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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Since when has thieving been legitimised in any law or agreed by anyone?
If you reject the notion that you own something, then you can’t come back 20 years later and claim it is stolen from you.
International law is a series of treaties. Once something is decided in a treaty, the signees are bound by the treaty.
You being ignorant of International Law does not change a thing.
If you reject the notion that you own something, then you can’t come back 20 years later and claim it is stolen from you.
International law is a series of treaties. Once something is decided in a treaty, the signees are bound by the treaty.
You being ignorant of International Law does not change a thing.
Colonial law and treatise enacted through crimes is not acceptable to anyone.
Colonial law and treatise enacted through crimes is not acceptable to anyone.

United Nations provides legitimacy to existence of any country that exist in modern times by recognizing its borders.

A treaty should be "respected."

Islam also teach to honor a treaty irrespective of its political underpinnings. Treaty of Hudaybiyyah is notable example. This is a matter of having principles.

There should be a valid reason to walk out from a treaty (i.e., the other party is found to be violating it). This should not be a case of misuse of power because it sets a bad precedent.

She admitted 100,000 Ukrainian officers dying in this war. What about the soldiers then? And how many of them wounded? I would assume at least 3 times more. The Donbass and NovoRossiya regionshave proven to be a meat grinder against NATO's cannon fodder aka Ukrainian military.
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She admitted 100,000 Ukrainian officers dying in this war. What about the soldiers then? And how many of them wounded? I would assume at least 3 times more. The Donbass and NovoRossiya regionshave proven to be a meat grinder against NATO's cannon fodder aka Ukrainian military.
You got to love people like this poster when the same woman (Ursula Von Der Leyen) said Russian death is at 100,000 + and the same dude saying "This is propaganda" yet when she said Ukrainian death is at 100,000 then it become gospel.

It's the same source you know?? If you believe in one, then you must believe in the other because she is getting the information from the same intelligence estimate. You cannot discount one and believe one just because it connivence you.....

Russia controls Ukrainian lands with energy, metal and mineral deposits' wealth exceeding 12 trillion dollars!


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She admitted 100,000 Ukrainian officers dying in this war. What about the soldiers then? And how many of them wounded? I would assume at least 3 times more. The Donbass and NovoRossiya regionshave proven to be a meat grinder against NATO's cannon fodder aka Ukrainian military.

You got to love people like this poster when the same woman (Ursula Von Der Leyen) said Russian death is at 100,000 + and the same dude saying "This is propaganda" yet when she said Ukrainian death is at 100,000 then it become gospel.

It's the same source you know?? If you believe in one, then you must believe in the other because she is getting the information from the same intelligence estimate. You cannot discount one and believe one just because it connivence you.....

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