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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Belarus minister who acted as secret go-between with the West 'WAS killed by Kremlin assassins​

>> Looks like Belarus is having second thoughts about its involvement and the future direction of the war....

More and more - Putin is becoming isolated in this war it seems.
You just cope hard because the Jews are more successful than you will ever be.
Jews are more successful than I will ever be? 20 million jews have more success than me alone? You are a true genius. How long did it take you to figure that out.

In fact I have never even seen a jewish person that has less money than me. The poorest jewish person I've ever met has $5 million. This is a blessing for you as well as a curse.
NATO are sacrificing Ukrainian lives, they can easily force the Ukrainians to negotiate a truce and settlement. There are many land disputes all around the globe, why the selective support for Ukraine?
Russia is not offering nay deals.

Many agree with Denazification of Ukraine and the need to de-nazify some other parts of Europe. Whenever and wherever the disgusting Nazis rise up they should be crushed.
Why do you say that? have they done something bad to you lately? Have you ever seen a nazi? where did you see them?
Many agree with Denazification of Ukraine and the need to de-nazify some other parts of Europe. Whenever and wherever the disgusting Nazis rise up they should be crushed.
There is a lot of war criminals that claim they are denazifying Ukraine as a cover up for their atrocities.
Nazism in Europe is handled in European courts, which is the appropriate place.
Yes, they know. That day even not a tree or stone will hide or save them.

It's just a matter of time. Soon they will see. It is written, and they already know it, but it's in their blood to pretend to not know.
It is documented in the Hadith. As you have pointed out.
Jews are more successful than I will ever be? 20 million jews have more success than me alone? You are a true genius. How long did it take you to figure that out.

In fact I have never even seen a jewish person that has less money than me. The poorest jewish person I've ever met has $5 million. This is a blessing for you as well as a curse.
By you I mean your people and the people you support. Obviously Jews are more successful than you personally.
By you I mean your people and the people you support. Obviously Jews are more successful than you personally.
Well yes, Jews are more successful than Bosnians. Bravo! Again, I'd have to agree with you on this. Just have a look at all your Nobel prizes and contributions to humanity over the thousands of years. What have Bosnians done? well, we have a one stringed instrument and lots of strong alcoholic drinks, and It's likely we haven't invented anything. So yeah, you win.

But it depends on how you measure success. We are better looking, we have better women (they are just not as smart), we have a more beautiful country. We have a country in Europe, which you were never able to get. You on the other hand with all your success and power were politely asked to leave europe and settle in a sandy patch of desert in the middle east. You swapped Vienna and Mainz for sand in the Middle East. Your country is smaller than Armenia. I have a river on my property in Bosnia thats larger than the Jordan river.

Anyway we must get back to ukraine. This is why we are here. I think its admirable that so many jewish and Israeli people are supporting Ukraine and its territorial integrity. Its also admirable how you supported Azerbaijan.

Maybe you can tell us if the Russian jews in Israel support russia or Ukraine? or is it very individual and they no loyalty one way or the other?
Just like in WW1 and WW2?

What is like WW1 and WW2 here , is that this war is taking place in the same blood drenches earth of the same fields of battle in Europe.

One would have thought that humanity would have learned the lesson ; and that such wars would be a thing only learned in history lessons. Specially in Europe where they really have no need to fight. Is Europe short of resources ? Short of things that Unite and all nations ? Ukraine's and Russians where actually brothers before the war.

But obviously some have not learned that lesson

In particular one person , who bares the responsibility for this war , and his nation who protested so little against this war.

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250 losses in one day seems to be newsworthy. So can we assume they usually lose a lot less per day. maybe 100. so in one year the casualties would be 36,000. Not great, but not terrible.
This is only in the Bakhmut area!
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