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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

Sir, we can not play this game? Pakistan also is a developing country, really do not have to worry about?

if he stay more in power he will kill more and more innocents .we are humans before chines indians pakistanis sir . i wish china russia now push this killer to lay down power :confused:
China has almost zero Interest in Syria don't know why they are following Russia, I'm glad India is moving away from Russia and closer to the west.
maybe the arabs should do something about it or turkey comes in and removes the regime or heck give arms to rebels it almost worked in libya
Someone said China linked with their business with Iran. i guess so.
I think about Russia... this is terrible what is happening there and they should consider it. But there are three points why they didn't want to do in my opinion... any thought about it welcomed:
1/ naval base there
2/ selling weapons to Syria when this resolution was forbiding any weapon contract
3/ Westerns were not acting smart with Russia. they should have discussed with russia and understand the strategic loss the would have
russia give value to naval base then human lives and china i don't know why they can't see innocents blood :cry:
I guess Imran Bhai U need to go see in Holy Quran, who is innocent and who is not......:coffee:
the west doenst like the current government of Serya, so their side of story is just like Hollywood movie which there always be A bad guy and A good guy. I really doubt the western people or even us can actually get the truth of what happening in Serya..?! at the end day the world is living under western media power.
why cant we leave the matters to their own, western countries want their food in everything, so they feel they have done the job as 'world police'
Actually there has been reports of mass murders in Syria. These information, can't say truth or a lie (if i side on anyone of it people will jump on me), has given the reasons to the West to interfere. Instead of vetoing and doing nothing, Russia and China both should send independent joint assessment team to bring out the truth and tell us if there is need of armed intervention or not.
China has almost zero Interest in Syria don't know why they are follow Russia, I'm glad India is moving away from Russia and closer to the west.

iran has interest in area china is saying they will support iran and on top of it all if us removes regime and puts its own puppet with bases it will be both trouble for russia and china
if he stay more in power he will kill more and more innocents .we are humans before chines indians pakistanis sir . i wish china russia now push this killer to lay down power :confused:

I said, I do not want to play this game and a Pakistani, stop it, if you do not understand, I do not continue.
I guess Imran Bhai U need to go see in Holy Quran, who is innocent and who is not......:coffee:

brother his family rule 45 years its not enough to them last time hamah and now all over Syria
Russia has given Syria Upgraded S-300's so if a no fly zone was established you a few aircraft from aiding the opposition would be lost. also Russia has given Syria cruise missiles to protect it's coast from Naval Attacks.
Erdogan was friends with assad before this, Turkey hasn't done anything to the Syrian Regime other then Threats you just like the Arabs are Useless without America leading.

Turkish goverments relationship was good with Syria ''until'' they start to mass murder their own people... Could you understand this... The word ''until'' is very import

Well we mafe a nuclear feal with Iran without U.S backing... God the day when people accuse Turkish military as useless... You do know that Turkish military one of the mot professinal militaries in the world right...

We gave them weapons and command post and intelligence and international support and media coveredge and raw ınternational medias attention by celebrities like angelina Jolies visit to Syrian refugee camp in Turkey.... I hope these are enough for you...

Ahhhhh... Like I said shining example of ignorance...
l will tell you what pakistan should do stay out of it:wave:
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