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Romanians opinion on other countries-2015 poll


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom

The question is : you have a list of countries,pls state your feelings on them:

Blue-positive feelings

Red-negative feelings

Green-I don't know/I'll not answer
How do you guys pronounce Haiti, Honduras and Hong Kong? Is H sound removed or silent at the beginning of the word as a rule?

Why has Britain been renamed after a tea biscuit?
How do you guys pronounce Haiti, Honduras and Hong Kong? Is H sound removed or silent at the beginning of the word as a rule?

Why has Britain been renamed after a tea biscuit?

No,the H is pronounced.

Do you still have territorial disputes with Hungary?

Oficially no.There is a Hungarian minority in Romania which wants political autonomy in the 2 counties they're a majority in but that's not going to happen.We generally never liked each other,I think we will never will,I just hope we can be civilised in our hate and restrict ourselves at cursing on the internet and at football matches and not repeat the things we did to each other in WW2 or the incidents in the 90's.
No,the H is pronounced.

Oficially no.There is a Hungarian minority in Romania which wants political autonomy in the 2 counties they're a majority in but that's not going to happen.We generally never liked each other,I think we will never will,I just hope we can be civilised in our hate and restrict ourselves at cursing on the internet and at football matches and not repeat the things we did to each other in WW2 or the incidents in the 90's.
Was Dracula actually supposed to be Hungarian? I believe they controlled Transylvania when the novel was written.
Was Dracula actually supposed to be Hungarian? I believe they controlled Transylvania when the novel was written.

The actual historical figure on which Dracula is based is Vlad the Impaler ,ruler of Wallachia (a Romanian principality) in the 15th century,not Transilvania.You're right,in that time Transilvania was part of the Kingdom of Hungary.
Romania holds its name not because of the Roma but because it was a backyard to the Holy Roman Empire (germany)
why hate Ukriane ?

also arn't you guys are Iranian Tribe ?

Ukraine holds ex Romanian territories like Northern Bucovina and the Bugeac and we never had good relations.Ukrainians are Slavs speaking a Slavic language (and the other adstracts ofc),we are Thracians speaking a Latin based language (and the other adstracts...Cuman,Slav,etc)
romanians speak slavic not Romance

They don't. That is the distinction between them, their neighbouring Magyars, and most of the others in the vicinity.

you are foul mouthed , reported for insulting , twice

slavic / roma jealousy

no that was the croatian president who claimed that


The Roma have nothing to do with the name Romania.
Ukraine holds ex Romanian territories like Northern Bucovina and the Bugeac and we never had good relations.Ukrainians are Slavs speaking a Slavic language (and the other adstracts ofc),we are Thracians speaking a Latin based language (and the other adstracts...Cuman,Slav,etc)
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