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Rishi Sunak, of Indian heritage is new UK Prime Minister

His own wealth is probably about £100 million in a blind trust. Its his wife who is richer than the king of Britain. Her wealth and his is worth £730 million. The king is worth £370 million Rishi NEVER had assets in Russia, his wife owns shares in infosys which has branches in 50 countries including Russia. Infosys has NOW CLOSED its Russian branch.

Maybe you should move to the US or Canada though both these countries will have a Indian heritage leader in the not to distant future.

Let them live in their lala land.

Why are you trying to educate these dumbos.
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Going through the comments in the popular UK news sites, it is all but sure that Mr. Sunak, even if he manages to do some miracles, economically i.e., and manages to stay on as PM for the remaining two years, there is no chance in hell that he will be able to get a majority mandate at next election.

The whites are not at all happy to be managed by a brown CEO.
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Going through the comments in the popular UK news sites, it is all but sure that Mr. Sunak, even if he manages to do some miracles, economically i.e., and manages to stay on as PM for the remaining two years, there is no chance in hell that he will be able to get a majority mandate at next election.

The whites are not at all happy to be managed by a brown CEO.
Obviously, just like we weren’t happy when Antonia Maino won 2004 lok sabha elections and later Maunmohan Singh became PM.
Dumbo what you are blabbering is factually incorrect and that been pointed to you earlier.

Now take Burnol and go to rest.

No it isn't factually incorrect

You have bhagwans who were rapist and stuff like that
Stop rapist worshiping so that you don't end up raping your own daughter just to end up as a bhagwan and have a temple with orgy pics in it dedicated for you
We have plenty to choose from , unfortunately you just had to select one. :-) ,if we don't like something we can walk away and choose someone else , but some know it's wrong but will have to live with it.

We can call what is wrong as wrong ,
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Whatever pajeet

Move on. We have an old gandu to tackle here

I am pretty sure that you never bothered to read those scripture like great majority of your cult

But yeah whatever :lol:

Dont you have something new spew ????

Your low IQ pea sized brain cant comprehend any new argument???

Same stuff again and again, just like needle stuck on the same record on gramophone.
Taleem nahi aur inteha pasand hai.
We have plenty to choose from , unfortunately you just had to select one. :-) ,if we don't like something we can walk away and choose someone else , but some know it's wrong but will have to live with it.

Yeah I know you have plenty to chose from and hence are confused even after 5000 years which one to chose and which one to leave

Nothing to be proud of pajeet

While we have one and believe proudly in one and make likes of you run like a monkey like it happened several times :)

Do you think we have brains as of inbreeding quom and dont know what you are talking about ????

A chindu talking about inbreeding

You don't even care about your dogma. Only thing you care about is hating on Muslims being typical idol worshipers
It will be more then that

What will the first thing the Hindu types do??

They will bang their chests as if they won something?

So either through their own idiotic efforts, or our efforts or just that the white people will be aware or see the bravado their will be a resulting fall out

It is something Pakistani should utilise right away
No cupcake, you cant utilize anything, 20 of you guys just went to prison last week for gang raping a minor, and 2 of your origin mps are also in prison for raping little girls and little boys.

1) Lord Ahmed
2) Imran Ahmed khan

Keep crying, i personally think thats why they chose Rishi 🤣.
On Topic:

Going through the comments in the popular UK news sites, it is all but sure that Mr. Sunak, even if he manages to do some miracles, economically i.e., and manages to stay on as PM for the remaining two years, there is no chance in hell that he will be able to get a majority mandate at next election.

The whites are not at all happy to be managed by a brown CEO.

No, moron
They are unhappy with the conservatives and their economic and now political shenanigans'. Little to do with whites and browns.
On Topic:

Going through the comments in the popular UK news sites, it is all but sure that Mr. Sunak, even if he manages to do some miracles, economically i.e., and manages to stay on as PM for the remaining two years, there is no chance in hell that he will be able to get a majority mandate at next election.

The whites are not at all happy to be managed by a brown CEO.

Of course not and our objective IMMEDIATELY must be to support the 'Hindu Indian ruling the whites' line and like recently in Leicester let the hindutva do the job for us

Unlike Sadiq Khan who has a mixed voting population with a high number of non white voters, here this dude has to appeal to the Tory's who already are saying they have not had a vote or a choice

Sunak will carry the party and be wiped out in the next general elections, but we need to play this to our advantage as much as possible
Not voted for by the public this country still not ready to vote for a colored person IMO
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