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Rishi Sunak, of Indian heritage is new UK Prime Minister

Election now please, who the F voted for him aside the 195 who wanted him in.
Well, brown shaar,

Have you read the racist comments? Why do you think Lizzy was prefered over Sunak last time around? Capability or skin color? Fuktard foul mouth!! Welcome to my ignore list...

Yes Moron I do know how to read.

Asians and Blacks are racists too. The whites do not have a monopoly on racism castism misogyny and religious intolerance.

You only need to read PDF to realise that.

Every racist believes absolutely that he is not a racist

I have friends who are aristocrats, I have friends who are upper class, I have friends who are working class… well, not working class" Rishi Sunak.
Well, brown shaar,

Have you read the racist comments? Why do you think Lizzy was prefered over Sunak last time around? Capability or skin color? Fuktard foul mouth!! Welcome to my ignore list...
You remain a moron and know nothing about British politics. They chose Truss because she promised tax cuts while Rishi talked about tightening the budget to bring UK finances into a lower debt profile in the coming event of rising inflation and base rates
Best to stay away from farting about subjects you know nothing about
He is UK citizen. But one thing for sure, Burnol sales will increase in our neighbouring countries.
Till yesterday mods of our neighborhood are damn sure that RS won't be the next PM of UK. We should look at their faces now 😀

Unfortunately in British politics religion will play a role. If a Muslim had been elected as PM (which indoubt will ever happen) there will be an uproar and extream levels of objection.

I doubt Pakistan or Bangladesh cares. The UK is suffering due to the aftermath of the levels of cost of living and energy prices.
Bangladesh will cherish, not sure about Pakistan. Pakistan will care. Now your diplomats will have an uphill task in securing your home interests especially "Kashmir"
I'll tag you when he is thrown out in a proper election. :-)

No need to as EVERYONE and his dog know the conservatives will lose the next election. That is just stating the bleeding obvious.
Roll on the General Election
I will be working hard for a Labour victory in my constituency to defeat Sunak and the conservatives.

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Look like something strange going on.........

He's British. He became PM of UK. That's it.

Will he return Kohinoor to India? Will he apologize for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre? If not then why Indians going Gaga?

Good for him. Now move on. Celebrate Diwali.

Its embarassing.
See the positive sides of his election. Our relationship with UK will improve
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