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RSS at it again! Threatening Pakistan cricket team.

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You tell me the count since you planned all of them, can you please share that number. Epicentric of terrorism is hiding behind the fake mask of world's biggest democracy and Muqti Bani, LTTE, Dalai Lama, Nepal King's murder, Farooq Abdullah are all terror product of it. India is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism and should take the number # 1 spot to be the Epicentric of terrorism.

Muqti bahini is ruling bangladesh, LTTE had killed india's beloved son, why?? Dalai lama= terrorist :rofl: he is declared terrorist in UN list, FArroq abdullah minister in Indian government and won in kashmir election, Nepal King's murder : that was hillarious :rofl:.. The country ehich has the cruel law like blasphemy are talking about morality ?? strange
I know Prism. their barking in Mahrashtra is affecting the image of bharat. we also know out there many love to watch Pak-Indo match but this barking by shiv sena is uncalled for, for India as well as Pakistan.

this is a sorry state of affairs that shiv sena has a vote bank through such things? .

u forgot the example of their patriotism-->no pakistani onions in maharashtra
The Topic is threatening of Pakistani players by Shiv Sena terrorists .

and so far we dont have any Shiv Sena in our country

yes but you have JUD, Lasher-e-jahgvi, LET, TET, allkieda , many more , and this group are working tied lessly convert pakistan into pure islamic state where there will be no cricket, no chess , no kite flying
Have to run to a meeting and my lunch is over, but there are many brave Pakistanis here to hold the fort. I really enjoyed being on-line during the day when many Pakistanis are online from Pakistan.

No matter how many pages, Shiv Sena is a terror hindu outfit and its threats against Pakistan or its citizens should not be ignored. If they can murder Gandhi they can do anything. India needs to take steps to dismantle terror outfits operating from its soil.
yes but you have JUD, Lasher-e-jahgvi, LET, TET, allkieda , many more , and this group are working tied lessly convert pakistan into pure islamic state where there will be no cricket, no chess , no kite flying

:lol: when that happens we will post the thread so still then lets discuss the topic at hands .
Have to run to a meeting and my lunch is over, but there are many brave Pakistanis here to hold the fort. I really enjoyed being on-line during the day when many Pakistanis are online from Pakistan.

No matter how many pages, Shiv Sena is a terror hindu outfit and its threats against Pakistan or its citizens should not be ignored. If they can murder Gandhi they can do anything. India needs to take steps to dismantle terror outfits operating from its soil.

i agree with the last time... but pls add from foreign soil also..thanks..
:P barking shiv sena might not eat onions but people of Mahrashtra do.

so dont waste energy on this kind of parties,they cant do anything.
they even said,we wont allow australian players few months ago but all matches happened.
of course Ajay Jadega and Azharuddin were angels who were banned for life for no reason

they where suspects but they where acquitted , and they won the case and proved there innocences
:lol: when that happens we will post the thread so still then lets discuss the topic at hands .

every day , almost every hour there will be bomb blast in your country from this group .

they why you are not hosting a single match if you consider pakistan is so safe , and why no country wish to play in pakistan
If India can't control its home grown terrorists funded by RAW & Indian Army let Pakistani forces take action against them, we know how to deal with RAW & INDIAN Army terrorists organizations like Shiv Sena, Taliban, LTTE etc.
If India can't control its home grown terrorists funded by RAW & Indian Army let Pakistani forces take action against them, we know how to deal with RAW & INDIAN Army terrorists organizations like Shiv Sena, Taliban, LTTE etc.

yes sir...pls do it, most welcome. we also donot want to see any single terrorist alive :pakistan:
Somebody need to bomb blast this lionheart :P
he is repeating the same thing again and again like a broken gramophone!!
they where suspects but they where acquitted , and they won the case and proved there innocences
Azhar ud Din Banned for life
Jadega banned for 5 years

both were proven guilty by the ICC... but after 5 years Jadega's punishment were overturned by Delhi High Court in 2003 but in vain as his career was already over and even his 5 year's punishment was coming to an end.

just like Saleem Malik was first banned for life but later High Courts in Pakistan allowed him to revive his cricket once again and allowed him to open a cricket academy as he desired for

All were proven guilty by the ICC
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