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71% of Russians cant stand US Influence, 60% for EU. India and China top 5 allies

Russia can convince China to accept the current LoAC as the International Border or at least put behind the border issue and focus on the economics.

As for the leaning part, we are non-aligned as always :enjoy:

Well as far as i know China has always favor putting behind the border issue behind and focussing on trade(they did the same with Japan, until Japan nationalised the islands and started the current standoff/conflict we see), but its india who is more reticent to that, which i understand since india is still quite weak economically in every aspect compared to China, so its natural it wont want to trade in a free way/allow too much chinese investment in its economy/infrastructure less it be a shame/embarassment seeing a rival dominate your economy/building your infrastructure etc.
Moreover even if China was to accept the current LOC/status quo as defacto border, will india accept it? i dont think so. since it will mean accepting china soverignty over aksai chin. Which as i explained above is impossible for any Indian government to accept, due to the reasons i mentioned. After studying Asian history/Indo-China relations, i came to a conclusion that it was all the fault of your Nehru(and my country as well who created the Macmahon line we seized fromtibet at the time) who has led you to the current situation of enmmity with China since he was the initiator of the war which India lost and has created a huge psychology fear/scar and an inferiority complex for indians towards China. So if anything its him(and to some extent Britain) that is to blame for the current situation. Dont take it personal , im just being Honest here.:D

As for being non aligned, i already explained it will be untenable for India in the coming decade as China grows stronger and its relations with Russia solidifies , with the U.S pressuring both countries to preserve its hegemony. Expect things to heat up to a point where you will be forced to choose sides whether you like it or not. Hope you will make the right choice this time(unlike before with the U.S.S.R). :usflag:

SO it will take a century/several decades for both of you to solve your boundary issues, except if there is a revolution in India or something that dramatically changes the political landscape of the country, since its easier for China to solve the boundary issue being a one party state(and the fact that the people there dont really see India as an ennemy that much or even care, unlike they do with Japan) which makes its leader to have a more free hand to make compromises when necessary(examplified with them solving all their border issues with all their inland neighbours even with vietnam but except india).
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Indians may like Russians more, that doesn't mean they hate Americans. I would say in SouthIndia(except Kerala may be), America scores way higher than any other country.
Well as far as i know China has always favor putting behind the border issue behind and focussing on trade(they did the same with Japan, until Japan nationalised the islands and started the current standoff/conflict we see), but its india who is more reticent to that, which i understand since india is still quite weak economically in every aspect compared to China, so its natural it wont want to trade in a free way/allow too much chinese investment in its economy/infrastructure less it be a shame/embarassment seeing a rival dominate your economy/building your infrastructure etc.
Moreover even if China was to accept the current LOC/status quo as defacto border, will india accept it? i dont think so. since it will mean accepting china soverignty over aksai chin. Which as i explained above is impossible for any Indian government to accept, due to the reasons i mentioned. After studying Asian history/Indo-China relations, i came to a conclusion that it was all the fault of your Nehru(and my country as well who created the Macmahon line we seized fromtibet at the time) who has led you to the current situation of enmmity with China ince he was the initiator of the war which India lost and has created a huge psychology fear/scar and an inferiority complex for indians towards China. So if anything its him(and to some extent Britain) that is to blame for the current situation. Dont take it personal , im just being Honest here.:D

As for being non aligned, i already explained it will be untenable for India in the coming decade as China grows stronger and its relations with Russia solidifies , with the U.S pressuring both countries to preserve its hegemony. Expect things to heat up to a point where you will be forced to choose sides whether you like it or not. Hope you will make the right choice this time(unlike before with the U.S.S.R). :usflag:

Don't worry we will manage. First you tell me honestly which one are you ?

British Pakistani or British Chinese ? It' clear by your English.
Don't worry we will manage. First you tell me honestly which one are you ?

