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Russia opposes any sanctions on Iran over missile tests

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Russia opposes any sanctions on Iran over missile tests

Russia opposes the imposition of any new sanctions on Iran over its recent ballistic missile tests, saying the missile launches did not violate UN resolutions.

In response to a question on whether new sanctions should be imposed on Iran over its recent missile
tests, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said Monday, "The clear and short answer is no."

He added that Iran did not breach the Security Council Resolution 2231 that endorsed a nuclear agreement between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 group of countries on July 14, 2015.

Resolution 2231 (2015) provides for the termination of the provisions of previous Security Council resolutions on the Iranian nuclear program and establishes specific restrictions that apply to all states without exception.

The resolution calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) successfully test-fired two more ballistic missiles on March 9 as part of military drills to assess the IRGC's capabilities. The missiles dubbed Qadr-H and Qadr-F were fired during large-scale drills, code-named Eqtedar-e-Velayat.


A ballistic missile is launched during large-scale drills in northern Iran, March 9, 2016. © Fars News Agency

On March 8, Iran fired another ballistic missile called Qiam from silo-based launchers in different locations across the country.

On January 16, Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany – started to implement the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

After the JCPOA went into effect, all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran by the European Union, the Security Council and the US were lifted. Iran, in return, has put some limitations on its nuclear activities.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, said on March 10 that the test-fire of ballistic missiles was “neither inconsistent with Iran’s commitments under the JCPOA, nor is it against the Security Council Resolution 2231.”

PressTV-Russia opposes any Iran missile bans
Russia hangs out with all the 'cool' countries like Iran and North Korea. Crank the sanctions up on ALL of them. Get them back to where they wipe their asses with newspaper again. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:usflag:
russia, iran, north korea and syria have become the axis of resistance against the zionists, axis of evil.
Russia hangs out with all the 'cool' countries like Iran and North Korea. Crank the sanctions up on ALL of them. Get them back to where they wipe their asses with newspaper again. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!:usflag:
Why? Your avatar says "Peace through superior fire power" even though it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, but according to you Iran is also promoting peace with show of its fire power. Or is it only good when US has it?
Why? Your avatar says "Peace through superior fire power" even though it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, but according to you Iran is also promoting peace with show of its fire power. Or is it only good when US has it?

That's a Reagan 'doctrine', which works for me. We aren't banned from having ballistic missiles. Iran is. And 'Yes', it's only good when we have it. Why would we want our enemies to get stuff ? F*ck 'em. Now crank up the sanctions on all those retards and watch them twist.:usflag:

russia, iran, north korea and syria have become the axis of resistance against the zionists, axis of evil.

You're actually giving that fat little f*ck in North Korea props ? And in the meantime, his people are eating tree bark. HAHAHAHAHA !!!!
That's a Reagan 'doctrine', which works for me. We aren't banned from having ballistic missiles. Iran is. And 'Yes', it's only good when we have it. Why would we want our enemies to get stuff ? F*ck 'em. Now crank up the sanctions on all those retards and watch them twist.:usflag:

You're actually giving that fat little f*ck in North Korea props ? And in the meantime, his people are eating tree bark. HAHAHAHAHA !!!!
Good Luck with that! Here is another good news for you :lol:

Iran missile tests don't breach nuclear deal: EU - Yahoo News
Good Luck with that! Here is another good news for you :lol:

Iran missile tests don't breach nuclear deal: EU - Yahoo News

Not that it makes any difference, but France seems to think it does violate the terms. I never expected the other countries to 'snap back' sanction no matter what Iran does, anyway. We don't need them. We can go it alone because we're already alone. Crank 'em up and watch 'em twist. Slap some more on Russia and on that Russian/Chinese illegitimate, fetal alcohol syndrome addled love-child North Korea, too. Just for laughs. :usflag:
That's a Reagan 'doctrine', which works for me. We aren't banned from having ballistic missiles. Iran is. And 'Yes', it's only good when we have it. Why would we want our enemies to get stuff ? F*ck 'em. Now crank up the sanctions on all those retards and watch them twist.:usflag:

You're actually giving that fat little f*ck in North Korea props ? And in the meantime, his people are eating tree bark. HAHAHAHAHA !!!!
since when americans start thinking about the population of the other country. your recent past and present shows your govt doesn't care at all about humanity. you care for oil. bloody hypocrites.
That's a Reagan 'doctrine', which works for me. We aren't banned from having ballistic missiles. Iran is. And 'Yes', it's only good when we have it. Why would we want our enemies to get stuff ? F*ck 'em. Now crank up the sanctions on all those retards and watch them twist.:usflag:

Go scream your fantasies in a Trump rally full of redneck nuts, this is not the right place.

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