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Rupee plunges to 143.5 in open market

keep it up bugsy...........

No matter how courageous you are, that is not going to decrease your life.
And no matter how much fear you have, that is not going to increase your life.

may the eyes of the coward never sleep
I'll definitely keep it up.
Hooray. Exports become cheaper.....Importers are punished by the free market.
my guess $ will rise up to 160, problem is govt is simply ignoring a fact that people salaries are same but due to devaluation of rupee prices of day to day commodities, medicines etc are increasing abnormally and the real victim of this abnormal inflation is the middle classes with savings. If you have cash savings, high inflation can destroy your wealth and that is what happened.....if people's salaries increase according to inflation level (though it seems impossible at this stage) people will forget this hike slowly but if govt and private sector ignored this factor we will see more economic chaos in future.
in April 2013 it was 100 thanks to our idiot politicians including IK we are on our way to face more miseries, sad thing all the medicines are running out of poor person hand... someone should give 30 thousand to IK and Assad omer and ask them to live a month within that 30 thousand ..... and he is talking about Rayasat e Madina .... :tsk:....... i think he have red somewhere this word without knowing its meaning or implications...

When India rupee started falling rapidly, Modi took some extraordinary measures. Pakistan need to take these measures to stabilize PKR against USD .
When India rupee started falling rapidly, Modi took some extraordinary measures. Pakistan need to take these measures to stabilize PKR against USD .
The fact that the Pak rupee is falling at this time is definitely not a coincidence, especially since the FATF is coming back next month. Combined with the losses Pakistan suffered during its airspace closure, this past month has been tough for Pakistan economically.
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Not sure if this is good news or bad news as an overseas Pakistani. :rolleyes:
Why ppl are so much into imported maal?
Sari electronics ki cheezei fridge, ac, tv, ps4 waghera phr mobiles, games, headphones... so much stuff. Agar aap ko masla ni hai tou iska matlab ni hai kei sab ko naei hai. Imported stuff is really needed. Koei quality pakistani company ni hai jo yeh kuch de sakei.
Not sure if this is good news or bad news as an overseas Pakistani. :rolleyes:
technically economist consider inflation good for poor countries since it appreciate exports and help in reducing imports but our problem is our industrial setup is not in a position to cater the local market requirements due to several reasons, if people paychecks increase according to inflation people forget the impact quickly but if that is not happening then it could have reverse impact.
technically economist consider inflation good for poor countries since it appreciate exports and help in reducing imports but our problem is our industrial setup is not in a position to cater the local market requirements due to several reasons, if people paychecks increase according to inflation people forget the impact quickly but if that is not happening then it could have reverse impact.

Spot on. Inflation is only good if your industry is ready to increase export significantly whereas ours is not.
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3 Billion US $ are peanuts for Saudis. They dont care about repayment. They dont want Pak Iran to get close, building a Saudi oil refinery in Gwader mere few kms next to Iranian border has much wider implications my friend.
it is easy to play with other people's money

Give him, time...He is at least honest compared to rest of ****
honesty is no substitute for competence
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