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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

which means we are commiting to getting russia out of crimea aswell so that ukraine has no remaining land disputes(precondition of member ship). Good.
The russians dump their future for a stupid idea. Russia is a giant in landmass and resources. Why they need to steal more lands and resources? They have people, they have technology. They can be rich like the sheiks in Qatar. They don’t need to work a day. Money rains from the sky. Instead of making life better they waste off their lives and others people time. Just dumb.
Information about a new fab production unit is released in Iran. Images are faded out for security.

These units can produce chips for Shahed domestically when needed.
See Shahed 129 FLIR in the movie.

See the wafer here


A hundred more fab companies available on the list that I sent before.
If I was Iran I would not be using western monitors for this sort of production. That would be a big mistake.
Simply put: Putin is a thief. Ukraine has resources that he wants to steal. The Donbas is the industrial heart of Ukraine, that is not surprising he wants to steal it as first goal. Interesting enough, there is zero opposition in Russia. Putin and his gang are free to rape, steal, loot, kill, destroy.
He's an empire builder and Russians see him as such. I think they mostly support him and his actions. All empires do this sort of stuff. We just have to make sure we dont become victims of it.
Better looking? You probably live under the false assumption Jews are some inbred rats.
No I don't. Jews a fine people. Its just the thousands that I've met dont look very good or are not my type. For most part they look like ben stiller and Adam Sandler, and that face annoys the heck out of me.
Jews look better than you are. Especially Jewish women.
lol, no. definitely not. Mila Kunis is kinda cute but in ukraine she would be a 3/10. In Bosnia she would be a 5/10. In Israel she would be a supermodel. I suppose there are many good looking half jewish actresses, like johanssen and Paltrow, but they are superstars, Women like that in Eastern Europe work at McDonalds. Just ask zelensky why he married a hot ethnic ukranian woman.
Beautiful country is subjective, we have deserts in the south, green forests and snow in the north, recently found a lot of gas in the sea (which you don't even have because Croatia cucked you)
You found lots of gas? The irony of it. I wont make a joke out of that. I'm too sensitive to peoples feelings. Croatia didnt cuck us. They cucked Italy and Venice, Hungary and Austria. Half of Croatia has Bosnian ancestry. We are very closely related people. We would rather they control the sea than Italians. Some Bosnian kings controlled some of that sea maybe 700 years ago, but back then, its was not so clear who was Croatian who was Bosnian. In the future under the EU empire, there will be no border between us anyway.
We never wanted a country in Europe. We preferr all of it :)
Yeah, you wanted, but it was not attainable. Noone would swap Vienna for Negev if they had choice. Krakow or Lodz for some impoverished Palestinian village.
Russian Jews mostly support Ukraine. Russians (non Jews) in Israel mostly support Russia. Ukrainian Jews support Ukraine. Most young ethnic-Russians and Ukrainians don't view themselves as such but as Israelis and hold no real loyalty to either side.
Interesting. Thank you. I noticed a slight uptick of antisemitism from ethnic Russians recently. That might be one of the reasons. But nothing compared to the massive uptick in their anti ukraniansim. Russians always saw the other slavs as a bit backward and unsophisticated. And they are right. But now its a much more pronounced feeling.

Russians are also much more fond of islamic countries and people lately. I guess they are looking for alternatives now that europe has shut the door on them. I mean Poland and Czech and some other countries dont even issue visas to them. Russians are not ok with this. they do take it personally.
Another day another clown moment. What is it with Russian and delusion of grandeur anyway?
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This idiot wants to claim Balkans as part of russia. lol. ok, once he conquers 40 million ukranains and 30 million Romanians. Then he will fight Orthodox Bulgarains and Serbs, What a strategy.

It should be noted that the biggest lovers of Putin and Russia in Europe, Serbia, would never allow Russians to enter their country. That tells you all you need to know.

How is the war affecting ordinary Russians?


Russian president said to mothers of mobilised soldiers: “men live useless lives and die from vodka.”