British Pakistani or British Chinese ? It' clear by your English.

loool im none of the above, i know some people will start labeling different names/nationalities when i make points/comments they consider is against their country/allies. I have been labeled a anti muslim because i made comments that wasnt to the taste of some muslims members and anti sunni(when i criticized terrorism/extremism in Iraq/syria), i have been called another name when i made a comment that wasn't to the liking of a vietnamese, i have been labeled a jap because i made a comment favorable to japan, i have been labeled indian because i made a comment not favorable to China/pakistan, i have been called an Indian when i made a comment critical of China, i have been called a brainwashed westerner when i made a comment critical of Russia etc..... geez people should make up their mind which one i am.lol i can go and on. Iknow sometimes truth/honesty isnt comfortable to say especially when you are biased. But its by saying it that we can have a balanced view/ constructive discussion.

And i aid it before im half french, half irish by origin , but born in England. Though partly grew up in france as well(and im fluent in French:D). i make typos errors/mistakes mainly because i dont often go through what i write before posting(yes unfortuntely thats one thing even my mum/friends have always told me i shouldnt be doing.:D), but its mostly because i often multi task while typing on here, so sometimes dont go through what i write or write through my phone which makes 'auto-correct' mistakes most times.lool.:D
loool im none of the above, i know some people will start labeling different names/nationalities when i make points/comments they consider is against their country/allies. I have been labeled a anti muslim because i made comments that wasnt to the taste of some muslims members and anti sunni(when i criticized terrorism/extremism in Iraq/syria), i have been called another name when i made a comment that wasn't to the liking of a vietnamese, i have been labeled a jap because i made a comment favorable to japan, i have been labeled indian because i made a comment not favorable to China/pakistan, i have been called an Indian when i made a comment critical of China, i have been called a brainwashed westerner when i made a comment critical of Russia etc..... geez people should make up their mind which one i am.lol i can go and on. Iknow sometimes truth/honesty isnt comfortable to say especially when you are biased. But its by saying it that we can have a balanced view/ constructive discussion.

And i aid it before im half french, half irish by origin , but born in England. Though partly grew up in france as well(and im fluent in French:D). i make typos errors/mistakes mainly because i dont often go through what i write before posting(yes unfortuntely thats one thing even my mum/friends have always told me i shouldnt be doing.:D), but its mostly because i often multi task while typing on here, so sometimes dont go through what i write or write through my phone which makes 'auto-correct' mistakes most times.lool.:D

Im French/Irish/Spanish/Welsh, but I look like a dirty Russian, life is unfair.
And they can be unhappy all they want, give an Indian the chance to live in America and they jump at it.
Contribute to the topic at hand instead of bringing irrelevant things.
BW your assumption is also wrong.

I dont think India will accept giving up say aksai chin for say south tibet. Since India has a policy engrained in its constituion never to cede any land it claims(and if they need to be, it still has to be passed through the parliament, which we all know will never be accepted). So how do you suppose any Inidan government can accept giving up those claims? It simply wont ever happen, sinceit will mean the end of that government/prime minister.:agree:
IF both the countries agree then the other ministers can be convinced and it can be passed in parliament.Not a big deal.
But China's power is rising and it would be foolish to expect from China to make a swap deal since it is the more powerful party.
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and has created a huge psychology fear/scar and an inferiority complex for indians towards China. So if anything its him(and to some extent Britain) that is to blame for the current situation. Dont take it personal .
Educated Indians dont have inferiority complex towards any country.Uneducated,illiterate Indians have inferiority complex towards western countries but not towards China and that will also die down as more of them will get informed and educated in future.
Educated Indians dont have inferiority complex towards any country.Uneducated,illiterate Indians have inferiority complex towards western countries but not towards China and that will also die down as more of them will get informed and educated in future.

Well ok maybe not an inferiroity complex, but they still have a feeling a shame/embarassment of losing the war they started. They still harbour a sense of revenge/pay back and wish they could turn back the clock for a rematch with China . Its kind of similar to the feeling the chinese harbour towards the Japanese though.:D

Anyway thats just my point of view/what i have noticed during my studies and travelling to several Asian countries and interacting with people there. Asia seem to have lots of historical issues which they take too personally/at heart than we westerners. This makes conflict resolutions in Asia very difficult. Hopefully with time/few decades from now, they will come to realise like we in the Europe that sometimes you just have to forget/forgive the past and move forward (though i know it can be difficult), but where there is a will, there is a way.:-)
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