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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

Seriously I doubt Iran will nuke its neighbors, or any Islam world nation.

The only possible threatened country in middle east is Israel.

That's so obvious, guys.

No- According to Saudis Iran is the threat-
They just cannot trust a fellow Muslim country-
The focus has been successfully shifted from Israel to Iran- Thanks to America-
Saudis need to stop acting like Iran's military expansion is so scare them arabs. Everyone knows Iran's main nemesis is Israel. My guess is the Saudi Royal Family makes this type of claim to convince the world that they "feel threatened" and are against Iran's military expansion as well. Pretty much propaganda b/s.
Saudis need to stop acting like Iran's military expansion is so scare them arabs. Everyone knows Iran's main nemesis is Israel. My guess is the Saudi Royal Family makes this type of claim to convince the world that they "feel threatened" and are against Iran's military expansion as well. Pretty much propaganda b/s.

Yup- Israel getting Nuclear Weapons to Keep all the arabs at bay is alright with Saudis- They dont feel threatened- But Iran whose sole purpose of getting nuclear is to counter the Israeli threat- is a biggest threat to Saudi Arabia-

Who was the biggest threat to Israel before Iran?- IRAQ- and see where it is now-
SAUDIS...should build NUKES ...then it will be second Islamic bomb in Muslim world....

lets's see who gets first IRAN or Saudis

though Saudis are late ...........but they don't have sanctions
ummm. Actually we moved the F-15s to the tabuk air force which pissed off the Israelis very much. and the form of US infiltrating all armed forces sectors those are not US personnel those are Private contractors for fixing and stuff which have been replaced by a saudi cadre on a steady pace.
Oh Luftwaffe I know your type very well. first you say that Saudis are lazy and get foreign workers to do all their job but when we get our own people in those jobs you start screaming that we made them lose their jobs. Haters Gonna Hate.

So you agree at the behest of US you removed F-15s from those air bases because US shoved that stick up,...Proves no foreign policy.

You being in Saudi Arabia know nothing. Maybe you forgot Your Kingdom bowed down to US when the desert was in bad shape with huge debt, US rescued you till this date and they are not leaving believe it you have absolutely no Intl.

I don't a rat a** to saudi arabia where was your modern Kingdom with all modern gadgetry when Palestine was being bombarded for 22 consecutive days.

I absolutely have no damn interest in settling in Arabian Gulf for the mere fact your kingdom treats locals so terribly after long 40 Years saudi govt realizes to bring their own people to work for them, You think US would allow Kingdom to take over American Jobs that is mistake which had cost and will cost Kingdom.
Yup- Israel getting Nuclear Weapons to Keep all the arabs at bay is alright with Saudis- They dont feel threatened- But Iran whose sole purpose of getting nuclear is to counter the Israeli threat- is a biggest threat to Saudi Arabia-

Who was the biggest threat to Israel before Iran?- IRAQ- and see where it is now-

Yup exactly Iraq had its bloody history with Iran as well which would have you believe Iran and the Saudis are in the same boat. Why are the Saudi Royal Family so hell bent in deepening this Shia-Sunni thing?? This is really a very pressing question because I dont see any reason as to why Saudis should feel threatened by Iran.
Yup exactly Iraq had its bloody history with Iran as well which would have you believe Iran and the Saudis are in the same boat. Why are the Saudi Royal Family so hell bent in deepening this Shia-Sunni thing?? This is really a very pressing question because I dont see any reason as to why Saudis should feel threatened by Iran.

The Fact is isreal insures by its nuclear program that saudi brutal regime stays in place, keep it low and bow is saudi way, you people would be astonished to know why saudi arabia is befriends with israel again Saudi long term survival is due to isreali protection in any unseen war against saudi arabia by any gulf nation and iran.
If you have been in keeping with the news lately here are the country's we signed a nuclear partnership and transfer of technology with:
I think we signed with more countries but I lost track.
I can sign a contract with France to help me build rockets. They're not gonna be the same as the ones NASA has though lol

there is nuclear tech and then there is nuclear technology. Enriching Uranium and building reactors is not something KSA can do in a BILLION years. Even if you get the blue prints you won't be able to make a reactor.
Hahahaha yeah it is just for civillian use *wink wink* ;)

abdul, have you ever even googled the stuff you are talking about?
Even Afghanistan and Yemen can get their own reactors if they had the money. Enriching Uranium, building heavy water reactors, managing waste, designing weapons etc... is something completely different and it is something that KSA will have to beg for and I frankly don't see the white man giving you this technology for any price what so ever lol

You guys need to start by designing your own buildings and making a couple of factories here and there. baby steps Abdul, baby steps
Yup exactly Iraq had its bloody history with Iran as well which would have you believe Iran and the Saudis are in the same boat. Why are the Saudi Royal Family so hell bent in deepening this Shia-Sunni thing?? This is really a very pressing question because I dont see any reason as to why Saudis should feel threatened by Iran.

