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Romans vs Han China

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Asia was peacefull although wars for pride and defending motherland was fought before the so called white race superiority caused problems in the continent..

I say this because before colonization there was zero poverty and wealthy chinese empire and the indus valley countries .. its your greed that bought these issues..

Yeah you have superiority in greed

Greed is a basic human trait. It is irrelevant if it manifests in the West or in the East and what have you. Its like saying only White Europeans are racist. lol.

Rome was a multicultural society with people from all over the empire (including non-white North Africans, berbers and middle easterners) mixed. In fact, it was the barbarian Germanics who were (pure) whites as opposed to the Romans who were a mixture.

As for your assertion of "The white race , if you observe history, has been the conquerors and everyone else, subjected peoples. ", your basic premise is wrong. Ancient contact between east and west were few and far in between because few empires were powerful enough to project power that way. Most of the infighting were going on between empires in their local territory.

Contact between east/west was few before the past 400 years, but still there are examples where the non-whites defeated the whites:

1. Mongol Empire conquered Eastern Europe/Southern Russia (white).

2. Alexander (white) was defeated and forced to retreat by dark-skinned Indians.

3. The Muslims (non whites) conquered the Eastern Romans (Byzantines)'s capital Constantinople/Turkey (white).

4. Muslims (non whites) also conquered Spain (white) and parts of Italy (white).

5. Persians (non whites) conquered parts of Eastern Europe.

6. Muslims (then, mixture of non whites/whites) also conquered Eastern Europe (whites)

7. Some geographers also consider today's Levantine Arabs to be Whites. If that is so, you can assume Muslims also conquered these Levantine people/whites.

The reason why Western Europe wasn't conquered is because it was too far off geographically.

In the beginning, the Roman Republic was populated by Whites of present day Latium (Italy). When the Roman Empire spread through the conquest of Carthage and Egypt and other foreign lands populated by non-white peoples, of course there were amalgamation vis-a-vis the slave trade and intermingling between legionarres and local women. The origin of the Roman people were , intrinsically white. Thanks for your examples, tho.
The Romans were superior in almost all respects. Their economy was many times that of Hans and could've easily beat Hans in any war.

Undoubtedly. The Roman Empire collapsed due to the sheer mass and size and pressure in the frontier by the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, and other Germanic tribes in the frontier. Rome was sacked by Alaric the Great, King of the Visigoths. A Germanic (White) people.

The Germanics then usurped the name of Rome in the form of the Holy Roman Empire, which, ironically, was not Latin or Italian in origin, but was of German.

In regards to the hypothetical scenario of this thread's subject matter; it is without a doubt that Rome would have defeated the Han. The organization, strategy, and diplomatic mastery. The Empire was able to fend off a plethora of foreign forces and either focribly conquering them or culturally influencing them; Gauls, Celts, Visigotsh, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Carthaginians, Arabs, Persians, Greeks, Thracians, Dacians, Hebrews, Huns, Slavs etc.
It was 300.000. Is anything you say up to scrutiny if one goes to check it on his own?
There's a growing discrepancy between your narrative and actual recorded data. Just sayin'....:omghaha:

Comparison between Roman and Han Empires - Wikiversity

Should be an eye-opener. Enjoy! I recommend @Shinigami to take a look too.

Yea, there are different numbers, it was a long time ago. There are different sources, even the roman ones I have seen different numbers for same event. However the gist of it is China has more men.

Besides. The 300 thousand you mean for the campaign or standing army?

As to your link, you got to be kidding me, one source apparently solves all riddle, did you quote god who actually saw the two superpowers.

Why don't you quote some Italian website I'm sure the difference will be bigger.
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The Romans, of course. Who can deny the superiority of the white race? The white race , if you observe history, has been the conquerors and everyone else, subjected peoples.

Look at India. Such a massive land, yet subjected to the superiority of English strategy and power.

Rome would have humbled any asiatic. Rome collapsed only due to the might of the Germanic people, an ethnic group of the white race. Rome did not fall to an asiatic force.

Quality over quantity, bud.

Actually if I recall at its height Rome's population equalled/surpassed that of China's. At the very least it was comparable on the line of India and China today.
Greed is a basic human trait. It is irrelevant if it manifests in the West or in the East and what have you. Its like saying only White Europeans are racist. lol.

In the beginning, the Roman Republic was populated by Whites of present day Latium (Italy). When the Roman Empire spread through the conquest of Carthage and Egypt and other foreign lands populated by non-white peoples, of course there were amalgamation vis-a-vis the slave trade and intermingling between legionarres and local women. The origin of the Roman people were , intrinsically white. Thanks for your examples, tho.

I do agree that but few others above posted racist comments so i just posted in retaliation. sorry if it offended you
The Roman Army was effective in its organization ; the symbiotic unity of legionairres, archers, auxiliary , siege and cavalry was capable in defeating armies two to three times its size. An example was the Second Battle of Tapae, in which the Roman Army, commanded by Emperor Trajan faced off the Dacian Army commanded by King Decebalus. The Roman force was 11 legions strong (around 70,000 to 80, 000) while the Dacians had an army of 150,000 to 200,000. Despite being outnumbered almost 3 to 1, Trajan's forces were victorious.

