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Rogue contractor kills 20 at US Navy's equivalent of the Pentagon


Aug 7, 2009
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As we know there was a shooting at US Navy shipyard , the news buzz is that the guy who did this had mental issues , however there is also information he was a merc/contractor

The place where the shooting happened is highly secure and is like the US Navy's pentagon so the obvious question is how did this man know know the ins and outs of the place so much so that he could get weapons accross security and mange to knock out 20 or so individuals ?

In my opinion this was the work of a contractor gone rouge , his contract was not renewed and he went after those whom he felt should have paid up


The 10 years of war has created an industry for ex-army/navy personel acting as mercs/contractors and as the war winds down they will find themselves out of work , angry and experienced in urban combat , something the pentagon will have to watch out for

just like this fellow was supposed to be the hero contractor who killed many people in iraq but then got shot by another fellow contractor

Not according to CNN.

Just cause he was a "contractor" doesn't mean he was a Blackwater/Xe/Academi Mercenary.

At the time of the shooting, Alexis was working for The Experts, a subcontractor of HP Enterprise Services that was contracted to "refresh equipment used on the Navy Marine Corps Intranet network," according to a statement released by the company.

Alexis, who had Department of Defense security clearance, worked from September 2012 through January refreshing computer systems in Japan, said Thomas E. Hoshko, the CEO of The Experts.

Who is Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis? - CNN.com
this is an inside job

another episode of selling fear to the poor american taxpayer so that secrects funds are created using his tax-money, false flags are funded and then wars are wagged to make money by selling defence equipment.

another important thing to note is that jews who run the federal reserve bank of US pay salaries to bama and all the politicans,governors,senators,cops judges,mayors,etc etc

jews are not fond of white christian man living in mid-west and south,,,,,,,they want to have the second amendment abolished,,,,jews are right now working on false flags inside US so that the law which allows bearing arms gets abolished

this is the game these jews are right now playing

zionist controlled media of america is right now diverting the attention of american taxpayer from real problems towards made up false problems and issues......

jews have penetrated the american establishment on all levels,,,,,they are governors,senators,generals,judges,cops etc etc,,,,,they have taken up all jobs,,,,,,,,,more than 70 percent of govt servants in US state are jews,,,,,

,,,jews are working to annex newyork and make it a jewish overseas territory.............

all this is happening and chogy is busy fishing with mastan khan on the mississippi river,,,,take him to a drag race event each weekend followed by barbq and kuppi and he is all honkie donkie not realizing what jews in his country are up to.
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