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Rise of the PYD in Syria. Is it a security threat for Turkey?


Feb 9, 2014
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As we all know the far left "Democratic Union Party" (PYD) in Syria is basically ruling over the Northwestern part of the country. It is well known that this group is an affilate of the PKK if not the same organization. Since the start of the Syrian Civil War the PYD has quietly constructed its own government in Syria including an army (YPG), police force (Asayis), and even conducts it's own foreign policy.

  • What are the future security implications of this development in northwest Syria for the Turkey?
  • What actions if any should be taken by the Turkish government in regard to this issue?


Didnt you see the picture of Abdullah Ocalan at the entrance of a village in the video you posted?
They are PKK.
What we should do is very simple;arm the Turkmens and the alevi's so that both take a peace of the cake.
We need to have a Turkmen enclave(in the North) in Syria,and a Alevi state along the Hatay border.
Didnt you see the picture of Abdullah Ocalan at the entrance of a village in the video you posted?
They are PKK.
What we should do is very simple;arm the Turkmens and the alevi's so that both take a peace of the cake.
We need to have a Turkmen enclave(in the North) in Syria,and a Alevi state along the Hatay border.
Unfoturnately like you just stated we have to face the reality that syria will be a divided country and should take a piece of the cake via the Turkmens. Why do you think their should be an Alevi state? Won't they hold a grudge against Turkey because of Turkeys opposition to Assad.?

@isoo what do you think?
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What are the future security implications of this development in northwest Syria for the Turkey?

only real problems imo are pkk having more freedom to act around Turkey's border, a possible strengthening of the Kurdistan feeling among the Kurds ('one step closer...') and that possible puppet state of the PYD being handled and/or supported by Turkey's enemies. as a state they will stand no chance economically and militarily. as far as i know that region is not that wealthy, except for some oil, so i won't be surprised if their overall situation will stay the same more or less for the near future, unless Turkey or another country decides to invest like Turkey did in KRG.

What actions if any should be taken by the Turkish government in regard to this issue?

embracing them will ensure a short term peace, because i think the time will come the PYD, KRG and pkk will turn their nose towards Turkey (and Iran), even if they seem to have a beef between each other. I just think that Turkey for once also needs to show its teeth in this damned region. showing goodwill and acting kind in this region didn't bear any fruit for Turkey at all, hence the somewhat failed 'zero problem' strategy. Turkey should make clear that if the PYD, as an eventual Kurdish state in the future, has been found supporting the pkk (though we already know they do), it will be treated as an enemy too, thus making sure they will bear the consequences. anyway, i believe the guys in the top positions know better than me how to handle this issue.
On contrary, If they can survive that long, they would provide us some stationary targets. When the shit hits the fan, this time we would know where to hit.
PYD and Barzani of KRG, already have problems among themselves. We should just pit them against eachother.

I don't think PYD is a security threat for us. Terrain is flat nothing like mountainous northern Iraq. We can easily annihilate what forces they have.
On contrary, If they can survive that long, they would provide us some stationary targets. When the shit hits the fan, this time we would know where to hit.

That is if they switch to an official military doctrine/system. I don't expect they will give up their guerilla methods, because they know well that they can't win with tanks, planes etc. Anyway, we can strike economical targets there, which will hurt all of the people there, thus kinda blackmailing the pyd/pkk to stop its acts or bear the consequences.
Unfoturnately like you just stated we have to face the reality that syria will be a divided country and should take a piece of the cake via the Turkmens. Why do you think their should be an Alevi state? Won't they hold a grudge against Turkey because of Turkeys opposition to Assad.?

@isoo what do you think?
No,they know they will lose Syria as a country.
Many of them have familly in Turkey(Hatay predominantly)and they know Turkey will protect them against ''others''.
This was the plan all along from our side(Erdogan,Davutoglu).
If they have a own country,they will seek help from the obvious,Turkey.
For us,they would be a buffer against the crazy ISIS country or whatever the name will be.
The Turkmens,we know where they belong to.

That is if they switch to an official military doctrine/system. I don't expect they will give up their guerilla methods, because they know well that they can't win with tanks, planes etc. Anyway, we can strike economical targets there, which will hurt all of the people there, thus kinda blackmailing the pyd/pkk to stop its acts or bear the consequences.
Syrian territory is 90% flat,they wouldnt dare guerilla tactics.
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Syrian Kurds seek to export oil via Turkey

Syrian Kurdish PYD party leader Asya Abdullah said that Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) was seeking good relations with Turkey.
World Bulletin / News Desk

Following the declaration of autonomous independence of three Kurdish regions in northern Syria, it has been announced that the Syrian Kurds are preparing to export their oil via Turkey.

Asya Abdullah, one of the leaders of the Syrian Kurdish PYD party, has been reported to have have said that the PYD was in talks with Turkey's Foreign Ministry to discuss the export of oil, according to the daily Milliyet.

Although Abdullah said that the meetings between PYD chief Salih Muslim and Turkey regarding the issue are currently on hold, he reportedly said 'The more meetings there are the better. We see this as important for the future of Syria,' adding that they wanted to continue the dialogue process with Turkey.

Denying that the Syrian Kurds were after full independence, Abdullah added that two of the first three people in the first canton to declare autonomy, Cizire, were non-Kurds - with one being an Arab and the other being a Syriac.

Speaking to BBC Turkish, Abdullah also said that Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) was seeking Turkey's support, reassuring that Rojava is not and would not be an opposing power to Turkey.
Unfoturnately like you just stated we have to face the reality that syria will be a divided country and should take a piece of the cake via the Turkmens. Why do you think their should be an Alevi state? Won't they hold a grudge against Turkey because of Turkeys opposition to Assad.?

@isoo what do you think?

I dont have much information but i would like to get attention on some points why it would be a threat for us,
Apart from KRG , PYD is a guerilla based , i mean their security forces consist of PKK , their men used to order for bombings in turkey .
After peace talks began in turkey, a BBC spokesman reported that there were freshes joining from PKK (in large quantitives) , they already have tensions with Barzani as their management section trying to supress PKK too and its a bit complicated.
There is already ISIS brought to be against PYD ,and PYD well knows they need turkey for oil,and specially for reconstruction of area.

just after they decraled their area control ,their leader visited turkey several time , in all of them he was just assuring -a kurdish state on syria wouldnt be a threat ,and they are willing to be ally - but its debatable how much we can trust a PKK based people .
I guess ISIS is buffer for PYD currently.

One more thing to say, even main actors of syria conflict cant see what is next , russia and usa . They are terrified because now each group lost control.
ISIS attacks PYD, PYD to FSA , FSA to ISIS , ISIS to north iraq ,FSA to Assad and then Assad to anyone found alive.
So about PYD it cant be seen easily whether a threat or an ally. 60% and 40% respectively.
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