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Featured Russia want to sell SU-35 to Pakistan: BBC Urdu

Indian Su30 is mini AWAC but Su35 is not?? 😱😱😱
Do no troll just give my answer, it also have Big RCS as compare to RAFALE, PESA is always consider low technology as compare to AESA, and Meteor has also 3 times more NEZ (NO ESCAPE ZONE) range than any conventional powered BVR (rocket powered) please explain???
Nope, Not gonna happen and even if its on table Pakistan will not go for it because of American and European sanctions. For a country like Pakistan which is relying on IMF, financially we are struggling and getting back on our feet, internal issues boiling up, Covid Rampaging sanctions will be a death penalty for us.
They better not waste money on a SU-35 that could go to a J-16 or F-15.

those jets are also problematic and expensive.
PAF should focus on JF17 and Project AZM. So far the balance of power is maintained.
SU-35 is great but I don't think PAF will consider this option.
1st due to PESA radar
2nd and more important due to problematic AL-31 engines.
PESA can be changed ti AESA
Engine....I don't know much about the AL 31
Nope, Not gonna happen and even if its on table Pakistan will not go for it because of American and European sanctions. For a country like Pakistan which is relying on IMF, financially we are struggling and getting back on our feet, internal issues boiling up, Covid Rampaging sanctions will be a death penalty for us.

At least not now, we might consider it in the future if we are able to integrate Chinese gadgets. There are several reasons for this including COVID, financial situation, Western countries/IMF conditions, Chinese offer of J-10C.
If Russian really want the sell, they can include SU-35 with N036-1-01 X band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and upgraded more powerful engine, Pakistan might consider it.
Nope, Not gonna happen and even if its on table Pakistan will not go for it because of American and European sanctions. For a country like Pakistan which is relying on IMF, financially we are struggling and getting back on our feet, internal issues boiling up, Covid Rampaging sanctions will be a death penalty for us.
Jf17 and project azm.
those jets are also problematic and expensive.
PAF should focus on JF17 and Project AZM. So far the balance of power is maintained.
Actually the balance of power has shifter.
1965 war

PAF 150 aircraft
IAF 900 aircraft.

Today the ratio is is 1 :2.5 approx

So Pakistan is in much better position if you consider electronic warfare. We are actually ahead of the Indians but their delusional fantasies keep them ahead
Russia is so proud of these planes that they refuse to open their systems to other countries' weapons.So China received the Su-35 but couldn't work with the Chinese combat system.PLAF can only deploy these aircraft as patrol aircraft in South China Sea.

Russia is too far behind in electronics to adapt to an AESA era of air combat.I wonder when they will give up this useless pride.
Just have a feeling we will see s400 and su35 in PAK.
Actually the balance of power has shifter.
1965 war

PAF 150 aircraft
IAF 900 aircraft.

Today the ratio is is 1 :2.5 approx

So Pakistan is in much better position if you consider electronic warfare. We are actually ahead of the Indians but their delusional fantasies keep them ahead
EW?? Paf is using mere 3 1980s ew role... not that much of a advantage during a war.
Just have a feeling we will see s400 and su35 in PAK.

