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Rohingya migrants raped at Thai-Malaysia border camps

Btw !! So now Pakistanis are advising Myanmar nowadays
First look deep into what's happening in your own country before pointing fingers at others.

And if Myanmar is that bad why are you even trying to sell them your JF-17 Thunder jets.
Burma to Purchase Chinese-Pakistani JF-17 Fighter Jets | The Diplomat

On the contrary Burma actually make Pakistan look like a bastion of human right in comparison.

Also do people in here seems to forget that an individual are not their country.

Nope.. Even native citizens went Thailand and Malaysia to seek better earnings...
Then those people trying to escape may be also to get better income or may be to get a better life as asylum in the name of Famous rohingya...

While bringing along their entire family? Most economic migrants often travels alone and not with family. When that happens that means they are refugee and not migrants.
LOL... i didnt say.. "Burmese History".. just say " Myanmar History" including all Mon , Pyu , ava, arakan 's history... :D :pleasantry::pleasantry: Now u know who should be back off.. :D

Ok send me reference from Sian for Arakan.
Ok send me reference from Sian for Arakan.
All right. Here it is.

Naresuan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Lord of Pyay staged a rebellion against Nanda Bayin in 1595, followed by Toungoo,Rakhine, Lanna, and Lan Xang. King Nokeo Koumane of Lan Xang prepared to march through Lanna to Pegu to rescue the people of Lan Chang held captive. The viceroy of Lanna Chiang Mai then submitted his territory to Siamese control and Naresuan sent Siamese forces to prevent Laotian forces from entering Lanna.[2]:151-155

Here is a diplomatic mission from Rakhine King to Siamese King for warfare with common enemy.City of Hongsawadee
ครั้นทราบว่าสมเด็จพระนเรศวรจะเสด็จไปตีเมืองหงสาวดี จึงมาขอเข้ากับไทยประสงค์จะให้สมเด็จพระนเรศวรยอมยกหัวเมืองเหล่านั้นให้เป็นบบำเหน็จ ครั้นทูตยะไข่กลับไปจากกรุงศรีอยุธยาพระเจ้ายะไข่ทราบว่าสมเด็จพระนเรศวรทรงรับเป็นไมตรีตามประสงค์ก้ให้กองทัพเรือยกมายึดเมืองสิเรียม[2]
สงครามครั้งที่ ๑๔ คราวสมเด็จพระนเรศวรตีเมืองหงสาวดี ครั้งที่ ๒ ปีกุน พ.ศ. ๒๑๔๒ - วิกิซอร์ซ
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All right. Here it is.

Naresuan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Lord of Pyay staged a rebellion against Nanda Bayin in 1595, followed by Toungoo,Rakhine, Lanna, and Lan Xang. King Nokeo Koumane of Lan Xang prepared to march through Lanna to Pegu to rescue the people of Lan Chang held captive. The viceroy of Lanna Chiang Mai then submitted his territory to Siamese control and Naresuan sent Siamese forces to prevent Laotian forces from entering Lanna.[2]:151-155

Here is a diplomatic mission from Rakhine King to Siamese King for warfare with common enemy.City of Hongsawadee
ครั้นทราบว่าสมเด็จพระนเรศวรจะเสด็จไปตีเมืองหงสาวดี จึงมาขอเข้ากับไทยประสงค์จะให้สมเด็จพระนเรศวรยอมยกหัวเมืองเหล่านั้นให้เป็นบบำเหน็จ ครั้นทูตยะไข่กลับไปจากกรุงศรีอยุธยาพระเจ้ายะไข่ทราบว่าสมเด็จพระนเรศวรทรงรับเป็นไมตรีตามประสงค์ก้ให้กองทัพเรือยกมายึดเมืองสิเรียม[2]
สงครามครั้งที่ ๑๔ คราวสมเด็จพระนเรศวรตีเมืองหงสาวดี ครั้งที่ ๒ ปีกุน พ.ศ. ๒๑๔๒ - วิกิซอร์ซ

Ok smarty pant. I am not sure about the year 1595, is it Georgian calendar?
There is no Rakhaine kingdom in the year 1596. Read Kingdom of Mrauk U - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He probably tried to mention Kingdom_of_Mrauk_U or Arakan as Rakhaine. it does not conclude anything aboiut the composition of people of Rakhaine kingdom. 70% of the people of Maruk_U kingdom or Arakan was Chittagonian + Rohingya. Did it mention anyting about Bengali in Rakhaine kingdom?
The fake pictures of the Rohingya crisis


Several images online have been falsely attributed to the ongoing Rohingya crisis
The plight of Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar was thrust into the spotlight last month after thousands of migrants were left stranded at sea - but not all the images being shared online are what they seem to be.

The Rohingyas are a distinct Muslim ethnic group mainly living in Myanmar, also known as Burma. They are not recognised as citizens of Myanmar and face persecution in the majority Buddhist country, where many live in crowded camps. Powerful and seemingly genuine pictures and videos emerged of what Rohingyas must endure in Myanmar after thousands of migrants were left adrift with low supplies of food and water last month. But BBC Trending found some of the images being shared online don't show Rohingyas at all - but instead come from other disasters and news events.

Many of these images are graphic and disturbing. One of the photos, for instance, that shows up in search results shows Buddhist monks standing among piles of body parts. On Facebook and Twitter, the photograph has been cited as an example of Buddhist violence against Rohingyas. But the picture is not from Burma at all - it was actually taken in the aftermath of an earthquake in China in April 2010.

Another picture shows a man on fire running across the road. One group that shared the photo on Facebook suggesting the man suffered horrific abuse - that he was chopped up and burnt alive. But the real story is much different. In fact, the photo is of Jamphel Yeshi, a Tibetan activist who set himself on fire in Delhi in 2012 to protest against the Chinese president's visit to India.

