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Russia experts suggest to sell MiG-35 to Pakistan

It's silly to think and compare India and Pakistan like that. It's like comparing apples with oranges.
India is about selling arms and having it fund the gen 5 project partially.
Pakistan is all about stabilizing the region and gaining access into the ME and African continent. Both are as important and it is naive to think that the Russians will make themselves dependent on anyone, namely India.
It's silly to think and compare India and Pakistan like that. It's like comparing apples with oranges.
India is about selling arms and having it fund the gen 5 project partially.
Pakistan is all about stabilizing the region and gaining access into the ME and African continent. Both are as important and it is naive to think that the Russians will make themselves dependent on anyone, namely India.

Russians have not made themselves dependent on anyone but still have maintained very good relations with India in the last 60 years while keeping a distance form Pakistan .

That is how it will continue even if Russia and Pakistan get a lil closer , Russia will never have a military relationship with them like India. That is all we want.
It's good that the Russian Bear and the Pakistani Tiger are becoming more closer.
Or if Russia thinks that it can make more money by selling it hardware to more countries.......! Its about mutual gain. Warm water access---can India provide that? Resource exploration etc? and other stuff? and obviously gas pipeline to India?
For Russia's interests, Pakistan (including Central Asia and China) is more advantages than India-money.
If Russians want to punish indians they should not sale MIG-35 to Pakistan but they rather should sale us some S-400 Batteries !
Russians have not made themselves dependent on anyone but still have maintained very good relations with India in the last 60 years while keeping a distance form Pakistan .

That is how it will continue even if Russia and Pakistan get a lil closer , Russia will never have a military relationship with them like India. That is all we want.

In the world of politics one musn't assume and be too certain. The fact that India has taken a neutral and non aligned stance made it uneasy for the Russians to depend on India as an ally. You are right about the fact they will still have to view India as an important trading partner though. Besides being a key trading partner and a possible counter against China (yes due to the nature of politics and its uncertainly, they need to account for that), then there is little else to it. Hence the sudden change of direction and partnership with Pakistan. For the short term I don't think they will sell military tech to Pakistan, but at the same time Pakistan has no need for those migs. Russia knows its up and downs and they are very calculating, they will not rely and they will reduce the number of eggs they have in the basket.
interesting reading form a blog DefenceDog: Pakistan’s New Friend Russia the world changes. In the 80s, the US was allied with America fighting the USSR and Islamabad was instrumental in the implosion of the Soviet Union. The Kremlin admitted defeat and retreated from Afghanistan. The ingrates in Washington abandoned Pakistan and on the eve of the victory celebration sanctioned Pakistan for ephemeral faults and perceived crimes.

Today, the US-Pakistan relations are fraying, a victim of Gung-Ho Ramboism, and John Wayne imperialism that tramples on countries to achieve real or imaginary profits. President Zardari’s visit to Moscow is a seminal event. Kremlin has since de-hyphenated its relations with New Delhi and Islamabad. Moscow is no longer looking at Pakistan through Bharati eyes. It is looking at Pakistan through the glasses of self-interest. Pakistan has now taken centre stage in Russia’s efforts to seek out new profits in the area. Mr. Zardari has met Russian President Dmitry Medvedev five times in the past three years. Catherine the Great would be proud of Prime Minister Putin for helping Moscow get access to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea.Pakistan in return will get links to the Central Asia states. Pretty profitable ventures for both countries.
While the US media obsesses over Abbottabad, Beijing and Moscow are looking at the strategic impact of the US withdrawal or lack thereof in Afghanistan.. There are several events that have taken place.
Pakistan’s role acting as Praetorian guard in defense of Bahrain, Kuwait, the UEA, and Saudi Arabia.
The Pakistani-Chinese “Strategic Dialogue” that happened in April.
The Chinese-Russian dialogue in Moscow. Chinese President Hu Jintao met his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev Wednesday in the southern Chinese beach resort of Sanya and the two leaders agreed to further improve cooperation and safeguard common interests.
The visit has been hailed as a ‘leap forward’ in Pakistan-Russia relations to promote greater understanding between the two countries.
Shortly before the G20 London summit , China’s central bank governor announced that the dollar should be replaced by SDRs.

The Shinghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is successor of Shinghai Five created in 1996. Pakistan is on the brink of joining it.
The “fizz” seems to have gone out of the US-Russia reset, and in this psot-Libya, post-OBL era, Moscow has been compelled into a reality check .
China has prepared for years for the U.S. to leave.
In Sochi last August, Russia institutionalized a new organization with Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The four countries are building economic structures to undertake joint economic projects in power generation, transport infrastructure and coal, copper and gold mining. They are rebuilding a trade Silk Route from former Soviet Central Asia via Afghanistan to Pakistan. Tajikstan is exporting and Russia is fundng a road and rail network. Moscow is investing in energy, (oil, gas and hydropower) sectors of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.
The US could have been part of the new bounties, but it has chosen to bank on drones and stealth choppers to achieve its objectives.
Pakistani President Zardari’s current official visit to Russia on May 11-14 will be the epitome of Moscow’s strategy of bringing Islamabad closer to Central Asia. One Russian scholar Vladimir Radyuhin writing for The Hindu says “Russian-Pakistani relations have recently acquired breathtaking dynamics.”
Russia has done astonishing things to develop relations with Pakistan. During the current visit of Mr. Zardari’s Pakistan and Russia will finalize the modernization of the Soviet built Pakistan Steel Mills in Karachi, the building of rail tracks from Dushambe to Islamabad, cooperation in the energy sectors and agriculture.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced the funding of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting in Dushanbe.
Moscow has refused to join the U.S. in ostracizing Pakistan– is Afghanistan. A minor detail in this classic web of profits is the US withdrawal from Afghanistan–after a debilitating expense of $3 Trillion.
The quid-pro-quo is real and beneficial to both sides. Russia wants dialogue with the Talibs and get peace from Pakistan, just like China has made peace with Pakistan and has peace with the Ughyers. In return Moscow promises to support Pakistan’s bid to join the SCO–a Russo-Chinese club which includes all the Central Asia states. The mutual benefit continues in a virtuous circle. Russia gets access to warm waters.
Vladimir Radyuhin is “All the settings are there that the current summit may be a momentous event not only for Russian-Pakistani relations, but for the entire region.”

Another solid development:
The projects include rail monopoly Russian Railways' prospective construction of railroad infrastructure in Pakistan, Russian companies' planned participation in upgrading a metallurgical plant, as well as energy giant Gazprom joining the work to develop oil and gas fields in the country.
All this talk of stinger PAK-Russia ties from ONE unsubstantiated report??!! Russia has been a good ally to India remember 1971 when Russia sent a fleet to counter US CBG? but without getting nostalgic and falling into Pakistani mindset ie they are out best friends, we are brothers blah blah (in relation to China) the cold war is over, those days are gone but on a pure BUISINESS sense there is NO way that Pakostan can even remotely compete with India, they maybe neighbours but in sheer spending power Pakistan isn't even on the same planet- and the Russians know it and right now they are more desperate for $$$ then new, unpopular friends right now. Just look at India's order book from Russia right now- $30 BILLION PAF-FA/FGFA (this deal is more than 7 times Pakistan's entire annual defence budget), $2 BILLION UPG MiG 29, $4+ BILLION MiG 29k for IN, $5 BILLION for IN ACC Vikraditya, $9 BILLION+ JV MRTA, $16+ BILLION for SU-30 MKI order (+"Super" MKI UPG) $2-3 BILLION for Mil -17V and many more deals still worth TENS OF BILLIONS. why would Russia risk this kind of hard cash for the little Paksitan can offer. yes the MMRCA is a set back but like all sensible and informed commentators who are actully in the know are saying- it is not the be all and end all, the world goes on.

