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Russia, Egypt nearing $3bn arms deal: report


Feb 2, 2007
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MOSCOW: Russia and Egypt are nearing a $3-billion arms purchase agreement that will be financed by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, a Moscow newspaper reported on Friday.

The two sides have already either "initialled or signed" contracts for Egypt's purchase of Mig-29 fighters, air and coastal defence systems, Mi-35 attack helicopters and smaller arms, the Vedomosti daily quoted two Russian government sources as saying.

The report came out one day after talks in Moscow between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Egyptian army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's, the North African country's likely new head of state.

Cairo has turned to Moscow, which was its main arms supplier in the 1960s and early 1970s, after Washington cut back assistance to its regional ally over the army-backed overthrow in July of democratically elected Islamist president Mohammad Morsi.

Russia, Egypt nearing $3bn arms deal: report | Business , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
It is said that there are negotiations about the purchase Ka-52 and Mi-28. But this is still a rumor.
It is said that there are negotiations about the purchase Ka-52 and Mi-28. But this is still a rumor.

As far as I'm aware they were offered along with the Mi-35 but we weren't interested in acquiring another attack helicopter alongside the Apache. We are interested in acquiring more Mi-17V5s though.
24-27 fighters. What's actually included in the deal is subject to rumor, the fighters are pretty much confirmed though.
Only 24-27 mig29 fighters in $3 billion ??they can easily get 28 typhoon ,rafale, or 26 f15 in this price.....
WTF...Only 24-27 fighters in $3 billion ??they can easily get 28 typhoon ,rafale, or 26 f15 in this price.....
read the article
The two sides have already either "initialled or signed" contracts for Egypt's purchase of Mig-29 fighters, air and coastal defence systems, Mi-35 attack helicopters and smaller arms.
WTF...Only 24-27 fighters in $3 billion ??they can easily get 28 typhoon ,rafale, or 26 f15 in this price.....

The deal also includes various other weapons systems, reportedly; Buk-M2, Tor-M2, Tunguska-M1, Igla-S, 5n62v Square pair radars, Kornet-E, 105mm/120mm tank ammunition to be produced locally, and 'smart' howitzer ammunition as well as other low key stuff.
The deal also includes various other weapons systems, reportedly; Buk-M2, Tor-M2, Tunguska-M1, Igla-S, 5n62v Square pair radars, Kornet-E, 105mm/120mm tank ammunition to be produced locally, and 'smart' howitzer ammunition as well as other low key stuff.

Egypt don’t need MIGs, they need heavy class fighters beside the medium F16 + cruise missiles on those fighters for a deterrence.

Why not 1-2 squadrons of SU 34.
Egypt don’t need MIGs, they need heavy class fighters beside the medium F16 + cruise missiles on those fighters for a deterrence.

Why not 1-2 squadrons of SU 34.

What amateur military enthusiasts (us) think the EAF needs may be completely different to what the EAF actually need. If there was a need for any other fighter than the Mig-29M then we would have requested it. That still doesn't rule out signing for another fighter with the Russians, this is the first of a series of deals.
Are these deals confirmed ? Neither sides announced any deals as far as i know!
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