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Russia says it won’t be drawn into war over Syria


Aug 6, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Russia says it won’t be drawn into war over Syria


Russia has no plans to be drawn into war over Syria if Western powers launch a military attack on the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday.

“We have no plans to go to war with anyone,” Lavrov said on Monday, according to Reuters.

Lavrov added that an armed intervention would not end the Middle Eastern country’s civil war.

“If anybody thinks that bombing and destroying the Syrian military infrastructure, and leaving the battlefield for the opponents of the regime to win, would end everything - that is an illusion,” Lavrov said.

He also warned the West against intervening militarily in the Syrian conflict without the approval of the U.N. Security Council, saying such action would violate international law.

“Using force without the approval of the U.N. Security Council is a very grave violation of international law,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters, adding that the West was currently moving towards “a very dangerous path, a very slippery path.”

Calls for military action against the Syrian regime have intensified after the reported use of chemical weapons civilians in the district of Ghouta near Damascus. More than 1,000 people, including many children were killed in the attack.

The United States previously said that using chemical weapons in Syria is a “red line.” The United Nations has sent a team of inspectors to probe claims of the weapons use.

Russia is a main supporter of the Syrian regime and used its veto power in the United Nations to block several measures against Syria. Russia is also major supplier of weapons for the Assad’s regime.

Russia has warned that Western plans in Syria are part of attempts to change the geopolitical map of the region. Syria is a main ally of Iran and Hezbollah and the fall of the Assad’s regime there is likely to weaken Iran and hinder the transfer of Iranian weapons to Hezbollah, a main guerrilla enemy of Israel.

(With AFP and Reuters)


The Russians want to portray themselves as a responsible power. As I wrote earlier, they won't defy the UN.

If the UN investigators find that Assad is responsible for the chemical weapons attack, Russia will not defend him. Not a chance!
Its Al Arabia net source.

I would like to see a Russian source.
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the stupidty of some people... yes Russia has no plans to go to war with anyone... which lavrov said

“We have no plans to go to war with anyone,” Lavrov said on Monday, according to Reuters.
comparing what he is saying to USA plans to attack Syria... Russia has no plans to attack any country... however the media made that look like that Russia is not backing Syria anymore...

naive people... stupid terrorists supporters... anyways Syrians don't need Russia anyway.. we know the west's Achilles heel....
the stupidty of some people... yes Russia has no plans to go to war with anyone... which lavrov said

comparing what he is saying to USA plans to attack Syria... Russia has no plans to attack any country... however the media made that look like that Russia is not backing Syria anymore...

naive people... stupid terrorists supporters... anyways Syrians don't need Russia anyway.. we know the west's Achilles heel....

bro how is your area right now ? what is the condition ? i am worried about you bro :frown: stay safe bro from FSA terrorist.
Biggest bunch of cowards ever.

Who the **** would want to be a russian ally?

What do you expect, Russia is not even a superpower they are close to nothing in international politics. They cant even take on the Germans or us let alone taking on the NATO.

Three powers at least for now:-


Money Talks!!! Money is power!!!!
Don't worry, as far as i know the US government is not shelling California with Scud missiles, so he's safe.

One smart post!

Syrian Lion is a naughty boy! He just thanked him and did nothing more! :D
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