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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It is not NATOs business to force Ukraine to give up its sovereignity.
Is this a Freudian slip were you;re admitting that NATO has HIJACKED Ukraine's sovereignty effectively? i agree NATO has hijacked Ukraine in some ways.
Ukraine makes all the decisions,
after its govt has been hijacked or/and taken hostage by NATO?
and it is Russia which is to be blamed 100% for all lives lost on both sides.
what a naive comment- for one, more than half of the world doesnt believe this and that was proven via the UN vote on Ukraine -stop being so emotional.
You, trying to shift blame, is disgusting.
projecting again? cuz this is what NATO is doing- shifting blame for instigating the conflict - even the Pope had to censure NATO for "bringing NATO to Russia's doorsteps"..."dont start no sht there wouldnt be no what???"

The Russisns haven't made any significant advances,
They've made some, and Ukrainians have made NONE since Kherson, and Ukraine is the side that needs to make progress- RUssia can keep fortifying occupied areas in the meantime and stall- time is on Russia's side, period.
and are slso suffering heavy loses.
sure, war is deadly business, but losses dont matter ultimately- end result does, and the jury is still out- its currently "game" time , so hopefully a no-electricity having Ukraine is ready for winter...


Yeeesh... Can't even make fun of this. Leave it to the Russians to somehow manages to took out the fun of mocking the dead.

Is this a Freudian slip were you;re admitting that NATO has HIJACKED Ukraine's sovereignty effectively? i agree NATO has hijacked Ukraine in some ways.

after its govt has been hijacked or/and taken hostage by NATO?

what a naive comment- for one, more than half of the world doesnt believe this and that was proven via the UN vote on Ukraine -stop being so emotional.

projecting again? cuz this is what NATO is doing- shifting blame for instigating the conflict - even the Pope had to censure NATO for "bringing NATO to Russia's doorsteps"..."dont start no sht there wouldnt be no what???"

They've made some, and Ukrainians have made NONE since Kherson, and Ukraine is the side that needs to make progress- RUssia can keep fortifying occupied areas in the meantime and stall- time is on Russia's side, period.

sure, war is deadly business, but losses dont matter ultimately- end result does, and the jury is still out- its currently "game" time , so hopefully a no-electricity having Ukraine is ready for winter...
So you are literally arguing whether or not Ukraine is an independent country?? There are literally nothing to be disputed.
Well if China came along and funded independence of Texas and the Texans start killing Americans then what would your position be?
Well if China came along and funded independence of Texas and the Texans start killing Americans then what would your position be?
How about China funding Malaysian Chinese to succeed from Malaysia? How about China funding the Chinese in New York Chinatown and succeed from the US??

Texas is PART OF US. It doesn't matter who fund what, it's United States internal affair, they can use National Guard if they have to. The Federal Government have legal right over ALL American within its sovereign border, it does not just mean American who speak English or Spanish.

If you think those Ukrainian who speak "Russian" equate to being "Russian" then you have a serious problem on understanding sovereignty. Ukrainian Government have the right to imprison/kill ANYONE that is within its own border as that is within its jurisdiction. Just because you speak a different language does not mean shit.
Well if China came along and funded independence of Texas and the Texans start killing Americans then what would your position be?
Texas is not an independent country.
Ukraine has been an independent republic since the Russian Revolution, which choose to be part of the Soviet Union, and then choose to separate themselves. The Russian Empire died in the Russian Revolution, as the Soviet Union claimed that it and all its constituents were new entities which would not accept the debts of Russia. The Russian Federation is legally not an inheritor of the Russian Empire. It just happens to have the same name trying to fool morons.
Texas is not an independent country.
Ukraine has been an independent republic since the Russian Revolution, which choose to be part of the Soviet Union, and then choose to separate themselves. The Russian Empire died in the Russian Revolution, as the Soviet Union claimed that it and all its constituents were new entities which would not accept the debts of Russia. The Russian Federation is legally not an inheritor of the Russian Empire. It just happens to have the same name trying to fool morons.
The Native Americans would disagree with you:-

Flag of the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma

Flag of the Comanche Nation

Flag of the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes
How about China funding Malaysian Chinese to succeed from Malaysia? How about China funding the Chinese in New York Chinatown and succeed from the US??

Texas is PART OF US. It doesn't matter who fund what, it's United States internal affair, they can use National Guard if they have to. The Federal Government have legal right over ALL American within its sovereign border, it does not just mean American who speak English or Spanish.

If you think those Ukrainian who speak "Russian" equate to being "Russian" then you have a serious problem on understanding sovereignty. Ukrainian Government have the right to imprison/kill ANYONE that is within its own border as that is within its jurisdiction. Just because you speak a different language does not mean shit.
It's not simple as you make it out to be as many countries can lay claim to Ukraine:-"the area was contested, divided, and ruled by a variety of external powers for the next 600 years, including the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsardom of Russia. The Cossack Hetmanate emerged in central Ukraine in the 17th century, but was partitioned between Russia and Poland, and ultimately absorbed by the Russian Empire. After the Russian Revolution, a Ukrainian national movement re-emerged, and formed the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1917. This short-lived state was forcibly reconstituted by the Bolsheviks into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became a founding member of the Soviet Union in 1922. "

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It's not simple as you make it out to be as may countries can lay claim to Ukraine:-"the area was contested, divided, and ruled by a variety of external powers for the next 600 years, including the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsardom of Russia. The Cossack Hetmanate emerged in central Ukraine in the 17th century, but was partitioned between Russia and Poland, and ultimately absorbed by the Russian Empire. After the Russian Revolution, a Ukrainian national movement re-emerged, and formed the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1917. This short-lived state was forcibly reconstituted by the Bolsheviks into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became a founding member of the Soviet Union in 1922. "

Are you for real??

How about China going back to Mongol since Genkis Khan conquer China back in 12 century? How about Finland going back to the Russian Empire since it was ceded by the Swede to Tsar I back in early 18 century? How about Canada going back to France since French colonised QUebec and much of Canada? in the 17th century?? How about Alaska going back to Russia since it was purchased by the America in Alaskan Purchase?

If we go by what "Historical" belong to, then most of the world belong to the 3 nations, The British Empire, The Spanish and The Russian. Just because it was part of something does not mean it is still "Disputed" International Law existed for a reason.
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