generations heard."
She also said that Ukrainian forces had discovered torture rooms in areas recaptured from Russian control.
Last month, Ukraine found the bodies of 63 civilians bearing signs of torture near the recently liberated city of Kherson. Russia has repeatedly denied committing atrocities in its invasion. But the BBC has spoken to two people who said they were held for more than a month in the "torture chambers" alluded to by Mrs Zelenska.
Mr Putin has also accused Ukraine of committing war crimes against Russian soldiers.

Lindsay Hoyle addresses MPs

Image caption,
Lindsay Hoyle introduced the Ukrainian first lady to MPs
Mrs Zelenska told MPs that the UK should be "a world leader in justice efforts."
"Victory is not the only thing we need, we need justice," she said.
Speaker of the House Lindsay Hoyle, who introduced the first lady to the Commons, said Zelenska's visit must "shock us awake again".
The UK must avoid thinking the war is "going on in a far away land" and that it "does not affect us", he said.
"If Putin wins, other nations will be in his sights," he added.

Media caption,
Watch: Zelenska's visit must shock us awake again - Sir Lindsay Hoyle
As part of the trip, Mrs Zelenska has met Camilla, the Queen Consort, as well as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's wife, Akshata Murthy.

Earlier, Camilla greeted Mrs Zelenska at a reception to raise awareness of violence against women and girls.
Delivering a speech at the event, the Ukrainian first lady said many women had been raped by Russian soldiers.
"The youngest victim of rape is four and eldest is 85," she said.
The BBC has heard first-hand testimony and found evidence of Ukrainian women being raped by invading soldiers.
On the BBC's Today programme, the first lady also urged the British public to continue to support Ukraine.
She said: "We do hope that the approaching season of Christmas doesn't make you forget about our tragedy and get used to our suffering."
Comments like this one shouldn't be posted in this forum. Calling the Russian people and soldiers "cockroaches" is the worst form of dehumanization. We need to keep the forum healthy for news updates and discussions.

@LeGenD @WebMaster @waz
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black…

I suggest you delete all your comments where You call the Ukrainans ”Nazis”.
Will there be more or less than 10% left?

@LeGenD @WebMaster @waz

I've never said anything negative against Jews. Stop making sh-t up. Now, you need to refrain from posting racist language against Russians.

Fyi, I've never called any group "cockroaches". You need to own it and delete the comment that doesn't fit in the forum.
@LeGenD I suggest Hassan has to delete all his comments where he calls Ukrainans Nazis within a week or get thread banned.
You have a lot to learn, Treatise signed under duress are not valid.
That is your opinion, and your opinion only.
Countries are not playing according to the same rules as people.
Men without honour will of course violate their word.
They will also spit on treaties. You can make a personal choice if You want to be a man of honour or a despicable beeing.
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US considers dramatically expanding training of Ukrainian forces​

WashingtonCNN —
The Biden administration is considering a dramatic expansion in the training the US military provides to Ukrainian forces, including instructing as many as 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers a month at a US base in Germany, according to multiple US officials.

If adopted, the proposal would mark a significant increase not just in the number of Ukrainians the US trains but also in the type of training they receive. Since the start of the conflict in February, the US has trained only a few thousand Ukrainian soldiers, mostly in small groups, on specific weapons systems.

Under the new program, the US would begin training much larger groups of Ukrainian soldiers in more sophisticated battlefield tactics, including how to coordinate infantry maneuvers with artillery support – “much more intense and comprehensive” training than Ukraine has been receiving in Poland or the UK, according to one source briefed on the proposal.


US considers dramatically expanding training of Ukrainian forces​

WashingtonCNN —
The Biden administration is considering a dramatic expansion in the training the US military provides to Ukrainian forces, including instructing as many as 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers a month at a US base in Germany, according to multiple US officials.

If adopted, the proposal would mark a significant increase not just in the number of Ukrainians the US trains but also in the type of training they receive. Since the start of the conflict in February, the US has trained only a few thousand Ukrainian soldiers, mostly in small groups, on specific weapons systems.

Under the new program, the US would begin training much larger groups of Ukrainian soldiers in more sophisticated battlefield tactics, including how to coordinate infantry maneuvers with artillery support – “much more intense and comprehensive” training than Ukraine has been receiving in Poland or the UK, according to one source briefed on the proposal.

How is US going to get the money back from all this investment and what is the middle and end game? As we have seen in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan it is easy to get in but hard to get out. Last thing NATO want to do is get trapped in its own trap. Russia/China partnership is formidable and the Indians will play along join the Russia-China gang later on , no matter how they are strung along. India's Neo-Nazi nationalism will hit the cross roads and they are no fools and know the turn to take.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black…

I suggest you delete all your comments where You call the Ukrainans ”Nazis”.
Will there be more or less than 10% left?

@LeGenD @WebMaster @waz

@LeGenD I suggest Hassan has to delete all his comments where he calls Ukrainans Nazis within a week or get thread banned.

I bring relevant information to this thread, but has never gone low to call Ukrainians or anyone else as cockroaches.

Additionally, Azov was a confirmed Neo-Nazi group. Even the US Congress considered to designating them as a foreign terrorist organization. 👇

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/29/europe/ukraine-azov-movement-far-right-intl-cmd/index.html

"Azov’s military and political wings formally separated in 2016, when the far-right National Corps party was founded. The Azov battalion had by then been integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard.

An effective fighting force that’s very much involved in the current conflict, the battalion has a history of neo-Nazi leanings, which have not been entirely extinguished by its integration into the Ukrainian military.

In its heyday as an autonomous militia, the Azov Battalion was associated with White supremacists and neo-Nazi ideology and insignia. It was especially active in and around Mariupol in 2014 and 2015. CNN teams in the area at the time reported Azov’s embrace of neo-Nazi emblems and paraphernalia.

After its integration into the Ukrainian National Guard, amid discussions in the US Congress about designating the Azov Movement a foreign terrorist organization, Ukraine’s then minister of internal affairs, Arsen Avakov, defended the unit. “The shameful information campaign about the alleged spread of Nazi ideology (among Azov members) is a deliberate attempt to discredit the ‘Azov’ unit and the National Guard of Ukraine,” he told the online newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda in 2019."
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black…

I suggest you delete all your comments where You call the Ukrainans ”Nazis”.
Will there be more or less than 10% left?

@LeGenD @WebMaster @waz
well , then what to do with the nonsignificant and unimportant fact that a healthy chunk of Ukrainian politician and powerbrokers and behind the scene string pullers are Nazi or Nazi sympathizers
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