KSA is threaten from Iran because the extreme Islamic regime of Tehran have dominance aspiration in the Gulf and in the Middle East. This regime constantly tries to destabilise countries in the region like Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen. KSA knows that Iran wants to seize control over all the oil rich countries in the region, and particularly KSA (which also has in its territory the most holly places for Islam), in order the become a power who could challenge the US and the West.

However, if Iran god forbid develop nukes it would not stop there. Besides of KSA, other countries in the ME would want to have nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves against Iran, and particularly Egypt and most probably Turkey. Following to that the NPT would completely collapse and other rogue states would probably develop nuclear capabilities like Venezuela, Myanmar, Sudan.

The Middle East with several nuclear weapons countries will be even more unstable than nowadays. The countries which would have nukes because of Iran's nukes would do it not because they fear from a surprise nuclear attack of Iran, but from Iran using a nuclear umbrella to deter them from suppressing any threat to their regimes from minorities or terror organisation which operate in their territory. However, in light of the nature of the ME and its history of bitter conflicts and lunatic leaderships (Saddam, Gaddafi, the Asad family, Sudan) it would be only a question of time until one of this crack-pots would use its nuclear capabilities and cause a catastrophe.
KSA is threaten from Iran because the extreme Islamic regime of Tehran have dominance aspiration in the Gulf and in the Middle East. This regime constantly tries to destabilise countries in the region like Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrain and Yemen. KSA knows that Iran wants to seize control over all the oil rich countries in the region, and particularly KSA (which also has in its territory the most holly places for Islam), in order the become a power who could challenge the US and the West.

However, if Iran god forbid develop nukes it would not stop there. Besides of KSA, other countries in the ME would want to have nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves against Iran, and particularly Egypt and most probably Turkey. Following to that the NPT would completely collapse and other rogue states would probably develop nuclear capabilities like Venezuela, Myanmar, Sudan.

The Middle East with several nuclear weapons countries will be even more unstable than nowadays. The countries which would have nukes because of Iran's nukes would do it not because they fear from a surprise nuclear attack of Iran, but from Iran using a nuclear umbrella to deter them from suppressing any threat to their regimes from minorities or terror organisation which operate in their territory. However, in light of the nature of the ME and its history of bitter conflicts and lunatic leaderships (Saddam, Gaddafi, the Asad family, Sudan) it would be only a question of time until one of this crack-pots would use its nuclear capabilities and cause a catastrophe.

I understand your concerns but the scenario you are considering is if everything goes wrong, which is not wholly impossible for the region, but some questions need answering. To come to the conclusion of nuclear warfare in the middle east, we ll have to take a lot of assumptions, like (1) Ahmedinejad is lying when he says they are not after nukes, (2) Iran has ambitions to conquer all neighbouring territories(aka bring back Persian Empire), (3) Iran is after oil even though Iran has a lot of its own. I wont say there is no chance of this happening, but they seem pretty thin, if you consider they all have to happen if nuclear disaster is to happen in ME.
I understand your concerns but the scenario you are considering is if everything goes wrong, which is not wholly impossible for the region, but some questions need answering. To come to the conclusion of nuclear warfare in the middle east, we ll have to take a lot of assumptions, like (1) Ahmedinejad is lying when he says they are not after nukes, (2) Iran has ambitions to conquer all neighbouring territories(aka bring back Persian Empire), (3) Iran is after oil even though Iran has a lot of its own. I wont say there is no chance of this happening, but they seem pretty thin, if you consider they all have to happen if nuclear disaster is to happen in ME.

1) the Iranian regime is indeed lying and its objective is to develop nuclear weapons. It adopted the same policy of North Korea which constantly claimed it is against nuclear weapons but conducted nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009. Do not relay on what the Iranian are saying, judge them on their actions and there is no doubt where they are leading.

2) Iran cannot conquer its neighbours because its conventional forces are pretty weak, so its strategy is to overthrow their regimes and replace them with friendly regimes for Tehran that would be under its influence (like the Syrian regime). As a result, Iran destabilise the regimes in Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrain, and Yemen and aspire to destabilise KSA and the Egyptian regime too.

3) Controlling the oil of the ME is not an ambition which evolved from financial considerations. Iran believes that controlling the entire oil resources of the ME, which the West relay on for its economic power, would give it the power to challenge the West and the US and gain global influence.

If Iran would be giving the chance to develop nuclear weapons the consequences would be felt in the entire region and in the international community. That is why KSA justifiably fears of this scenario and signals to the US that it would also develops nukes if the US would not stop Iran from fulfilling its nuclear aspirations.
All I can say is:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
even funnier is the saudi guy here defending the official's bold claim!
The industrial base of KSA is on par with Afghanistan and Yemen and they come up with such bs. 1/3 of the country is foreign workers and they can't even make a freezer but they think heavy water reactors, uranium enrichment etc... are doable hahaha
where are they even gonna get the Uranium? I bet they can't even get the Uranium out of the ground lmao
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