“There’s no higher goal than to get killed in Ukraine while dispatching Ukies.”

“No greater valor than to die for motherland rather than from liver cirrhosis pooping tiny diamonds on a villa on Lake Como,” confessed propagandist Vladimir Adolphovich Soloviev.

“A man who died in Ukraine has not lived his life in vain.”

“I foresee the beginning of the collapse of the West in spring 2023,” psychic Svetlana Dragana on Channel One.

“We should reduce the world to smithereens not to face war tribunal in The Hague,” head of RT Margarita Simonyan.

“We are hitting infrastructure, and it will be destroyed. Ukraine will be sent to the 18th century,” Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy in an interview with French TV.

“Russia is a nuclear power, and you must understand that a nuclear power cannot lose a war. I am not threatening with nuclear weapons. West, better get ready, you will feel a lot of pain.”

“The next target after energy facilities should be banking infrastructure facilities. The goal is to sow chaos, leave Ukrainians without work, without livelihood.” General of the Russian Federation Andrey Gurulev.

That said,

Buckwheat is also very good.
It looks like even in Poland, the casualties of the war in Ukraine is piling up. 👇

"The number of wounded is probably three times the number of dead, though that can vary depending on the war's circumstance. It means that in total some 4800 men of the Polish contingent in Ukraine were wounded or killed. Is that one third of the Polish 'mercenary' forces in Ukraine? Is it more? Or less?

We don't know but I expect that quite a lot of regular soldiers of the 16th Pomeranian Mechanised Division in Olsztyn have been 'asked' to take part in the war. The division consists of one armored and two mechanized brigades plus the usual auxiliaries which makes it a 15,000 men strong unit.

The style of Polish graveyards is typical for a Catholic European country. Trees, individual graves, elaborate tombstones, candles and flowers.


source - bigger
It is understandable that people in Poland do not like the plans for an 'American' style military graveyard:

With plans for 1,700 dead Polish soldiers, beyond those 1,200 already buried, the Polish government seems to expect its soldiers to take part in an even more intensified and longer war."
lots of bullshit again this is just a normal cementary in poland :disagree:

you can even read Bielaków Jozef 1926-2004 :omghaha: what means there would be no new greave near this guy becose normaly graves are a line of graves from same year

Like we care about our death familiy graves and it just past 1 novemeber when we clean our family graves and lighting candels


this picture is from my town during that time and we change old grave from time to time my great grandma had her tombstone replaced like 4 years ago :-)
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lots of bullshit again this is just a normal cementary in poland :disagree:

you can even read Bielaków Jozef 1926-2004 :omghaha: what means there would be no new greave near this guy becose normaly graves are a line of graves from same year

Like we care about our death familiy graves and it just past 1 novemeber when we clean our family graves and lighting candels

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this picture is from my town during that time and we change old grave from time to time my great grandma had her tombstone replaced like 4 years ago :-)

Funny how Russians are creating a narrative of "hordes of Polish mercenaries" when things go wrong on the field.
The Native Americans would disagree with you:-

Flag of the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma

Flag of the Comanche Nation

Flag of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes

It's not simple as you make it out to be as many countries can lay claim to Ukraine:-"the area was contested, divided, and ruled by a variety of external powers for the next 600 years, including the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsardom of Russia. The Cossack Hetmanate emerged in central Ukraine in the 17th century, but was partitioned between Russia and Poland, and ultimately absorbed by the Russian Empire. After the Russian Revolution, a Ukrainian national movement re-emerged, and formed the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1917. This short-lived state was forcibly reconstituted by the Bolsheviks into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became a founding member of the Soviet Union in 1922. "

Europe, including Russia, in the Helsinki Accords agreed that all such historical claims are null and void.
Once you have given up a claim, you cannot go back.
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The russians dump their future for a stupid idea. Russia is a giant in landmass and resources. Why they need to steal more lands and resources? They have people, they have technology. They can be rich like the sheiks in Qatar. They don’t need to work a day. Money rains from the sky. Instead of making life better they waste off their lives and others people time. Just dumb.

