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Romans vs Han China

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The Romans, of course. Who can deny the superiority of the white race? The white race , if you observe history, has been the conquerors and everyone else, subjected peoples.

Look at India. Such a massive land, yet subjected to the superiority of English strategy and power.

Rome would have humbled any asiatic. Rome collapsed only due to the might of the Germanic people, an ethnic group of the white race. Rome did not fall to an asiatic force.

Quality over quantity, bud.

Some people thought the same until Genghis Khan and Japanese proved the white race wrong
The british exploited the mutual hatred the kings of india had for each other pretty well. but they dint capture "the entire breadth and span of the subcontinent". a large portion was still under the princely states. Btw, dint British also colonize the whole of USA?

Regarding military, do u know that the Bible of warfare, that is followed by USA and the other "white" nations today was originally written by a mongoloid?

1. The United States was the only colony to successfully rebel from the Mother Country. The United States has a very strong bond to Britain. Many White Americans have "Anglo-Saxon" blood; myself included (more so German and English blood, to be specific).

2. United States military efficacy is based on the mastery of physics, the theories of which were proposed by Snell, Hooke, Lagrange, Ampere, Helmholtz, Boltzmann, Hertz, Tesla etc. These theories were necessary in the conceptualization of nuclear technology and trajectory in mechanical engineering, essential in the implementation of missile technology. Note, most of all Noble laureats in the fields of Science are White Europeans.

Some people thought the same until Genghis Khan and Japanese proved the white race wrong

The Japanese were defeated peoples; the entire Nihon Kaigun (Navy of the Empire of Japan) was erased by the United States Navy. And Japan unconditionally surrendered to the United States; to this day remaining a strategic pawn for American geopolitical interests in the Asia-Pacific Region.

No more sense to compare, today's Italy is shrinking, today's China is a developing country. Other powers does not relate to Roman directly. Roma is in Italy.

I disagree. The Roman Republic left a form of government similar to the democracy of Greece but with the ability to govern large bodies of people. Rome used a representation method, where senators represented groups of people, allowing for a democracy encompassing a very large population. Developed after the expulsion of the last Etruscan king, Tarqin the proud, this government was meant to prevent the development of a hereditary monarchy and did so until the rise of Augustus. It contained checks and balances to ensure that power was not too highly concentrated, much as the government in the United States of America is today. Unfortunately, the Roman Republic did not last throughout all of Rome's glory due to civil unrest, but it did leave an incredible form of government for the rest of humanity to mimic. This form of government would later prove vital to the structure of the government of the United States of America and many other countries. The republic gave the peoples of a large population a say in political issues, leaving a priceless gift to the Western World.

Rome's magnificent size and its unified nature allowed for the spreading of ideas throughout Western Civilization. Because of this unification of Rome, information moved like it had never before. Rome was a melting pot of cultures and customs, bringing together countless ideas to a place where these ideas could quickly be passed around like never before in history. Ideas ran rampant through the Roman Empire, mixing cultures and societies. The military fronts of the Roman Empire formed new cities, furthering cultural diffusion by Romanizing much of the Roman front, therefore leaving a permanent Roman mark. Many barbarian peoples came under the great influence of Rome, which in turn, was passed from generation to generation. Rome left an indelible mark on the Western World through its grandeur and unification.
It's hard to have a fair discussion about who was better between Roman vs Han China.

I don't think European should proud with Roman Empire. It's not European origins, it was part of Middle Eastern civilizations. It just a propaganda, by the Asia origin church and modern European historians.
All I confirmed from this thread is what I suspected all along, Americans and Europeans in general are not informed on Asia, while having been humiliated by the West we know so much of you. This will be nice in the coming years.

A couple misrepresentations if you will.

Han Chinese were using light and heavy calvary to fight and conquer the Xiongnu, the predecessor of Mongols. Chariots went out of style during the late warring states, before Qin and certainly before Han.

The Han Chinese had a campaign against the Xiongnv were the Han were able to cross the deserts to eliminate the Xiongnu court. The army numbered about 500,000. Way more than any Roman army.

The Han chinese built projects that are different than the Romans, but no less impressive and I am not talking about the great wall.

The Han Chinese are technically advanced as siege weapons and a lot of other "artillery" like weapons were invented and in use.

Also check out Zheng He's fleet details, it will surprise you to know how massive it is and how the biggest wooden Ship is Chinese, while the biggest destroyer is WW2 Japanese Yamato.

