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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

Turkish goverments relationship was good with Syria ''until'' they start to mass murder their own people... Could you understand this... The word ''until'' is very import

Well we mafe a nuclear feal with Iran without U.S backing... God the day when people accuse Turkish military as useless... You do know that Turkish military one of the mot professinal militaries in the world right...

We gave them weapons and command post and intelligence and international support and media coveredge and raw ınternational medias attention by celebrities like angelina Jolies visit to Syrian refugee camp in Turkey.... I hope these are enough for you...

Ahhhhh... Like I said shining example of ignorance...

Yet you have not done anything in Syria other then getting some celebrities to visit the refugees :coffee: , Intervention from the Mighty Turkey would help however you have not taken done anything huge other then Threats.

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 PM ----------

Maybe because syrian army has tanks and stuff.... God How ignorant are you...

The border fights only soldier to Soldier then again I'm talking to an ignorant turk.

---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

Look at Arabic forums and comments in news. Russia and China popularity just hit a nose dive.

Do you believe the Russians or Chinese care about what a Bunch of Arabs think ? I mean you can't even protect your own in Syria, let alone using your military that you spend insane amounts of money on other then for show.
India’s statement on Syrian Vote by Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri

Thank you, Mr President,

I want to start by congratulating you on assuming the Presidency of the Security Council for the month of February. My delegation and I look forward to working with you to make your presidency extremely successful. I had an opportunity, in an earlier incarnation, to have visited your beautiful country. I would also like to take this opportunity to compliment South Africa, Ambassador Baso Sangqu and his team, for their very wise and able stewardship of the Council during January.

2. Mr President, the Syrian Arab Republic has historically played an important role in the Middle East. Prolonged instability and unrest in Syria have implications for peace and stability in the wider region.

3. India is concerned with the present situation in Syria that has resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians and security forces personnel over the last ten months. Therefore, since the beginning of the protest, we have called for a peaceful and inclusive political process to address the grievances of all sections of Syrian society.

4. We strongly condemn all violence, irrespective of whoever the perpetrators are. We also condemn all violations of human rights. India holds the rights of expression and peaceful assembly among the fundamental values that should be respected, while ensuring stability and security of the society.

5. India has conveyed this message to the Syrian leadership, both bilaterally as well as along with its IBSA partners. We have impressed upon the Syrian side to abjure violence and pay heed to the aspirations of the people of Syria. This message was also contained in the Council’s PRST issued in August 2011 under India’s Presidency.

6. We are firmly of the view that a political process for resolution of the present crisis should be led by the Syrians themselves. We believe that the main role of the international community, including this Council, is to facilitate engagement of the Syrian Government with all sections of Syrian society for an inclusive political process, taking into account the legitimate aspirations of all Syrians while ensuring respect for the country’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

7. We note that the resolution enjoins upon the government to protect its population, indicating that it should have the capacity to do so.

8. The League of Arab States, as an important regional organisation, should play its required and historic role in promoting political dialogue among the Syrian parties. In this context, we welcomed the deployment of the League’s Observer Mission across several areas in the country which had a calming effect on the level of violence and provided a more accurate picture of developments. We hope that this Mission can be resumed soon.

9. Our support for the Resolution is in accordance with our support for the efforts by the Arab League for a peaceful resolution of the crisis through a Syrian-led inclusive political process. We note that the resolution expressly rules out any measures under Article 42 of the Charter and calls for serious political dialogue between the Syrian government and the whole spectrum of the opposition under the auspices of the League of Arab States. We believe that the leadership of Syria is a matter for the Syrian people to decide. It would be necessary for all opposition forces in Syria to peacefully engage in constructive dialogue with the authorities. We hope that this will create a new environment for peace and facilitate a political process. This political dialogue should build upon the political reforms already announced by the Syrian leadership with necessary changes so that they find acceptance among all sections of Syrian society.

Thank you.

On Topic :This Veto by china & Russia means: After more than 11 months of brutal violence >5500 deaths ,UNSC again does not assume its responsibilities.UNSC is becoming more and more irrelevant :tdown:
ASAD is good friends with India.He even declared his desire to get help from India
How about using your military other then trying to get the west to aid, God I don't know how you Arabs are going to last in a war with Iran without Western Support.

I don't think so. The last things dictators want to show to their people is that they support democracy.
Actually there has been reports of mass murders in Syria. These information, can't say truth or a lie (if i side on anyone of it people will jump on me), has given the reasons to the West to interfere. Instead of vetoing and doing nothing, Russia and China both should send independent joint assessment team to bring out the truth and tell us if there is need of armed intervention or not.
truth is written by the strongs, we are living in the area where the society and moral is defined with just two extreme sides, good and bad..

friend what is truth? i think the only truth is that we, as modern human being, are the victim of mass media and political ideologies.

even there is a mass killing in Serya by the regime, but when it is advocated by the west who holds '0' creditability of their claim regarding geopolitics, we know their soul purpose is world domination and forcing their own ideology to others, it gives us the very doubt to their true intention.

China is still at crucial development stage, we just cannot afford to interfere with others internal politics or social unrest... we have been saying again and again that we urge two parts from Serya can settle down to talk aiming to solve the current issue peacefully. and besides has the sanction ever worked successfully to solve one country's internal problem?? it is just the western powers tool to first weaken 'enemy' economy and industry, and when its ready the west will give a lethal bite that you will never forget.

so the question is not why China veto the resolution, but it is the question of what goals the west want to achieve (dont be naive and stupid to say 'freedom' and 'rights' for Seryan people)?
I don't think so. The last things dictators want to show to their people is that they support democracy.

Your not readings my comments Arabs don't care about their own how about, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan.you have the Military and you would get support save your own other then getting the USA or Europe to save your fellow arabs. if you cannot beat a Outdated Military using Soviet weapons then I don't see how long you would last against a war with Iran.

---------- Post added at 01:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

I am sure a contingency plan for this has already been made:

Foreign Ministers of Turkey and GCC countries conclude meeting in Istanbul

Reminds me of the talks during the Bosnian war where 8000 men and boys were shot in the head while Europe was talking on what to do.
Your not readings my comments Arabs don't care about their own how about, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan.you have the Military and you would get support save your own other then getting the USA or Europe to save your fellow arabs. if you cannot beat a Outdated Military using Soviet weapons then I don't see how long you would last against a war with Iran.

Have you read mine then?
Most of the Arab dictators were friends with India, Saddam Hussein supported India over Pakistan on many issues.

In 1971 war only Egypt and Iraq supported India. After babri Masjid demolition Saddam openly said that why Muslim world is crying over a old masjid when UN forces destroying many masjids in Iraq on daily basis.Actually it's loss of India after removal of Saddam and Egyptian leadership
China and Russia obviously have a better plan. Well let's hear it? What plan will cause the killing to stop tomorrow and allow people the freedom to say what they want?
Look at Arabic forums and comments in news. Russia and China popularity just hit a nose dive.

We have take into account many times for the Arab States, the future will continue, however, not this time, we also have our own interests.
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