+ I don't know if Mig would even officially offer it to Paksitan given their close relationship to China. Russia still has many outstanding issues with China regarding licensing (SU 33/J11)
Shenyang J-11 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And MiG has already made it clear they are NOT willing to sell the MiG 29k to China for these reasons.
MiG-29K for China Dismissed at Aero India - Defense News
Cant believe this thread reached 14 pages, for something that will never materalise.

ie. pak buying mig35
Well , I see no reason why Pakistan and Russian cannot enjoy a mutally beneficial relation with Russia and also China , and other neighbours.

Here is why alot of people do not know or fail to acknowledge that major industries in pakistan were setup with Russian Assistance , not really with :disagree:
US help

When Russian helps setup your national gas, and oil sector they help with knowledge transfer, when US helps you they do it with their company taking 70-80% of profits for 20-30 years , kinda like a PARASITE that US really is a blood sucking parasite.

I think also from a , geological point of view Russian/ China plus a Iran would be ideal for our economical needs if we can sell our vegetables , and fruits and food items in these countries

a) They have population
b) They pay
c) They sell you items transfer technology

So why should Pakistani sales man sell something to US or Europe ?
No point !!!

Go to basics Pakistan , get closer to Russia and China give US the boot

Perhaps a Mig 35 in Pakistan Airforce would be a great Asset to have :tup:

May be 40 planes for special operation missions

We can't be depending on Backstabbers for our weapons
All this talk of stinger PAK-Russia ties from ONE unsubstantiated report??!! Russia has been a good ally to India remember 1971 when Russia sent a fleet to counter US CBG? but without getting nostalgic and falling into Pakistani mindset ie they are out best friends, we are brothers blah blah (in relation to China) the cold war is over, those days are gone but on a pure BUISINESS sense there is NO way that Pakostan can even remotely compete with India, they maybe neighbours but in sheer spending power Pakistan isn't even on the same planet- and the Russians know it and right now they are more desperate for $$$ then new, unpopular friends right now. Just look at India's order book from Russia right now- $30 BILLION PAF-FA/FGFA (this deal is more than 7 times Pakistan's entire annual defence budget), $2 BILLION UPG MiG 29, $4+ BILLION MiG 29k for IN, $5 BILLION for IN ACC Vikraditya, $9 BILLION+ JV MRTA, $16+ BILLION for SU-30 MKI order (+"Super" MKI UPG) $2-3 BILLION for Mil -17V and many more deals still worth TENS OF BILLIONS. why would Russia risk this kind of hard cash for the little Paksitan can offer. yes the MMRCA is a set back but like all sensible and informed commentators who are actully in the know are saying- it is not the be all and end all, the world goes on.

+ I don't know if Mig would even officially offer it to Paksitan given their close relationship to China. Russia still has many outstanding issues with China regarding licensing (SU 33/J11)
Shenyang J-11 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And MiG has already made it clear they are NOT willing to sell the MiG 29k to China for these reasons.
MiG-29K for China Dismissed at Aero India - Defense News

why are you cycling around a single point and try to dismiss as if it shocked you. if Pak-Rus relationships kick off, its good for both countries, even though it may not necessarily be military centric, but both countries can have a lot of benefit from eachother. Russians in the past have had made several generous offers to Pakistan. But our US centric leadership always distanced itself, i can recall an interesting incident, in Ayub's region Pakistan wanted to import tractors in the country. Russians and UK responded to the offer, Russians came out more generous offering complete ToPT plus they also offered allied tech for dual use. But Ayub took the plain import from UK. Our biggest Steel Mills was gifted by none else than Russia. It will be good to see that Pakistan and Russia would have very good economic relations, while they can use our ports and inland routes (National Energy Corridor) for their trade we can certainly have more tangible economic developments than mere militray hardware. Let the trust and dependence build upon eachother first, militray relations come later
Before America was formed

CHINA - RUSSIA - INDIA (Present day Pakistan indus civilization) were the old economies of the world population , wealth and resources

We don't need Europe / America

Pakistan's future lies in establishing the old economies of old , and being part of that group :smokin:
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