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Russia is ready to develop jointly with Turkey a long-range air defense ...

Bro, THAAD or ARROW-3 like SAM's are not one what Turkey requires. They are mostly designed to engage coming ballistic missiles in mid-courses. What Turkey actually requires is a system which will provide Turkish Army aerial protection capability against multiple targets such as aircrafts, cruise missiles, unmanned systems...etc
@ legionnaire

I heard that the Russians were not willing to sell the s-400?
How do you expect that they will sell it to us?
Yup, they've been skeptical about the issue but they've joined the tender with the S400 didn't they? If this tender too turns from emergency procurement to our usual style of co-developmenmt tender as @cabatli_53 reminded they'll sure as hell pull off S400 from the tender. Selling it is one thing but I don't think 4 billion $ is enough for them to share technology of their best high-end equipment... not gonna happen. Raytheon has federal laws restricting them from such agreements, most they can do is to raise the offset ratio... to %90-%100 if they can

Then we'll be left with Aster-30, HQ-9 and S300PMU2. I like long-term planning but how about our current needs? shall we re-activate nike hercules missiles? Clearly something must be done.
@Ir.Tab. Sm3 is optimized for high range&altitude not velocity. With that we can achieve fleet-wide anti-air cover. It'll be vital for our LHD group. THAAD is an extremely advanced ballistic missile protection system, it's beyond our requirements. For now if this tender fails our high-altitude air defence is non-existent we need a solution fast.
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Yup, they've been skeptical about the issue but they've joined the tender with the S400 didn't they? If this tender too turns from emergency procurement to our usual style of co-developmenmt tender as @cabatli_53 reminded they'll sure as hell pull off S400 from the tender. Selling it is one thing but I don't think 4 billion $ is enough for them to share technology of their best high-end equipment... not gonna happen. Raytheon has federal laws restricting them from such agreements, most they can do is to raise the offset ratio... to %90-%100 if they can

Then we'll be left with Aster-30, HQ-9 and S300PMU2. I like long-term planning but how about our current needs? shall we re-activate nike hercules missiles? Clearly something must be done.

S-400 is not on table. Russia offers S-300 PMU2.
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Bro, THAAD or ARROW-3 like SAM's are not one what Turkey requires. They are mostly designed to engage coming ballistic missiles in mid-courses. What Turkey actually requires is a system which will provide Turkish Army aerial protection capability against multiple targets such as aircrafts, cruise missiles, unmanned systems...etc

If it was a pure "Hazir alim" project which one do you (and others) prefer more:

Patriot (with PAC3 and GEM missiles)
S300 PMU2
PMU2 and PAC3 are close but I'd go with the patriot again to avoid the incompatibility issues. @cabatli_53
They were unwilling but they did join the tender with S400, Murad Bayar himself said so. If at some point they decided to pull-off the system from the tender I don't know, perhaps you're more up-to-date than me.
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stay away from Russians ... They aren't reliable ...
So I want to hear your opinions guys...Which one should we go for?? Patriot System, S-400, Chinese HQ9(FD2000) or SAMP/T Aster 30? @cabatli_53 @BordoEnes @LegionnairE
Only from military perspective, lets skip the political perspective, outcome etc etc

From pure military perspective,

Russian S-400, hands down!!!!

It has the longest range, mach 5 speed, and great guidance systems etc.

I wonder if Russians will sell best versions of S-400 though...They are known for selling 'monkey versions' of weapons as export weapons..
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After Syrian unrest you guys expecting a pure Air defence system from Russians !?

We didn't have any problem with Russians but they refused to sell us the monkey version of S-300 !!!

& our response is B-373 ...

Forget about any technology transfer from Russians ... Actually about the strategic systems like S-300
So I want to hear your opinions guys...Which one should we go for?? Patriot System, S-400, Chinese HQ9(FD2000) or SAMP/T Aster 30? @cabatli_53 @BordoEnes @LegionnairE
Only from military perspective, lets skip the political perspective, outcome etc etc
It has nothing to do with politics but i would go for the Arrow-3 as a base and co-developpe a better system,tech transfer from Israel should not be a problem.
What i have seen on here about the systems mentioned(except maybe the S-400)most are not up to do the job.
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Yes , my Turkish friend , I believe Russia is currently high on the cash , and so they won't sell stuff , I think it takes time before they start selling s-400 and 500 :D
By the time they decide to sell those,we will have our own would be my guess.
By the time they decide to sell those,we will have our own would be my guess.

Yes , maybe , it only takes some courage for a nation to decide and design such systems , you can see Israel has loads of that kinda courage :D
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