lots of bullshit again this is just a normal cementary in poland :disagree:

you can even read Bielaków Jozef 1926-2004 :omghaha: what means there would be no new greave near this guy becose normaly graves are a line of graves from same year

Like we care about our death familiy graves and it just past 1 novemeber when we clean our family graves and lighting candels

View attachment 901475

this picture is from my town during that time and we change old grave from time to time my great grandma had her tombstone replaced like 4 years ago :-)

I quoted a reputable site: Moon of Alabama. You can deny it but Polish casualties is in the thousands.
Britain handed over to Ukraine a batch of high-precision Brimstone-2 missiles, the footage of the loading of missiles was published by the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom. We have already talked about the Brimstone rocket received by Russia earlier. Brimstone 2 is a modified and improved version of the original Brimstone rocket. When launched from the air, the missile has a range of up to 60 kilometers, when launched from the ground, the flight range is 12 kilometers. The missile's improved homing head, modular design and updated software improve its accuracy. When tested from the Tornado fighter, the missile hit the target 91% of the time. The approximate cost of the Brimstone rocket is $150,000.

The Belarusian army landed a Polish UAV 12 km from the border with Poland. This was reported by the Belarusian media. The drone was reportedly equipped with a thermal imager, a high-definition camera, and high-capacity batteries. The incident occurred during a visit by Polish President Andrzej Duda to the field camp of the 11th Masurian Artillery Regiment near the village of Nowa Luka in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The drone filmed important infrastructure facilities of the republic, including military installations.

The Ukrainian army received American 105-mm M101 howitzers developed during the Second World War from Lithuania, video footage of their use is shown. Earlier, Lithuania received these howitzers from Denmark, the guns were repainted and transferred to Ukraine. The Howitzer M101 howitzer has been mass-produced since 1941 and turned out to be successful. The howitzer is still in service with the armies of many countries of the world. In some countries, howitzers were improved and produced under a different index. Howitzer crew 8 people, firing range - 11 thousand meters, rate of fire - 4-5 rounds per minute, weight - 2260 kg. The price of the howitzer is 57 thousand dollars.

The crew of the Russian MiG-31 aircraft spoke about combat missions in the areas of combat contact in Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense of Luxembourg stated that as part of the regular military assistance, 6 Primoco One 150 UAVs were transferred to the Ukrainian army. The UAVs were created by the Czech company Primoco UAV. The drone can automatically take off, land and follow the route. The One 150 UAV has a maximum takeoff weight of 150 kg, a flight time of up to 15 hours and is controlled at a distance of up to 200 km from a ground station. Having programmed the UAV to move along the route, the flight range reaches 2000 km. With a payload, and it is 30 kg, it is obvious that the UAV can be used as a kamikaze drone, programmed to fly along the route. The drone is equipped with infrared cameras and has a 50 hp single piston engine. Drone flight speed up to 150 km/h, time spent in the air up to 15 hours. UAV flight height up to 3300 meters. Wingspan: 4.9 m.


I quoted a reputable site: Moon of Alabama. You can deny it but Polish casualties is in the thousands.
in milions

no idea what is Moon of Alabama but for me sounds like a sect, they don't show any evidence in that anyway ...

i live in poland and im telling you that's how a normal graveyard lookes like in this season ... new tombstones mix with old are a normal thing in poland

and this is how a new grave would look like :

"he authorities prepared "special honors" for them. Uniform quarters are being built in Olsztyn: There are to be two slab sizes. Larger (meter by meter) are graves for officers, smaller ones (60 cm by 60 cm) are quarters for soldiers. It will not be possible to cover the tombstone with cubes, or to sprinkle pebbles and plant flowers. Only grass is to be spread around the graves. Such an inglorious end awaits the mercenaries who died in Ukraine."

and this is a total bullshit the double size means its for a husband and wife :omghaha: i live near olsztyn man i fk know what im saying.

best part of that article is source of picture :


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