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Russia-Pakistan relations limited by India


Mar 24, 2010
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Russia-Pakistan relations limited by India | Oye! Times

Russia-Pakistan relations limited by India
Sunday, 22 August 2010 19:10
Written by Boris Volkhonsky
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Although the relationship between Russia and Pakistan is improving, any growth must take into account Russia's long-standing ally India.

Yesterday’s meeting between President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia and President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan in Sochi, where a summit of presidents from Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan was held on Aug.18, was momentous in more ways than one.

YThe two leaders effectively declared they were ready to overcome the negative inertia that has dominated relations between the two countries for the past 60 years. The remaining question, however, is whether the declared good intentions can be put into practice.

There are many factors that have complicated relations between Russia and Pakistan. From the time of Pakistani independence, Islamabad has followed a pro-Western course. Since the early 1960s, Pakistan was seen as China’s key ally in the region. For its part, the Soviet Union designed its South Asia policy taking into account the interest of its main geo-strategic ally, India. Soviet-Pakistani relations hit a low point in the 1980s when Pakistan actively supported the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. Later, Pakistan was one of only three countries (along with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) that recognized the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. The decision sealed Islamabad’s image as a country that aided and abetted international terrorism.

Russian-Pakistani relations were also shadowed by Russia’s support for India’s position on Kashmir. During an official visit to India in 1993, then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin stated Russia’s support and later he said: “Russia will not sell Pakistan a single bullet.” With the example of Chechnya in mind, Russia saw Kashmir exclusively through the prism of preserving India’s territorial integrity.

India has also long been a key Russian partner in military-technical cooperation. Delhi sees the increase of economic ties between Russia and Pakistan as a threat and Russia does not want to risk its billion-dollar contracts with India for materiel considering that Russian-Pakistani trade today stands at a mere half-billion dollars a year.

But despite this history, now the two countries’ leaders seem to be ready for a clean slate. Dmitry Medvedev invited Asif Ali Zardari to come to Moscow on an official visit. The Pakistani president reciprocated by inviting Medvedev to Islamabad. As presidential aide Sergei Prikhodko said on the eve of the two leaders’ meeting, “We are interested in having a full-scale visit to Russia by the president of Pakistan.”

It is symbolic that the meeting of the two presidents took place on the day that marked the second anniversary of the resignation of Pakistan’s previous president, Pervez Musharraf. The selection of this date for the meeting may indicate that the two countries will build their relations in a new way without looking back over their shoulders at the past.

But Russia’s relationship with India remains a concern. Konstantin Makiyenko, deputy head of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, said: “We still have to look back at India over our shoulders. India’s share in the portfolio of arms orders is at least 50 percent.” At the same time, cooperation with Pakistan has recently begun to develop as well. Russia sells Islamabad Mi-17 helicopters and RD-93 engines for FC-1 Chinese-Pakistani fighter planes. India expressed displeasure over the deal, but shipments nevertheless went ahead. Even so, “Pakistan will never take India’s place in Moscow’s heart,” Makiyenko said.

Pyotr Topychkanov, a senior research fellow with the International Security Centre at the RAS Institute of World Economy and International Relations, noted that progress in relations between Moscow and Islamabad is mainly confined to the security sphere. A project to have Russian Oka cars produced in Pakistan, which was vigorously promoted by Pakistan in the early 2000s, never got off the ground and in the end, the Chinese have occupied the cheap small car production niche in Pakistan. Pakistan’s main interest is not in cars, but in KAMAZ trucks. But KAMAZ already has production in India.

Topychkanov also stressed that Dmitry Medvedev has not yet decided whether to visit Pakistan: “Pervez Musharraf sent a similar invitation to Vladimir Putin in 2003, but the visit did not take place for security reasons.”

Russia is unlikely to play an important role in the settlement of the long-simmering conflicts in South Asia, although Pakistan is suggesting that Russia could act as a broker in the settlement of the Kashmir issue—mainly to take advantage of Moscow’s good relations with Delhi. But India has always said that Kashmir is a bilateral problem that does not call for international interference. This was effectively admitted by Prikhodko, who said: “Traditionally we assist in the establishment of direct contacts between these states.”