Dacia, in the end, became a client state of the Roman Empire.
The Romans, of course. Who can deny the superiority of the white race? The white race , if you observe history, has been the conquerors and everyone else, subjected peoples.

Look at India. Such a massive land, yet subjected to the superiority of English strategy and power.

Rome would have humbled any asiatic. Rome collapsed only due to the might of the Germanic people, an ethnic group of the white race. Rome did not fall to an asiatic force.

The western Roman empire was getting owned by the Huns. And one of the reasons why Germanics were moving towards Roman lands was because of the Hun invasion.

Huns displaced those Germanics and their villages and towns were getting massacred by the Central Asians.
I do agree that but few others above posted racist comments so i just posted in retaliation. sorry if it offended you

No need to apologize, bro, we're just trying to be honest and straight forward. Prejudice is a human trait; despite this we learn to work with each other and learn from each other. In regards to my posts of historical precedent, it was not meant to put down, but to share historical truth.

Thanks for the didactic conversation.

The western Roman empire was getting owned by the Huns. And one of the reasons why Germanics were moving towards Roman lands was because of the Hun invasion.

The Huns were, in eventuality, subdued and pushed back. Attila's death led to the collapse of any future Hun threat.
Rome collapsed thoroughly whereas Han is still going strong today. Chinese values and traditions continue in East Asia and remain intact despite European engineered chaos in the last few centuries. Western Rome was thoroughly annihilated by hairy shirtless, stinking barbarians and Eastern Rome followed later. What remains today is a pathetic shadow of what once was.
Actually if I recall at its height Rome's population equalled/surpassed that of China's. At the very least it was comparable on the line of India and China today.

In its height, yes, if we included the slaves with the free Roman citizens.
Rome collapsed thoroughly whereas Han is still going strong today. Chinese values and traditions continue in East Asia and remain intact despite European engineered chaos in the last few centuries. Western Rome was thoroughly annihilated by hairy shirtless, stinking barbarians and Eastern Rome followed later. What remains today is a pathetic shadow of what once was.

Hans empire is gone. Greco-Roman culture/values still survive today. Matter a fact it was spread through out the world by the people the Romans conquered.
Rome collapsed thoroughly whereas Han is still going strong today. Chinese values and traditions continue in East Asia and remain intact despite European engineered chaos in the last few centuries. Western Rome was thoroughly annihilated by hairy shirtless, stinking barbarians and Eastern Rome followed later. What remains today is a pathetic shadow of what once was.

Incorrect. There never was a continuity of Han government; China's history is full of dynastic change , representing the anithesis of stasis. Your country's history is rich in dynastic change, conquests by foreign peoples.

In regards to Rome, there may no longer be a "Roman State", however, the cultural imprint of Rome is everlasting and has influenced the formation of the West.

Rome was intrinsic in the Christianization of all Europe, in addition to the forms of government per se republicanism. I would deign to say that Rome lives today through its cultural imprint.

Britain was one of the 'successor' states of the Roman Empire, the British Empire ruled 1/4th of the world. After the fall of the British Empire, the United States, a former colony, succeeded Britain. One can say that the Roman Empire lives on to this day in the form of the United States of America.

Our form of government, our freedoms, and our military supremacy is akin to the Romans'.
No need to apologize, bro, we're just trying to be honest and straight forward. Prejudice is a human trait; despite this we learn to work with each other and learn from each other. In regards to my posts of historical precedent, it was not meant to put down, but to share historical truth.

Thanks for the didactic conversation.

The Huns were, in eventuality, subdued and pushed back. Attila's death led to the collapse of any future Hun threat.

Absolutely, Humans are tribal at heart and favor their own. Which is why Im going to point out the higher IQ of East asians as a whole, relative to the rest of the world. Whites are successful today because of a ruthlessness that other races do not possess. Just as Rome was built on the backs of slaves and economic windfalls from looting and conquest, The USA(the biggest, baddest white alpha wolf) and European countries( wolf pack ) did exactly the same by enslaving the blacks and looting every other country left and right in the colonial age.
The atrocities of whites cannot be rivaled and their indolent nature can easily be seen in their ludicrously rotund physiques.
Incorrect. There never was a continuity of Han government; China's history is full of dynastic change , representing the anithesis of stasis. Your country's history is rich in dynastic change, conquests by foreign peoples.

In regards to Rome, there may no longer be a "Roman State", however, the cultural imprint of Rome is everlasting and has influenced the formation of the West.

Rome was intrinsic in the Christianization of all Europe, in addition to the forms of government per se republicanism. I would deign to say that Rome lives today through its cultural imprint.

Britain was one of the 'successor' states of the Roman Empire, the British Empire ruled 1/4th of the world. After the fall of the British Empire, the United States, a former colony, succeeded Britain. One can say that the Roman Empire lives on to this day in the form of the United States of America.

Our form of government, our freedoms, and our military supremacy is akin to the Romans'.

IT really depends on what you mean by foreign people. As I said, do you consider German conquest of Roman Gaul, or Saxon England or any of the other places conquests?

I can understand the American members want to defend Rome and some have merit, but the Indian members? You guys know you are not white right? I'm not surprising you or anything right? Or is it anything smear China now?
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