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RSS at it again! Threatening Pakistan cricket team.

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pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism. dont u know that ?? :rofl: how many bomb blasts happen in ur home town per week ??

Open a new thread we can talk about how many blasts in Pakistan in that thread. This thread is about Shiv Senic terrorism
And Indian state terrorism against Pakistan started since independence so please dont compare we are hands down you won the terror race clearly

pakistan is runing 42 terrorist camp against India in (pakistani occupied kashmir (illigally)) show me a single proof India operating one
:) i will be the last person and india will be the last country i will ask for security keeping in view the performance of your wana be blue water navy.

and yeh ask SL team and Chris our driver of the bus was more active than your Indian Navy :P

you are the last person to whom we will provide the security so dont worry feeling is mutual....lol on the name of security ur bus drivers provide the security ? :lol: were was ur mighty millitary ?? :rofl: Allah kher kare
Open a new thread we can talk about how many blasts in Pakistan in that thread. This thread is about Shiv Senic terrorism

lol .. why are u diverting from the topic . How many bomb blast in pakistan have been done my shiv sena . forget about pakistan tell me about ur hometown
pakistani sponsored terrorism was start in the year 1989 . and your policy of bleed India with million cut . they are against that . and every conscience citizen of india is against that .

here we are talking about Cricket i think

you remember Shiv Sena's incident of 2003 when they dig up cricket pitch just once again before the match of Pakistan and India

also remember the bottle throwing incident that caused so much delay during the match of Pakistan vs India in 1990s when Tendulkar's was gone by duck and indian public started throwing bottles in the ground? If I am not wrong Inzamam or one of the Pakistani player was injured and the entire team went back to the pavilion

and yes how can we forget the famous incident of 1996 Cricket World Cup when India was losing the Semi final against Sri Lanka and Indian public started coming in the ground and trying to harass the players - but Clive Lloyd came in the ground and awarded the match in favor of Sri Lanka before it was finished.

I wonder what will happen in this tournament if india loses the semi final or final once again :rofl:
you are the last person to whom we will provide the security so dont worry feeling is mutual....lol on the name of security ur bus drivers provide the security ? :lol: were was ur mighty millitary ?? :rofl: Allah kher kare

1. well thank you i dont need your security in the first place.

2. Our Might military is not suppose to be providing security to cricket teams :). its the jurisdiction of police and civil administration not army. i wonder if bharatis have some sense to see the difference
RSS trained and funded Gandhi's assasination and was directly involved in it. Fundamental right, please get a doctor, mental health check needed ? We have to look for the safety of our players and citizens and a threat by a terror hindu outfit cannot be taken lightly since RSS has been involved in terror acts in the past.

if you are so concerned about your player why did you allowed them to play in india , dont visit us and you are not welcomed any where
pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism. dont u know that ?? :rofl: how many bomb blasts happen in ur home town per week ??

You tell me the count since you planned all of them, can you please share that number. Epicentric of terrorism is hiding behind the fake mask of world's biggest democracy and Muqti Bani, LTTE, Dalai Lama, Nepal King's murder, Farooq Abdullah are all terror product of it. India is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism and should take the number # 1 spot to be the Epicentric of terrorism.
I think Mods are sleeping Today ? :lol: as dat indian said ALLAH khair kare kis kis ne ajj ban hona hai :lol:
here we are talking about Cricket i think

you remember Shiv Sena's incident of 2003 when they dig up cricket pitch just once again before the match of Pakistan and India

also remember the bottle throwing incident that caused so much delay during the match of Pakistan vs India in 1990s when Tendulkar's was gone by duck and indian public started throwing bottles in the ground?

and yes how can we forget the famous incident of 1996 Cricket World Cup when India was losing the Semi final against Sri Lanka and Indian public started coming in the ground and trying to harass the players - but Clive Lloyd came in the ground and awarded the match in favor of Sri Lanka before it was finished.

I wonder what will happen in this tournament if india loses the semi final or final once again :rofl:

and u forget to add the standing ovation u got in chennai ? and ur PCB keeps crying for the matched against india to earn money . and in kolcutta what appened everybody knows.. i think ball eater was also playing in that match
Open a new thread we can talk about how many blasts in Pakistan in that thread. This thread is about Shiv Senic terrorism

hello jana,

you are continously talking about shiv sena,let me tell you,they just believe in barking.
they have their own area of existence,no body knows them outside maharashtra.
all politics is done whether it is of cricket or something else,only for votebanks.
even two parties fought for the amitabh bachhan,one was supporting him,other was against him.
lol .. why are u diverting from the topic . How many bomb blast in pakistan have been done my shiv sena . forget about pakistan tell me about ur hometown

The Topic is threatening of Pakistani players by Shiv Sena terrorists .

and so far we dont have any Shiv Sena in our country
You tell me the count since you planned all of them, can you please share that number. Epicentric of terrorism is hiding behind the fake mask of world's biggest democracy and Muqti Bani, LTTE, Dalai Lama, Nepal King's murder, Farooq Abdullah are all terror product of it. India is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism and should take the number # 1 spot to be the Epicentric of terrorism.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
here we are talking about Cricket i think

you remember Shiv Sena's incident of 2003 when they dig up cricket pitch just once again before the match of Pakistan and India

also remember the bottle throwing incident that caused so much delay during the match of Pakistan vs India in 1990s when Tendulkar's was gone by duck and indian public started throwing bottles in the ground? If I am not wrong Inzamam or one of the Pakistani player was injured and the entire team went back to the pavilion

and yes how can we forget the famous incident of 1996 Cricket World Cup when India was losing the Semi final against Sri Lanka and Indian public started coming in the ground and trying to harass the players - but Clive Lloyd came in the ground and awarded the match in favor of Sri Lanka before it was finished.

I wonder what will happen in this tournament if india loses the semi final or final once again :rofl:

victory and defeat in not in our hand but al-least our didnt cheated our country .
hello jana,

you are continously talking about shiv sena,let me tell you,they just believe in barking.
they have their own area of existence,no body knows them outside maharashtra.
all politics is done whether it is of cricket or something else,only for votebanks.
even two parties fought for the amitabh bachhan,one was supporting him,other was against him.

I know Prism. their barking in Mahrashtra is affecting the image of bharat. we also know out there many love to watch Pak-Indo match but this barking by shiv sena is uncalled for, for India as well as Pakistan.

this is a sorry state of affairs that shiv sena has a vote bank through such things? .
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