“Russia tries to act as a broker, but it has no real resources to do so, which means that all the talk on this theme is intended for internal consumption,” said Topychkanov. He recalled an episode from recent history in which Vladimir Putin, at a 2002 summit in Almaty, Kazakhstan, tried to act as an intermediary between Pakistan’s Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, but the two leaders refused even to shake hands. The Indian delegation was not invited to yesterday’s meeting in Sochi.
Well also it has to with legacy of hostile Russian views towards most of the muslim world particulary the oil richies. Even Syria and Libya are slipping fast into western camps thanks to Saudi persuation. Russian neeed to give up arrogance and learn that they cant make a political clout by selling run of mill arms to failing nations and dictators for pennies on dollar. Russia has always thought to establish itself in Asia by partnering with politically unpopular India and ignore the big player China.
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Hmm we don't expect anything from Russia. It can support India all it wants. No time to read this article .tata.
Russians are very great people because they never forget their past and have courage and will to make things rite.
I dont think they are going to forget that easily what Pakistan did in Afghanistan to them.
and ofcourse , there is THE elephant (India) in the room
I guess Pakistan is sole responsible for its cold relationship with Moscow. Aligning itself to the west since its independence, membership of CENTO & SEATO which were meant to contain Soviet Union in some way or the other, the U-2 incident, open participation in Afgan war, etc. were enough reasons for Moscow to stay away from Pakistan even though it was Soviet Union that mediated in 1965 for Tashkent declaration.

India's closeness to Moscow began after 1962 when it got a new and bigger threat in the form of China and the increased inclination of Pakistan towards China. On one hand, Pakistan was already recieving the best of military equipments from the west, which was evident by the comparison of the IAF's & PAF's inventory in 1965, and on the other hand China had the numerical advantage. The west already had Pakistan as its ally and was very much insensitive to India's interests. The one that came to India's rescue was Moscow.
Since then Moscow has enjoyed the overwhelming goodwill in India which I doubt any other country can ever achieve. In response to what Makiyenko said (Pakistan will never take India’s place in Moscow’s heart) its better that I quote President Pratibha Patil as saying-

"We are confident that India lives in the heart of every Russian. In the same way, I can assure you that Russia also lives in our souls as a Homeland, as people who share our emotions, our feelings of mutual respect and constant friendship. Long live our friendship!"
– Pratibha Patil, about relations with Russia

Well also it has to with legacy of hostile Russian views towards most of the muslim world particulary the oil richies. Even Syria and Libya are slipping fast into western camps thanks to Saudi persuation. Russian neeed to give up arrogance and learn that they cant make a political clout by selling run of mill arms to failing nations and dictators for pennies on dollar. Russia has always thought to establish itself in Asia by partnering with politically unpopular India and ignore the big player China.

You never stop living up to your name.
What else do you expect?We've been in bed with Americans since 1947 and during cold war we were extremely anti soviet so why would they improve relations with us?
our diplomatic behavior is not good,,
we have done so many mistakes,,
we are the one who played a role in the independence of central asian states and we should have to utilize that but we didn't..
we should done it after 1990 when soviet union was broke..
we should try to establish at least fair relations with Russia after soviet collapsed..
We are still sleeping..
our diplomatic behavior is not good,,
we have done so many mistakes,,
we are the one who played a role in the independence of central asian states and we should have to utilize that but we didn't..
we should done it after 1990 when soviet union was broke..
we should try to establish at least fair relations with Russia after soviet collapsed..
We are still sleeping..

I personally don't know how far we would have got in the past had we tried to appease the USSR but instantly become enemies with the US. The reality is we can never become strategic partners with Russia as long as that relationship is maintained with India at the same time. No one establishes this much deep love with Russia unless one isn't after weapons. I do agree with your opinion that we needed to establish good relations with a new federation of Russia. That was the biggest missed opportunity.
Russia-Pakistan relations limited by India?

That's a bit of a stretch - the lead article points out that Pakistan choose the West over the Soviets and Russia could not get itself to support the cause of Kashmir given it was involved in supression in Chechnya.

Today, it's a multipolar world and more than anything else, it's framework is commercial relations - Can Pakistan and Russia make a go of their commercial relations? Other can participating in IPI, Will Russia also seek to participate in TAP?

Can Pakistan persuade Russia that it's role in Afghanistan will ensure that Russian interests are protected? Will Russia be able to give Pakistan enough confidence that what Pakistan believes is Russia's traditional hostility towards Islam is a partial understanding of the role of Islam and Muslims in Russia?

A great deal, I think, will depend on how the US chooses to play her cards - if more and more people in the region can be made aware of the negative role of US policy, such relations stand a good chance - On the other hand, if the US refines it's policies and is actually a reliable partner who is neither at war with Islam and Muslims internally nor externally, Well, that's a different kettle of fish all together.
Muse do you think Pakistan is not fully exploiting a close relationship with the US and is thus being elbowed out by India? You said it was a multi-polar world which I agree with, and you did say hint at an economic perspective which further illustrates that point...however geo-politics tend to be white or black. For me I see Pakistan stuck in the grey in terms of relations with US, judging by many many outlets, while at the same time neglecting a robust relationship with Russia.

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