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Rishi Sunak, of Indian heritage is new UK Prime Minister

No cupcake, you cant utilize anything, 20 of you guys just went to prison last week for gang raping a minor, and 2 of your origin mps are also in prison for raping little girls and little boys.

1) Lord Ahmed
2) Imran Ahmed khan

Keep crying, i personally think thats why they chose Rishi 🤣.

Hindus took a battering in Leicester, hindutva poison has divided India and it's our biggest weapon against hindus
A chindu talking about inbreeding

You don't even care about your dogma. Only thing you care about is hating on Muslims being typical idol worshipers

Chooooo Sweeeeet a low IQ inbreed is trying to put an argument :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah I know you have plenty to chose from and hence are confused even after 5000 years which one to chose and which one to leave

Nothing to be proud of pajeet

While we have one and believe proudly in one and make likes of you run like a monkey like it happened several times :)

A chindu talking about inbreeding

You don't even care about your dogma. Only thing you care about is hating on Muslims being typical idol worshipers
Good let the mullah come out of the closet. So you do approve of marrying a daughter in law ,I guess you are not married ,if you are ask your wife or if you have a sister ask her what she thinks of mutah.
His own wealth is probably about £100 million in a blind trust. Its his wife who is richer than the king of Britain. Her wealth and his is worth £730 million. The king is worth £370 million Rishi NEVER had assets in Russia, his wife owns shares in infosys which has branches in 50 countries including Russia. Infosys has NOW CLOSED its Russian branch.

Maybe you should move to the US or Canada though both these countries will have a Indian heritage leader in the not to distant future.
I know this and I was talking about them together. his wife owns shares in Infosys and before the British media started pointing this out... they were defending with lame excuses like "we will not take profit or we will not do this n that" before immense pressure forced them to blackout from Russia.

The bottom line is, for some reason he is popular not only amongst the British Indians but some British Pakistani politicians also seem to be in favour of him.
Good let the mullah come out of the closet. So you do approve of marrying a daughter in law ,I guess you are not married ,if you are ask your wife or if you have a sister ask her what she thinks of mutah.

I don't need to ask anyone about mutah since it is banned and prohibited in Islam

And why would I disapprove marriage? I am not you. I don't have rapist gods like you. Your dislike for marriage makes sense
No, moron
They are unhappy with the conservatives and their economic and now political shenanigans'. Little to do with whites and browns.

Well, brown shaar,

Have you read the racist comments? Why do you think Lizzy was prefered over Sunak last time around? Capability or skin color? Fuktard foul mouth!! Welcome to my ignore list...
Obama was terrible for blacks and africans because he was trying to prove he is not favoring them
Will the same thing happen here? Either way this is the future of the Western world. More black/brown and Yellow people taking over and whites reducing their powerbase is good for the world
Sterling rises after Boris Johnson quits race and former chancellor pulls ahead of rival Penny Mordaunt
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His parents belonged to Gujranwala and moved out of the country before partition. Pakistanis can rejoice as much as the Indians on his becoming the PM. At least, let's jointly celebrate this victory over the colonial legacy.

Obama was terrible for blacks and africans because he was trying to prove he is not favoring them
Will the same thing happen here? Either way this is the future of the Western world. More black/brown and Yellow people taking over and whites reducing their powerbase is good for the world

Obama was indecisive president, which did a lot of damage to the US foreign policy.
The best thing that could happen next election he still leader labour get in . We employ quite a few people in this country and their life getting harder and harder
The best thing that could happen next election he still leader labour get in . We employ quite a few people in this country and their life getting harder and harder

Labour stops spending war in Ukraine and redirects money to British civilians.
Labour stops spending war in Ukraine and redirects money to British civilians.
That wont happen but a lot of our serving staff are women and labour brought in tax credits helped rthem so much these toffs chucking them into universal credit and they losing out . Tax cuts would benefit me but pay your share this country gives universal health care housing and a lot else under these toffs we have food banks.
@Areesh and @Rollno21
please take a short break. stop responding to each other. stay civil if you don't want to be judged by others as black Monkeys fighting over race.
no more arguments.

what difference in quality of life has Mayor of London made to any of you? same goes for Rishi. for us its the same old world.
spare a thought for those EDL and BNP white trash that must be ranting like crazies for having a black Prime Minster.
back when an Asian became Mayor of London, one racist made a blog declaring that London has fallen (just like the .. has fallen movie trilogy) now he will declare that Britain has fallen.

For you Tons are are needed...

Special delivery

View attachment 888957
can I give you my address? I will need some for my neighbors as well.

Profile: Rishu Sunak — Britain’s soon-to-be first prime minister of colour

Reuters Published October 24, 2022 Updated about an hour ago

<p>A file photo of Rishi Sunak, the new leader of Britain’s governing Conservative Party. — Reuters</p>

A file photo of Rishi Sunak, the new leader of Britain’s governing Conservative Party. — Reuters
Elected for the first time to parliament in 2015, Rishi Sunak is set to become Britain’s youngest prime minister in more than 200 years on Monday, tasked with steering the country through an economic crisis and mounting anger among some voters.
It is a remarkable return for Sunak who lost a leadership bid to Liz Truss less than two months ago when he was accused by some in the Conservative Party of bringing down their hero, Boris Johnson.
One of the wealthiest politicians in Westminster, he enters Downing Street facing a need to make deep public spending cuts to stem a fiscal crisis, as well as tackling a cost-of-living crunch, a winter of strikes and Russia’s war in Ukraine.
His backers say the former finance minister is a safe pair of hands who can restore Britain’s credibility with investors who sold the country’s bonds and sterling after Truss’s mini-budget offered tax cuts with little on how to fund them.

