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Russia rules out arms sale to Pakistan


I can tell you want happen there.... three times the right(side) one kicked middle one balls. one time both left- right kicked jointly kicked middle one balls...
I blame the irresponsible Pakistani media and some I-have-contacts-everywhere Pakistanis to build the hopes up of the naive ones. There is no doubt that relations between Pak and Russia are improving but instead of building castles in the air, it would better serve the Pakistani to analyze how and where the relations have improved. Given the general feeling of desperation seeping Pakistan, this is expected but it wouldn't hurt if they can study deeper before making claims about Russia and India relations.
So India was so much worried that Russia had to issue a statement :rofl:..... Insecurity

for all the similar comments like this.......it was a question put forth by a journalist for which the russian defence minister had to answer.......lol......

the funny part was in the other thread about pakistan- russian relation.....you guys were already talking about "deeper than ocean,higher than the sky type of friendship with russia......the fact remains that Pakistan is seriously devoid of friends...the only one is China....you guys are so desperate for friendship such that one visit by a general to Russia and you claim that Russia has ditched India

there was one guy who said Pakistan would make Russia the queen of the Arabian sea.....lol to all those people.......

after all the crap posted on that thread here you guys are saying that we were worried about Russia allying with Pakistan.....who is the insecure one now ? who is here trying to save face as usual? lol
First of all Pakistan was never interested to buy weapon from Russia pakistan don't have money to pay .and when china can provide better weapon than russia in easy long term loan and that also custom made to fit Pakistan .china already convince russia about pakistan in SCO and in near future we will see Russia in pakistan financing iran-pakistan pipeline ,steel mill and dam's. Selling weapons to pakistan is not in interest of russia when india buy's weapons with hard cash.
First of all Pakistan was never interested to buy weapon from Russia pakistan don't have money to pay .and when china can provide better weapon than russia in easy long term loan and that also custom made to fit Pakistan .china already convince russia about pakistan in SCO and in near future we will see Russia in pakistan financing iran-pakistan pipeline ,steel mill and dam's. Selling weapons to pakistan is not in interest of russia when india buy's weapons with hard cash.

So how did we pay for the f-16s?
You are telling me that we could not afford cheaper Russian weapons bet we could afford more expensive American stuff?

Indian logic at it's finest
As long as it is limited to downrated engines that is not even in our service, we got no serious problems...:whistle:

RD-93D [MA - New upgraded Engine.],AL-31 [J-10B], MI-17, IL-78 aren't in your service? , why do you fail to understand that its all about business and money drives Russians. I still remember, they wanted to sell us Su-27 Flankers and MIG-29s through Ukrine. :rolleyes:
So how did we pay for the f-16s?
You are telling me that we could not afford cheaper Russian weapons bet we could afford more expensive American stuff?

Indian logic at it's finest

It's not about what you can afford, but rather about how much. Can it afford to buy 250 aircraft in one go like India did with it's Su-30MKIs? Nope. Is there any chance Pakistan is going to do a Joint Venture and fund 35% of a Fifth Gen aircraft project? Nope.
So how did we pay for the f-16s?
You are telling me that we could not afford cheaper Russian weapons bet we could afford more expensive American stuff?

Indian logic at it's finest

please click on link and you got your answer

The items below, with dates of scheduled transfer and dollar value, are currently on case as
‘‘conventional’’ weapons systems for transfer to Pakistan. Some are being purchased with
Pakistan’s own funds, while others may involve funds from Foreign Military Financing account.
AN/TPS–77 Radars:
Æ Cost: $100 million
Æ Schedule: All six already in country; first turnover will be February 2008
Phalanx CIWS x 6:
Æ Cost: $79.7 million
Æ Schedule:
Phalanx 1: Scheduled for September 2008
Phalanx 2: Scheduled for October 2008
Phalanx 3: Scheduled for November 2008
Phalanx 4: Scheduled for December 2008
Phalanx 5: Scheduled for January 2009
Phalanx 6: Scheduled for February 2009
Tow 2A Missiles x 2014:
Æ Cost: $65.4 million
Æ Schedule: Earliest delivery January 2008

P–3C Aircraft x 8:
Æ Cost: $295.33 million
Æ Schedule:
P–3C 1: Delivered January 2007
P–3C 2: Delivered February 2007
P–3C 3–7: In refurbishment and update; delivery date unknown
P–3C 8: Logistics spare aircraft
Harpoon Missile x 100:
Æ Cost: $297.823 million
Æ Schedule:
40 Air-launched: Delivered September 2006
10 Ship-launched: Delivered September 2006
10 Ship-launched: Delivered June 2007
10 Ship-launched: Delivered September 2007
30 Encapsulated: Still in production
AIM–9M Missiles x 300:
Æ Cost: $47.548 million
Æ Schedule:
44 Delivered June 2007
36 Delivered January 2008
Remaining 220 waiting for shipment
F–16 C/D Aircraft x 18:
Æ Cost: $1.433 billion
Æ Schedule: Earliest delivery 2010
Mid-Life Update (MLU) for F–16 A/B x 60:
Cost: $890.954 million
Schedule: Earliest delivery 2010
F–16 A/B Modification of Excess Defense Article (EDA) Aircraft x 12:
Æ Cost: $11.084 million
Æ Schedule:
EDA 1,2: Delivered July 2007
EDA 3–6: To be delivered in June 2008
EDA 7–10: To be delivered in July 2008
EDA 11–12: To be delivered in 2011
M–109 Howitzers x 115:
Æ Cost: $86.442 million
Æ Schedule: 115 to be delivered from March 2008–March 2009
AMRAAM x 500, AIM–9M x 200, JDAM x 500, BLU–109 x 700, MK–82/84 x
Æ Cost: $666.507 million
Æ Schedule: Earliest delivery 2010
So how did we pay for the f-16s?
You are telling me that we could not afford cheaper Russian weapons bet we could afford more expensive American stuff?

Indian logic at it's finest

the Indian logic starts with - Pakistan is poor, it has no money, its a failed state, blah blah blah.

After this news Indians must be so reassured that Pakistan is not snatching their long time buddy from them. Go hug Russia and play some sentimental Bollywood love triangle movie song!
the Indian logic starts with - Pakistan is poor, it has no money, its a failed state, blah blah blah.

After this news Indians must be so reassured that Pakistan is not snatching their long time buddy from them. Go hug Russia and play some sentimental Bollywood love triangle movie song!

Why would we need to be reassured? We have continuously said the same for weeks now, while Pakistanis kept harping on and on about their dream of replacing India, and being a nightmare for USA, and blah blah blah. It's you guys that need a hug, considering how bad some of you guys may have felt.
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