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Romanians opinion on other countries-2015 poll

Once again, us irrelevant Nordics don't even register:lol:.

Norway? Sweden? Iceland:o:?

Never heard of it:D. 100% Not sure/No opinion green.

No one ever has an opinion about us.

Like us hate us, meh:coffee:. So long as we can park our sh*t on their shores and get a cold beer when one's needed I don't think I'll be bothered by opinions.


Aegis Ashore battery:what:? And how's the beer?

Good beer is an inventive on its own to visit a nation:cheers:
they migrated from India... they are a living proof that you can live in europe but can never be european... :)

It's hard to be accepted when you act like this .It's from a week ago,in my home town


People are going to work in the morning in a tram.Gypsies are listening to loud oriental music in that tram (who the hell brings speakers in a public transportation?!?)

Romanian: Shut that music,you're disturbing us.

Gypsie: Mind your business or you'll get trouble

R: We're going to work,you're rude and uneducated/

G: Shut up or you'll get a beating,don't mess with our clan

2 Romanians get nervous and that happens.....
Once again, us irrelevant Nordics don't even register:lol:.

Norway? Sweden? Iceland:o:?

Never heard of it:D. 100% Not sure/No opinion green.

No one ever has an opinion about us.

Norw.... what ?
Sorry,never heard about him.

As long as France has good opinions,the other countries don't matter. View attachment 304871

@Joe Shearer Putting roma gypsies and romanians in the same bag is of course misleading.
In fact,the romas have nothing European.
They immigrated from Asia like hundred of years ago.
They have no historical and cultural links with the romanians and Romania.
In Western Europe,this leads to confusion,many people putting romas and romanians in the same bag + the medias literally associating both.

Really? <gasp!>

Immigrated from Asia? Whatja know?

It so happens that if you come to India, I can introduce you to people who strongly resemble the Roma, and even speak a language pretty close to theirs (there are many dialects and variations in their language - I speak very broadly). Modern Roma is a heavily Europeanised version of western Indian languages, most particularly Rajasthani. Their chiefs are Rai, and their chieftainess Rani; ask any Pakistani or Indian what those terms mean.

I had the serendipitous experience of asking a vendor for authentic Roma music and being handed a CD by Kalyi Jag (they're very, very good, btw). When I asked the meaning, and the pronunciation, it was pronounced Kali Aag, and every Hindi and Urdu speaking member will spot it immediately - it indeed stood for the precisely identical thing that it would be in Hindi/Urdu, Black Fire.

Some twenty to thirty years ago, an Indian diplomat got completely engrossed in this study, and went deep into things Roma. Among other things, he helped to design the Roma flag, and encouraged visits to India, and cultural exchanges; those who have heard and seen Flamenco (and Fandango) will immediately spot similarities to contemporary Indian dance forms.

Genetic studies indicate that they left western India around the 10th or the 11th century AD, some say in the captive train of the murderous Timur. They seem to have percolated through Khurasan, through Persia, and through the Levant to Egypt. From there, their first point of entry into Europe was Italy, and their origin in Egypt gave rise to the name gypsies. Their spread through Europe was rapid; their repeated brutalisation at the hands of Europeans, of every single nationality, was epic in its cruelty and savagery. More Roma were killed, proportionately, than even Jews, (from memory, about 4 million) by Hitler's racist Nazi regime.

They have of course left their mark on European culture, despite the best efforts of European culture. You will be most familiar with Carmen; however, the Italians will recall Il Trovatore, and the Germans the Ziguenerbaron. The British, bloody bifteks that they are, have to do with rather more mundane works such as Lavengro; equally typically, George Borrow was uniquely British and could not have been found in any other culture.

If you dig into the origins of the Black Madonna and if you know anything about Hindu theogony, you may be in for more surprises.

I hope that gives you a fuller picture of the Roma.

For Indians (and Pakistanis): if you meet a Roma by accident in, say, Budapest, you will take him for a Khanna or a Kapoor; if it is a she, you will lose yourself in her blacker than black hair.
It's hard to be accepted when you act like this .It's from a week ago,in my home town


People are going to work in the morning in a tram.Gypsies are listening to loud oriental music in that tram (who the hell brings speakers in a public transportation?!?)

Romanian: Shut that music,you're disturbing us.

Gypsie: Mind your business or you'll get trouble

R: We're going to work,you're rude and uneducated/

G: Shut up or you'll get a beating,don't mess with our clan

2 Romanians get nervous and that happens.....

That post got my goat. I had better go off thread before saying, or doing, something I'd regret.