Back to topic, personally I think it depends, China was probably richer and more united, but never fought as much as the Romans, except during the reign of Han Wudi which is a long time. The height of each empire? It's very hard to say, I'll say this neither Rome nor China could reach each other without losing about half their men first. While in a neutral spot, China during it's height used some of the best cavalry, I know this because the Xiongnu are a nomadic people and they live on horses and still got defeated in a cavalry war.

The Romans from my understanding were more foot soldiers and were more geared towards fighting other foot soldiers. They had cavalry but it wasn't the main force of the army.

They are built to fight different enemies, so hard to say.
yea, we are somewhat racists the each of us, but then this funny thing happens to most of us, not sure it has happened to you. We got educated. At least I did.

So we can see that
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The Hans would win. Just look at their navy and Calvary. Would dominate those Romans.

And as for that racist guy (USAHawk785), don't bring your racist agenda to this thread
Some people thought the same until Genghis Khan and Japanese proved the white race wrong

the "white race" had virtually no significance to humanity until 1000 years back. until then, the world was ruled by non white caucasians (and partially by the chinese)

2. United States military efficacy is based on the mastery of physics, the theories of which were proposed by Snell, Hooke, Lagrange, Ampere, Helmholtz, Boltzmann, Hertz, Tesla etc. These theories were necessary in the conceptualization of nuclear technology and trajectory in mechanical engineering, essential in the implementation of missile technology. Note, most of all Noble laureats in the fields of Science are White Europeans.

you realize that all these came up only in the last 500 years? till then it was the non white caucasians who were dominating in all fields. Take india for eg. very few people are aware of this but ALMOST ALL basic mathematical concepts came from india. from number systems and decimals to integrations and logarithms. without this, the world we live today would have been similar to the 16th century. Many of these ideas where taken to europe (and arabia) in a blatant display of plagiarism. so the next time a dopehead tells you that "whites created the universe in 7 days", take him to the nearest hospital

The Japanese were defeated peoples; the entire Nihon Kaigun (Navy of the Empire of Japan) was erased by the United States Navy. And Japan unconditionally surrendered to the United States; to this day remaining a strategic pawn for American geopolitical interests in the Asia-Pacific Region.


If the Japs had the same population as americans, my money would have been on them. unfortunately, they were outnumbered 10:1

Small correction, Jap is racial slur for Japanese, correct your post :)

If my history is correct, Huns were credited for decline of the Roman empire, how did China handle Huns?
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Small correction, Jap is racial slur for Japanese, correct your post :)

If my history is correct, Huns were credited for decline of the Roman empire, how did China handle Huns?

thanks for letting me know. BTW my knowledge on east asia is only limited to WW2
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Is this the start of a new form of racism and supremacy?
Previously chinese people used to be humble.
Now atleast among chinese netizens,i see growing trend of supremacist agenda and mentality.
Who can deny the superiority of the white race? The white race ,

, an ethnic group of the white race.

It's hard to have a fair discussion about who was better between Roman vs Han China.

I don't think European should proud with Roman Empire. It's not European origins, it was part of Middle Eastern civilizations. It just a propaganda, by the Asia origin church and modern European historians.

umm.. you are wrong.

Only the East Roman Empire (or Byzantine) are Middle Eastern origin (and only part of them are, the other are ancient Greece). The formation of Roman Civilization are from italic region, which is modern day Italy.

The only different between Europe and China at that period of time is, Europe is constantly at war while China keep to themselves, so you will see a lot of changes in Europe but not whole lot in China

This question is actually quite stupid.

For every answer made in this question is a simple cheer from your own side/nation/race.

Fact are there are no way people can know or provide sufficient fact to support each claim of who will win, so this kind of question better left unanswered.

It's just a cheerleading troll fest.
A couple misrepresentations if you will.
The Han Chinese had a campaign against the Xiongnv were the Han were able to cross the deserts to eliminate the Xiongnu court. The army numbered about 500,000. Way more than any Roman army.

It was 300.000. Is anything you say up to scrutiny if one goes to check it on his own?
There's a growing discrepancy between your narrative and actual recorded data. Just sayin'....:omghaha:

I think it depends, China was probably richer and more united

Comparison between Roman and Han Empires - Wikiversity

Should be an eye-opener. Enjoy! I recommend @Shinigami to take a look too.
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