There are many disturbing pictures of children circulating as well. One shows a boy tied to a wooden pole, with the marks of beatings visible across his back. While online posts call him a Rohingya boy, he's actually a seven-year-old Thai child who was beaten up by a relative for stealing sweets earlier this year.

Then there's this photo which has been widely shared, particularly in India and Pakistan, showing a motorcycle riding across the hands of school students who are lying on the ground with outstretched arms. The incident was actually a stunt by a martial arts trainer in south India:


The caption reads "Burma's Muslims" in Urdu ...
... however it's really an AFP photo of a stunt in India, as the BBC reported in 2009
Other misleading images traced by BBC Trending using online photo search tools include a large crowd of people laying on the ground (actually of protesters being detained in Thailand in 2004), one showing burnt bodies (in reality from an oil tanker blaze in 2010 in the Democratic Republic of Congo) and a grisly photo of children with bloodstained clothes which apparently comes from Sri Lanka's decades-long conflict. These and other images have been shared thousands of times on Facebook mostly by people hoping to support the Rohingyas.

"We appreciate everyone's concern but encourage everybody to always check carefully before using images," says UK-based Rohingya activist and blogger Jamila Hanan. "Whenever the Rohingya hits media headlines these same photos are redistributed with some new ones included."

"There are so many genuine images of tragic scenes of the Rohingya that are genuine, there is simply no need for anyone to fabricate anything," Hanan told BBC Trending. "The most tragic images are the real ones."

Blog by Samiha Nettikkara
Ok smarty pant. I am not sure about the year 1595, is it Georgian calendar?
There is no Rakhaine kingdom in the year 1596. Read Kingdom of Mrauk U - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He probably tried to mention Kingdom_of_Mrauk_U or Arakan as Rakhaine. it does not conclude anything aboiut the composition of people of Rakhaine kingdom. 70% of the people of Maruk_U kingdom or Arakan was Chittagonian + Rohingya. Did it mention anyting about Bengali in Rakhaine kingdom?
Yiu were asking me to defend that
1. there is no Rohingya word in Thai historical records.
2. There is a word for Rakhine in Thai history.
Ofcause your claim that Rohingya might be ethnic composition of Rakhine state may be true or false. I have no saying so far about that claim. All i say is Siamese records have no word for Rohingya but have a thai word for Rakhine. We call Rakhine Yakai .
The fake pictures of the Rohingya crisis


Several images online have been falsely attributed to the ongoing Rohingya crisis
The plight of Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar was thrust into the spotlight last month after thousands of migrants were left stranded at sea - but not all the images being shared online are what they seem to be.

The Rohingyas are a distinct Muslim ethnic group mainly living in Myanmar, also known as Burma. They are not recognised as citizens of Myanmar and face persecution in the majority Buddhist country, where many live in crowded camps. Powerful and seemingly genuine pictures and videos emerged of what Rohingyas must endure in Myanmar after thousands of migrants were left adrift with low supplies of food and water last month. But BBC Trending found some of the images being shared online don't show Rohingyas at all - but instead come from other disasters and news events.

Many of these images are graphic and disturbing. One of the photos, for instance, that shows up in search results shows Buddhist monks standing among piles of body parts. On Facebook and Twitter, the photograph has been cited as an example of Buddhist violence against Rohingyas. But the picture is not from Burma at all - it was actually taken in the aftermath of an earthquake in China in April 2010.

Another picture shows a man on fire running across the road. One group that shared the photo on Facebook suggesting the man suffered horrific abuse - that he was chopped up and burnt alive. But the real story is much different. In fact, the photo is of Jamphel Yeshi, a Tibetan activist who set himself on fire in Delhi in 2012 to protest against the Chinese president's visit to India.

There are many disturbing pictures of children circulating as well. One shows a boy tied to a wooden pole, with the marks of beatings visible across his back. While online posts call him a Rohingya boy, he's actually a seven-year-old Thai child who was beaten up by a relative for stealing sweets earlier this year.

Then there's this photo which has been widely shared, particularly in India and Pakistan, showing a motorcycle riding across the hands of school students who are lying on the ground with outstretched arms. The incident was actually a stunt by a martial arts trainer in south India:


The caption reads "Burma's Muslims" in Urdu ...
... however it's really an AFP photo of a stunt in India, as the BBC reported in 2009
Other misleading images traced by BBC Trending using online photo search tools include a large crowd of people laying on the ground (actually of protesters being detained in Thailand in 2004), one showing burnt bodies (in reality from an oil tanker blaze in 2010 in the Democratic Republic of Congo) and a grisly photo of children with bloodstained clothes which apparently comes from Sri Lanka's decades-long conflict. These and other images have been shared thousands of times on Facebook mostly by people hoping to support the Rohingyas.

"We appreciate everyone's concern but encourage everybody to always check carefully before using images," says UK-based Rohingya activist and blogger Jamila Hanan. "Whenever the Rohingya hits media headlines these same photos are redistributed with some new ones included."

"There are so many genuine images of tragic scenes of the Rohingya that are genuine, there is simply no need for anyone to fabricate anything," Hanan told BBC Trending. "The most tragic images are the real ones."

Blog by Samiha Nettikkara

There's nothing they like more than decrying injustice whether there is any or not.
Yiu were asking me to defend that
1. there is no Rohingya word in Thai historical records.
2. There is a word for Rakhine in Thai history.
Ofcause your claim that Rohingya might be ethnic composition of Rakhine state may be true or false. I have no saying so far about that claim. All i say is Siamese records have no word for Rohingya but have a thai word for Rakhine. We call Rakhine Yakai .

Yes you are getting there.

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