I will remember that, @flamer84 . You have my promise.

They never tried to integrate even if the European Union is spending millions and is trying to help them better integrate.
The only thing they are doing is p*ssing off the europeans across the continent,and i've seen them in action.

Aaw, poor Europeans. Nobody loves them and they try so hard.
That post got my goat. I had better go off thread before saying, or doing, something I'd regret.

I will remember that, @flamer84 . You have my promise.

Aaw, poor Europeans. Nobody loves them and they try so hard.

What ...it's ok to listen to loud music in public transportation and threathening people to shut up or else they'll get a beating ? Sry,not in here....

Play silly games,win stupid prizes.
Really? <gasp!>

Immigrated from Asia? Whatja know?

It so happens that if you come to India, I can introduce you to people who strongly resemble the Roma, and even speak a language pretty close to theirs (there are many dialects and variations in their language - I speak very broadly). Modern Roma is a heavily Europeanised version of western Indian languages, most particularly Rajasthani. Their chiefs are Rai, and their chieftainess Rani; ask any Pakistani or Indian what those terms mean.

I had the serendipitous experience of asking a vendor for authentic Roma music and being handed a CD by Kalyi Jag (they're very, very good, btw). When I asked the meaning, and the pronunciation, it was pronounced Kali Aag, and every Hindi and Urdu speaking member will spot it immediately - it indeed stood for the precisely identical thing that it would be in Hindi/Urdu, Black Fire.

Some twenty to thirty years ago, an Indian diplomat got completely engrossed in this study, and went deep into things Roma. Among other things, he helped to design the Roma flag, and encouraged visits to India, and cultural exchanges; those who have heard and seen Flamenco (and Fandango) will immediately spot similarities to contemporary Indian dance forms.

Genetic studies indicate that they left western India around the 10th or the 11th century AD, some say in the captive train of the murderous Timur. They seem to have percolated through Khurasan, through Persia, and through the Levant to Egypt. From there, their first point of entry into Europe was Italy, and their origin in Egypt gave rise to the name gypsies. Their spread through Europe was rapid; their repeated brutalisation at the hands of Europeans, of every single nationality, was epic in its cruelty and savagery. More Roma were killed, proportionately, than even Jews, (from memory, about 4 million) by Hitler's racist Nazi regime.

They have of course left their mark on European culture, despite the best efforts of European culture. You will be most familiar with Carmen; however, the Italians will recall Il Trovatore, and the Germans the Ziguenerbaron. The British, bloody bifteks that they are, have to do with rather more mundane works such as Lavengro; equally typically, George Borrow was uniquely British and could not have been found in any other culture.

If you dig into the origins of the Black Madonna and if you know anything about Hindu theogony, you may be in for more surprises.

I hope that gives you a fuller picture of the Roma.

For Indians (and Pakistanis): if you meet a Roma by accident in, say, Budapest, you will take him for a Khanna or a Kapoor; if it is a she, you will lose yourself in her blacker than black hair.
Gypsies are much bigger integrated here in England than in other European countries because they intermarried extensively. In fact if you look at them their physical features do not resemble those of Indians but of the rest of the population.



Michael Caine and Charlie Chaplin are both part Gypsy.
Aaw, poor Europeans. Nobody loves them and they try so hard.

French savages in actions ;

Destroying the illegal camps ;




Time to make your bags,isn't it ?



Next destination : the airport



And as we say ; Bon Voyage !


But in fact,even in Romania,Bulgaria they are a problem !
You should come and see what they do across Europe,and your opinion will change.

And of course in Romania,they build luxury houses.

I didn't say nothing about Iran though :what: And I know that the dude trolls alot in this forum.

an indian member asked if they (roma) have anything to do with iran , or maybe romanians, and i clarified for him it was the croatian president who once linked croatians with iranians , that 's why i mentioned "iran" (and my posts are deleted now) ,

it had nothing to do with Romania :) , and i'm not trolling , i'm raisin awareness
There was widespread hostility here as well. In fact they were sold to the West Indies as slaves at one point.
dont know.. its all matter of degree...

@Vauban nobody says these things are not true, my own experience with them has been quite bad. but when you try to understand a societal phenomena, you dont only talk of your experience, you take a much broader view of what are possible reason. Not only about current state, but with historical view.

Is it possible for you to do that? or are you happy with lazy stereotyping and feeling smug?
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