EW?? Paf is using mere 3 1980s ew role... not that much of a advantage during a war.
YES we have only 3 DEDICATED EW, but i think we have also EW capabilities on our AWACS (ERIEYE) and ZDK-3
But History has proven it otherwise Araz sb. Our resolve to acquire nuclear weapons was one of those examples.
Yes we are in a very tight spot economically and one of our major source for income relies on foreign remittance sent by our brothers and sisters abroad, however we cannot remain oblivious to the rapid changing geostrategic and geopolitical situation around us.
Sanctions are coming one way or the other as soon as US leaves Afghanistan. The tone is already being set by the new US administration with similar pieces popping up in NYT portraying Pakistan as part of the problem and not solution, Very Obama style.
The only thing we can do now is to brace ourselves and be prepared where comes new alliances and warming up of relations between former enemies.
I do not however agree that we are a mere deck of cards that will fall at the slightest hint of sanctions. If history is anything to go by we are much more relisent than that other wise our nuclear program would have been rolled back decades ago like many other countries.
No nation willingly invites sanctions from the West. You have-alluded to sanctions coming but sanctions on arms sales and US/West wide boycott of exports are 2 different things and will need to be justified. What I think is happening is Pakistan wants to play it safe and let the West and US make this move. Then they cannot blame us for going to china/Russia camp as we have been forced. The sanctions you are looking at would be indirect pressure like increasing tarriffs/withdrawing any rebate thereby making our commodities more expensive than Bangladesh/India. IMF, WB and FATF will be other methods of forcing our hamd. However stable long term buyers will continue to buy Pak stuff. Full blown sanctions would be a carte blanche blockade and that would be difficult to bear.
What Pak has been trying desperately but not successfully is to open trade opportunities in Central asia/Africa to explore newer markets. The sales however will not be any significant as possibly( pure guess on my part) our produce is not appropriate for that market. The other possibility is to go down emulating the US and other powers and start aggressively selling small /medium arms to anyone/everyone and that will also tread on toes which might invite retaliation.
The economy of Paklands remains the silver cord round its neck with which it is choked at any opportunity. That and our polity and beaurocracy's rampant greed for self fulfillment against national interests and our penchent for continuing to want to live beyond our means has caused us more harm than anything else.
So in my view we do remain a house of cards which can be brought down easily in the current circumstances. Our nuclear status may or maynot give us leverage depending on the stakes on the opposing side.
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Russia is so proud of these planes that they refuse to open their systems to other countries' weapons.So China received the Su-35 but couldn't work with the Chinese combat system.PLAF can only deploy these aircraft as patrol aircraft in South China Sea.

Russia is too far behind in electronics to adapt to an AESA era of air combat.I wonder when they will give up this useless pride.

To admit failures is to forgo $billions of military hardware sales and it's an inexcusable sin in the midst of this economic blight. It's a shame many 3rd-world countries (from whom Russia nets most of its sales) still believe Russian jets can engage 4+ jets. Reality is hard to change and when it does, it's sad. Just ask the Armenians. Their newly purchased Su30SM can't do shit protecting their armies and air space. In fact, they were afraid their precious Su30's would be shot down by Turkey's F16's. Yes, the regular F16's, not the F16Vs that are rated as 4+.
But History has proven it otherwise Araz sb. Our resolve to acquire nuclear weapons was one of those examples.
Yes we are in a very tight spot economically and one of our major source for income relies on foreign remittance sent by our brothers and sisters abroad, however we cannot remain oblivious to the rapid changing geostrategic and geopolitical situation around us.
Sanctions are coming one way or the other as soon as US leaves Afghanistan. The tone is already being set by the new US administration with similar pieces popping up in NYT portraying Pakistan as part of the problem and not solution, Very Obama style.
The only thing we can do now is to brace ourselves and be prepared where comes new alliances and warming up of relations between former enemies.
I do not however agree that we are a mere deck of cards that will fall at the slightest hint of sanctions. If history is anything to go by we are much more relisent than that other wise our nuclear program would have been rolled back decades ago like many other countries.


Pakistan got the n weapon because the US looked the other way.

The only thing you can do now is to fight back the american propaganda verbatim against them. Learn the war of words and use it to your advantage---.

There is no resilience left---.

Pakistan got the n weapon because the US looked the other way.

The only thing you can do now is to fight back the american propaganda verbatim against them. Learn the war of words and use it to your advantage---.

There is no resilience left---.
Hire a lobbying firm?
Hi,. Learn the war of words and use it to your advantage---.

There is no resilience left---.
Previous governments were a diaster at it. Pakistan was at its worst when it came to PR. Both pmln and ppp were busy looting while every Tom Dick and Harry was allowed to take pot shots at our expense.
It is only in this government that we started active diplomacy which started to show some small signs towards betterment with the Trump administration. However with him gone, so are our chances with words. Biden administration seems to be in a different mood altogether much like Obama.
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