But the former Goldman Sachs analyst and hedge fund partner also faces challenges within the governing Conservative Party, where some lawmakers blame him for his role in ousting Johnson and are concerned he has not got what it takes to win elections.
The opposition Labour Party is likely to paint him as a member of the uber-rich elite, out of touch with the pressures faced by millions as Britain slides towards a recession, dragged down by the surging cost of food and energy.
Some fear he cannot reunite a party that is deeply divided and getting used to quickly dispensing with leaders they do not like.
“He couldn’t beat Liz Truss last month; he’s not turned into an election winner less than two months later,” one senior Conservative lawmaker said on condition of anonymity after supporting Johnson in his failed bid to run again.
Sunak replaces Truss, who said she would resign four days ago but who defeated him on September 5 with 57 per centof the vote from Conservative members.
Then, the former finance minister repeatedly described his predecessor’s ideas as “fairytale” economics that would spook the markets.
He was proved right, but after a fast-track leadership race, some Conservatives say they doubt his commitment to a Margaret Thatcher-style small-state vision to spur growth after he put Britain on course for the highest tax burden since the 1950s with emergency pandemic spending on saving jobs and welfare.
When declaring his candidacy, Sunak, 42, said he had a track record that showed he could “fix our economy, unite our party and deliver for our country”.
“There will be integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level of the government I lead and I will work day in and day out to get the job done,” he said in veiled criticism of Johnson, forced out over a scandal-ridden premiership.

First Indian-heritage PM​

Born in Southampton in 1980 to Hindu parents of Punjabi Indian descent, Sunak repeatedly during the last leadership campaign spoke of helping his mum, who ran a pharmacy, with the books, doing payroll and accounts.
He had a privileged education — he went to an elite fee-paying school and is the latest prime minister to have studied politics, philosophy and economics at Oxford University, following David Cameron and his predecessor, Truss.
During the last leadership campaign, he supported the creation of more selective grammar schools after new ones were banned by the opposition Labour Party, but repeatedly said that “a world-class education” should be a birthright.
He will also be the first person of colour to become Britain’s prime minister.
Ravi Kumar, 38, a Conservative Party member working at a finance company in the central English city of Nottingham, described the appointment as a “watershed moment”.
“I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and I could not even imagine a non-white prime minister in my lifetime … So to see a British Indian leader is phenomenal,” he told Reuters.
But Sunak’s marriage to the daughter of an Indian billionaire has raised concerns in the party that he is too far removed from the concerns of everyday voters, some of whom are being forced by spiralling inflation to decide whether to spend their money on food or heating.
It didn’t help that in April, Sunak’s wife was forced to confirm reports that her non-domiciled status meant she did not pay tax on all her international earnings, something she agreed to end.
“Rishi never had an overdraft so he is used to having a treasury (finance ministry) account and a current account,” said one Conservative insider who had backed Johnson.
“Rishi has good PR but an inability to be brave and be the Brexit Chancellor the UK needs,” the insider said on condition of anonymity.
Sunak’s supporters say he is just the man who is needed to steady the ship financially after Truss’s so-called mini-budget roiled financial markets, raising government borrowing and increasing mortgages and fears pensions funds could go bust.
“We need someone who can provide stability and proven economic competence in these challenging times, and Rishi Sunak is that person,” said Grant Shapps, brought in as Britain’s interior minister after Truss sacked his predecessor.
Shapps was just one of several ministers to back Sunak after Johnson pulled out late on Sunday, surprising and even angering his own supporters. Johnson has not made public who he backed.

Covid champion​

Sunak rose swiftly up the ranks of the Conservative Party, becoming, in 2020, one of the youngest finance ministers.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit Britain, Sunak dropped the Conservatives’ small-state instincts to borrow massively and stave off the risk of an economic depression.
That made him one of the most popular politicians in the country, as he was praised for helping businesses and workers.
In one photograph that captured the sense of unity behind his rescue plans, Sunak posed outside his Downing Street office flanked by the heads of Britain’s biggest trade union group and a leading employers’ group.
But that consensus disappeared as Britain emerged from the crisis saddled with an extra 400 billion pounds of debt and then fell into a cost-of-living crisis that led to even more demands on the public purse.
Polls earlier this year showed his stock had fallen with the public, who were worried about the cost of living crisis and angered that he had raised payroll taxes while his wife had avoided British levies.
Labour leader Keir Starmer is expected to seize on the appointment of a new wealthy prime minister by Conservative lawmakers rather than by the country as a reason why Britain should face a national election before it is due in two years.
“My focus is on the millions of people who are struggling to pay their bills, now have additional anxieties about their mortgage. I know what it feels like,” Starmer said on Sunday.
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