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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

One would have thought that humanity would have learned the lesson ; and that such wars would be a thing only learned in history lessons. Specially in Europe where they really have no need to fight. Is Europe short of resources ? Short of things that Unite and all nations ? Ukraine's and Russians are where actually brothers before the war.

Nut obviously some have not learned that lesson

In particular one person , who bares the responsibility for this war , and his nation who protested so little against this war.
Its laughable isn't it, the biggest country in the world is fighting the second biggest country in europe to be even bigger. Both have unlimited natural resources, water, food and anything at all. Ethnically there is no more similar people than they are to each other. its just disgraceful.
Its laughable isn't it, the biggest country in the world is fighting the second biggest country in europe to be even bigger. Both have unlimited natural resources, water, food and anything at all. Ethnically there is no more similar people than they are to each other. its just disgraceful.
Simply put: Putin is a thief. Ukraine has resources that he wants to steal. The Donbas is the industrial heart of Ukraine, that is not surprising he wants to steal it as first goal. Interesting enough, there is zero opposition in Russia. Putin and his gang are free to rape, steal, loot, kill, destroy.
But it depends on how you measure success. We are better looking, we have better women (they are just not as smart), we have a more beautiful country. We have a country in Europe, which you were never able to get. You on the other hand with all your success and power were politely asked to leave europe and settle in a sandy patch of desert in the middle east. You swapped Vienna and Mainz for sand in the Middle East. Your country is smaller than Armenia. I have a river on my property in Bosnia thats larger than the Jordan river.

Anyway we must get back to ukraine. This is why we are here. I think its admirable that so many jewish and Israeli people are supporting Ukraine and its territorial integrity. Its also admirable how you supported Azerbaijan.

Maybe you can tell us if the Russian jews in Israel support russia or Ukraine? or is it very individual and they no loyalty one way or the other?
Better looking? You probably live under the false assumption Jews are some inbred rats. Jews look better than you are. Especially Jewish women. Beautiful country is subjective, we have deserts in the south, green forests and snow in the north, recently found a lot of gas in the sea (which you don't even have because Croatia cucked you)
You guys in Bosnia are either mafia bosses or some side characters from Borat.

We never wanted a country in Europe. We preferr all of it :)
What's up with with you and Armenia? you're obsessed with it.

Russian Jews mostly support Ukraine. Russians (non Jews) in Israel mostly support Russia. Ukrainian Jews support Ukraine. Most young ethnic-Russians and Ukrainians don't view themselves as such but as Israelis and hold no real loyalty to either side.
Another day another clown moment. What is it with Russian and delusion of grandeur anyway?

Ukraine needs more air defense, that’s it. The russians fire 80 to 100 missiles per day. Then they pause they wait Ukraine fix the damage then they fire again. Military worthless, Putin and his paid hooligans just want to terrorize population. they target Ukraine civil infra, they target energy grid.
They will do it be keep doing it because that is the only way they can do at the moment. Yes Ukraine needed more, much more Anti-Air Defence (there are less than 10 set of Advance Western SAM in the entire country, you need at least triple or even quadruple that) otherwise it will be as Zelenskyy said, as long as Russia have missile, they won't stop.
There are many land disputes all around the globe, why the selective support for Ukraine?
Selective support because Ukraine presents the MOST SELECTIVE opportunity for NATO to strategically position itself on and at Russia's borders, in a region of the world that Russia is vulnerable (Black sea).

Ukraine will be unrecognizable when this war is over.
NATO are sacrificing Ukrainian lives, they can easily force the Ukrainians to negotiate a truce and settlement. There are many land disputes all around the globe, why the selective support for Ukraine?
So you are literally arguing whether or not Ukraine is an independent country?? There are literally nothing to be disputed.

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